κλῦθι, Ἀλεξάνδρεια: Φιλάγριος ὤλεσε μορφὴν
— Paton edition
τῆς λογικῆς ψυχῆς οὔτι χερειοτέρην,
Καισάριον δὲ νέον Φθόνος ἥρπασεν οὔποτε τοῖα
πέμψεις εὐίπποις ἄνθεα Καππαδόκαις.
Écoute, Alexandrie*: Philagrios a perdu sa beauté, qui
— Waltz edition
ne le cédait en rien à l'intelligence de son âme; et Césaire,
encore jeune, a été ravi par un Destin jaloux. Jamais tu
ne renverra de pareilles fleurs* chez les Cappadociens aux
beaux chevaux.
Listen, Alexandria, Philagrius has lost his beauty,
— Paton edition
a beauty not inferior to his rational soul, and envy
hath carried off Caesarius yet in his youth. Never
again shalt thou send such flowers to Cappadocia, the
land of beautiful horses.
Odi, Alessandria: Filagrio perdé la bellezza di forme
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
non inferiore all'anima pensante;
giovane prese l'Invidia Cesario: ai Cappàdoci equestri
tu mai più manderai simili fiori.
Odi, Alessandria: Filagrio perdé la bellezza di forme
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
non inferiore all'anima pensante;
giovane prese l'Invidia Cesario: ai Cappàdoci equestri
tu mai più manderai simili fiori.
Listen, Alexandria, Philagrius has lost his beauty,
— Paton edition
a beauty not inferior to his rational soul, and envy
hath carried off Caesarius yet in his youth. Never
again shalt thou send such flowers to Cappadocia, the
land of beautiful horses.
Écoute, Alexandrie*: Philagrios a perdu sa beauté, qui
— Waltz edition
ne le cédait en rien à l'intelligence de son âme; et Césaire,
encore jeune, a été ravi par un Destin jaloux. Jamais tu
ne renverra de pareilles fleurs* chez les Cappadociens aux
beaux chevaux.
κλῦθι, Ἀλεξάνδρεια: Φιλάγριος ὤλεσε μορφὴν
— Paton edition
τῆς λογικῆς ψυχῆς οὔτι χερειοτέρην,
Καισάριον δὲ νέον Φθόνος ἥρπασεν οὔποτε τοῖα
πέμψεις εὐίπποις ἄνθεα Καππαδόκαις.
Metric forms (eng)
Genres (eng)
Motifs (eng)
Peoples, places (eng)
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 8.100: Association of Cappadocia by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 8.100: Association of Cappadocia (1517) by “antoniof.caccaviello”
Epigram 8.100: Association of lágrima (1511) by “antoniof.caccaviello”
Epigram 8.100: Association of pleur (1437) by “antoniof.caccaviello”
Epigram 8.100: Association of death (1431) by “antoniof.caccaviello”
See all modifications →