Epigram 12.50

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Codex Palatinus 23 p. 576


πῖν᾽, Ἀσκληπιάδη: τί τὰ δάκρυα ταῦτα; τί πάσχεις
οὐ σὲ μόνον χαλεπὴ Κύπρις ἐληίσατο,
οὐδ᾽ ἐπὶ σοὶ μούνῳ κατεθήξατο τόξα καὶ ἰοὺς
πικρὸς Ἔρως. τί ζῶν ἐν σποδιῇ τίθεσαι;

πίνωμεν Βάκχου ζωρὸν πόμα: δάκτυλος ἀώς:
ἦ πάλι κοιμιστὰν λύχνον ἰδεῖν μένομεν;
πίνωμεν, δύσερως: ^ μετά τοι χρόνον οὐκέτι πουλύν,
σχέτλιε, τὴν μακρὰν νύκτ᾽ ἀναπαυσόμεθα.

— Paton edition

Drink, Asclepiades. Why these tears ? What aileth thee ? Not thee alone hath cruel Cypris taken captive ; not for thee alone hath bitter Love sharpened his arrows. Why whilst yet alive dost thou lie in the dust ? Let us quaff the unmixed drink of Bacchus. The day is but a Anger’s breadth. Shall we wait to see again the lamp that bids us to bed ? Let us drink, woeful lover. It is not far away now, poor wretch, the time when we shall rest through the long night.

— Paton edition




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Last modifications

Epigram 12.50: Addition of [eng] Drink, Asclepiades. Why these tears ? … by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.50: Addition of [fra] Bois, Asclépiade ! Pourquoi ces larmes … by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.50: Removal of Text by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.50: Addition of Text by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.50: First revision

See all modifications →