
Scholium 6.13.2: Association of Pan (492) by “mathildevrst

Scholium 6.13.2: Addition of [grc] Τῶι Πανὶ παρατριῶν ἀλιέων· άδελφῶν by “mathildevrst

Scholium 6.13.1: Addition of [grc] εἰς τὸν αὐτόν Λεωνίδου by “mathildevrst

Epigram 9.720: Addition of [fra] Si Myron ne m'avait fixé les … by “mathildevrst

Epigram 9.719: Addition of [fra] Myron ne m'a pas modelée, il … by “mathildevrst

Epigram 9.735: Addition of [fra] Près de ta génisse, Myron, un … by “mathildevrst

Epigram 9.798: Addition of [fra] Résigne-toi, Myron ; l'art t'impose sa … by “mathildevrst

Epigram 9.793: Addition of [fra] En voyant cette génisse de Myron, … by “mathildevrst

Epigram 9.738: Addition of [fra] Dans cette vache, la nature et … by “mathildevrst

Epigram 7.489: Addition of Comment (PK 1610) by “mathildevrst

Scholium 7.489.2: Addition of [ita] Su Timade ugualmente morta prima prima … by “mathildevrst

Scholium 7.489.2: Addition of [grc] εἰς Τιμάδα ὁμοίως πρὀ γάμου τελευτήσασαν by “mathildevrst

Scholium 7.489.1: Addition of [ita] Di Saffo by “mathildevrst

Scholium 7.489.1: Addition of [grc] Σαπφοῦς by “mathildevrst

Epigram 7.489: Addition of [ita] Qui è la cenere di Timade … by “mathildevrst

Scholium 6.269.3: Addition of [grc] ολοσφαλτον by “mathildevrst

Scholium 6.269.2: Modification of [grc] εἰς τὸ ἀντιβόλιν οὐ κεῖται τοῦ … by “mathildevrst

Scholium 6.269.2: Addition of [grc] εἰς τὸ ἀντιβόλιν οὐ κεῖται τοῦ … by “mathildevrst

Epigram 6.269: Association of Sappho (8) by “mathildevrst

Epigram 6.269: Removal of Sappho by “mathildevrst

Epigram 6.269: Modification of Comment (PK 1609) by “mathildevrst

Epigram 6.269: Modification of Comment (PK 1609) by “mathildevrst

Epigram 6.269: Addition of Comment (PK 1609) by “mathildevrst

Scholium 6.269.1: Addition of [ita] Alla maniera di Saffo by “mathildevrst

Scholium 6.269.1: Addition of [grc] ὡς Σαπφοῦς by “mathildevrst

Epigram 6.269: Modification of [ita] Io sono muta, faniculle, ma quando … by “mathildevrst

Epigram 6.269: Addition of [ita] Io sono muta, faniculle, ma quando … by “mathildevrst

Epigram 14.120: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.121: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.122: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.123: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.124: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.125: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.126: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.127: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.128: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.129: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.130: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.131: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.132: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.133: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.134: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.135: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.136: Addition of Comment (PK 1608) by “marviro

Epigram 14.136: Addition of [fra] J'ai hâte de la voir debout, … by “marviro

Epigram 14.136: Addition of [grc] Πλινθουργοί, μάλα τοῦτον ἐπείγομαι οἶκον ἐγεῖραι, … by “marviro

Epigram 14.119: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.118: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.117: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro

Epigram 14.116: Association of Metrodorus by “marviro