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                    "text": "\n                     οὕτω κουφότατος πέλε Γάιος, ὥστ᾽ ἐκολύμβα\n τοῦ ποδὸς ἐκκρεμάσας ἢ λίθον ἢ μόλιβον.\n"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Gaius était si léger qu'il ne plongeait qu'après avoir suspendu à son pied une pierre ou du plomb"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Gaius was so very light that he used to dive with \na stone or lead hung from his foot. "
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                    "text": "\n                      ῥιπίζων ἐν ὕπνοις Δημήτριος Ἀρτεμιδώραν\n τὴν λεπτήν, ἐκ τοῦ δώματος ἐξέβαλεν.\n\n                  "
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                    "text": "Démétrius éventait durant son sommeil la gracile Artemidora; il la projeta hors de sa demeure!"
                    "url": "",
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                    "text": "Demetrius, fanning slight little Artemidora in her \nsleep, fanned her off the roof."
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
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                            "name": "Λουκίλλιος",
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                    "text": "\n                      ἐξαίρων ποτ᾽ ἄκανθαν ὁ λεπτακινὸς Διόδωρος\nαὐτὸς ἐτρύπησεν τῷ ποδὶ τὴν βελόνην.\n"
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                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Un jour, Diodore le menu tentait de retirer une épine: il perça l'aiguille avec son pied!"
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                    "text": "Thin little Diodorus once in taking a thorn out \nmade a hole in the needle with his foot."
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                    "text": "\n                      ἐξ ἀτόμων Ἐπίκουρος ὅλον τὸν κόσμον ἔγραψεν\nεἶναι, τοῦτο δοκῶν, Ἄλκιμε, λεπτότατον.\nεἰ δὲ τότ᾽ ἦν Διόφαντος, ἔγραψεν ἂν ἐκ Διοφάντου,\n τοῦ καὶ τῶν ἀτόμων πουλύ τι λεπτοτέρου,\n\n                     ἢ τὰ μὲν ἄλλ᾽ ἔγραψε συνεστάναι ἐξ ἀτόμων ἄν,\nἐκ τούτου δ᾽ αὐτάς, Ἄλκιμε, τὰς ἀτόμους.\n"
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                    "text": "\"C'est d'atomes, écrit Épicure, qu'est fait tout l'univers\". Il pensait que c'était là, Alcimos, l'élément le plus subtil. Si, en son temps, eût vécu Diophantes, il eût écrit que l'univers était fait de Diophantes, tant il est subtil et bien plus que les atomes. Ou alors, il eût écrit que tout est composé d'atomes, sans doute; mais que c'est de Diophantes qu'en revanche, Alcimos, sont faits les atomes."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Epicurus wrote that all the world consisted of \natoms, thinking, Alcimus, that an atom was the most \nminute thing. But if Diophantus had existed then \nhe would have written that it consisted of Diophantus,\nwho is much more minute than the atoms. \nOr he would have written, that other things were \ncomposed of atoms, but the atoms themselves, \nAlcimus, of Diophantus. "
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                    "text": "\n                     ἱππεύων μύρμηκι Μενέστρατος, ὡς ἐλέφαντι,\n δύσμορος ἐξαπίνης ὕπτιος ἐξετάθη,\nλακτισθεὶς δ᾽ ὡς εἶχε τὸ καίριον, ὦ φθόνε, φησίν,\n\n                      οὕτως ἱππεύων ὤλετο καὶ Φαέθων. \n                  "
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                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Menestratos chevauchait une fourmi comme on l'eût fait d'un éléphant. L'infortuné soudain glissa en arrière et se trouva étendu sur le sol. Il reçut une ruade et, sous le coup mortel, il s'écria: \" O Envie, c'est ainsi en chevauchant, que périt aussi Phaéton...\""
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Poor Menestratus once, riding on an ant as if it \nwere van elephant, was suddenly stretched on his \nback. When it trod on him and he was breathing \nhis last, “O Envy!” he exclaimed, \"thus riding \nperished Phaethon too.” "
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                    "title": "Mythe de Phaéton, fils du Soleil",
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                    "text": "\n                      τὸν μέγαν ἐζήτουν Εὐμήκιον ὃς δ᾽ ἐκάθευδεν\n μικρῷ ὑπ᾽ ὀξυβάφῳ τὰς χέρας ἐκτανύσας.\n"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Je cherchais le grand Eumécius. Et lui, il dormait sous une petite saucière, les bras étendus..."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "I was looking for great Eumecius, and he was \nasleep with his arms stretched out under a small \nsaucer. "
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                    "text": "\n                      ἀρθεὶς ἐξ αὔρης λεπτῆς ἐποτᾶτο δι᾽ αἴθρης\nΧαιρήμων, ἀχύρου πολλὸν ἐλαφρότερος: \n                      καὶ τάχ᾽ ἂν ἐρροίζητο δι᾽ αἰθέρος, εἰ μὴ ἀράχνῃ\nτοὺς πόδας ἐμπλεχθεὶς ὕπτιος ἐκρέματο.\n\n                     αὐτοῦ δὴ νύκτας τε καὶ ἤματα πέντε κρεμασθεὶς\n ἑκταῖος κατέβη νήματι τῆς ἀράχνης.\n"
                    "url": "",
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                    "text": "Un vent léger l'enleva et Chairémon s'envola dans l'air serein, bien plus léger que fêtu de paille! Et, vite, il eût fendu impétueusement les airs si dans une toile d'araignée il ne se fût emmêlé les pieds et n'y était demeuré accroché, étendu sur le dos. Là donc, cinq jours et cinq nuits, il resta suspendu; et le sixième, il descendit le long d'un fil de la toile."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Chaeremon caught by a slight breeze was floating \nin the air, much lighter than a straw. He would \nsoon have been swept away through the air, if he \nhad not caught his feet in a spider’s web and hung \nthere on his back. Here he hung for five days and \nnights, and on the sixth day came down by a thread \nof the web. "
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                    "text": "\n                      αἰγείρου φύλλῳ πεφορημένῳ ἐξ ἀνέμοιο\n πληγεὶς Χαιρήμων ὕπτιος ἐξετάθη.\n κεῖται δ᾽ ἢ Τιτυῷ ἐναλίγκιος, ἢ πάλι κάμπῃ,\n ἁπλώσας κατὰ γῆς σῶμα τὸ καννάβινον.\n"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Une feuille de peuplier que le vent emportait frappa Chairémon; renversé il était étendu et il gît là, semblable à Tityos, ou plutôt à une chenille, étalé sur le sol, comme un pantin."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Chaeremon fell flat on his back, struck by a poplar \nleaf carried by the wind, and he lies on the ground \nlike Tityus or rather like a caterpillar, stretching on \nthe ground his skeleton body."
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                    "text": "\n                      Κόνων δίπηχυς, ἡ γυνὴ δὲ τεσσάρων\nἐν τῇ κλίνῃ δὲ τῶν ποδῶν ἰσουμένων,\nσκόπει Κόνωνος ποῦ τὸ χεῖλος ἔρχεται,\n"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Conon a deux coudées; sa femme en a quatre. Dans le lit, quand leurs pieds se touchent, songe aux lèvres de Conon. Où se trouvent-elles?"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Conon is two cubits tall, his wife four. In bed, \nthen, with their feet on a level, reckon where \nConon’s face is. "
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                    "text": "Il n'y a rien sur quoi puisse pencher la tête le petit Démétrius. Il a beau se redresser, toujours il est plaqué au sol."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Little Demetrius has not wherewith to stoop, but \r\nalways lies flat on the ground trying to get up."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Oὐδ᾽ ἐπικύψαι ἔχει Δημήτριος οὐδὲν ὁ μικρός:\r\nἀλλ᾽ ἔρριπται χαμαὶ πάντοτ᾽ ἐπαιρόμενος. ."
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                    "text": "τρεῖς λεπτοὶ πρῴην περὶ λεπτοσύνης ἐμάχοντο,\nτίς  προκριθεὶς εἴη λεπτεπιλεπτότερος.\nὧν ὁ μὲν εἷς,Ἕρμων, μεγάλην ἐνεδείξατο τέχνην,\n καὶ διέδυ ῥαφίδος τρῆμα, λίνον κατέχων\n\n                   Δημᾶς δ᾽ ἐκ τρώγλης βαίνων ἐς ἀράχνιον ἔστη,\nἡ δ᾽ ἀράχνη νήθους1᾽ αὐτὸν ἀπεκρέμασεν.\nΣωσίπατρος δ᾽ ἐβόησεν \n                      ἐμὲ στεφανώσατ᾽ ἐγὼ\n\n                     εἰ βλέπομ᾽, ἥττημαι: πνεῦμα γάρ εἰμι μόνον."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Tout récemment, trois maigres faisaient un concours de maigreur: à qui reviendrait le titre de \"roi des maigres\"! L'un d'eux, Hermon, fit montre d'une grande adresse et glissa au travers du chas d'un aiguille tout en tenant le fil. Démas, sortant d'un trou, se tint debout sur une toile d'araignée: la bestiole, élaborant ses fils, le tint suspendu. Mais Sosipatros s'écria: \"Donnez-moi la couronne; car moi, si l'on me voit, je m'avoue vaincu: je ne suis qu'un souffle."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Three thin men were competing the other day \r\nabout thinness, to see which of them would be \r\nadjudged the very thinnest. The one, Hermon, exhibited great skill and went through the eye of a needle holding the thread. But Demas coming out of a hole stopped at a spider’s web, and the spider spinning hung him from it. But Sosipater exclaimed, “Give me the prize, for I lose it if I am seen, since I am nothing but air.”"
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Βουλόμενόσποθ᾽ ὁ λεπτὸς ἀπάγξασθαι Διόφαντος,\n νῆμα λαβὼν ἀράχνης αὑτὸν ἀπηγχόνισεν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Voulant un jour s'étrangler, Diophante le menu prit un fil d'araignée et se pendit."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Lean Diophantus once wishing to hang himself \r\ntook a thread from a spider’s web and did so."
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                            "name": "Λουκίλλιος",
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                    "text": "Avant de te passer cet onguent, Démocrate, dis adieu, malheureux, à la sainte lumière, tant il est sûr que Dion ne vous manque jamais! Non content d'aveugler Olympicos, notre homme d'une statue à lui a fait sauter les yeux!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Before he anoints your eyes, Demostratus, say \r\n“Adieu dear light,\" so successful is Dion. Not only did he blind Olympicus, but through his treatment of him put out the eyes of the portrait of himself he had."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "πρίν σ᾽ ἐναλείψασθαι, Δημόστρατε, χαῖρ᾽, ἱερὸν φῶς,\r\nεἰπὲ τάλας: οὕτως εὔσκοπός ἐστι Δίων.\r\nοὐ μόνον ἐξετύφλωσεν Ὀλυμπικόν, ἀλλὰ δι᾽ αὐτοῦ\r\nεἰκόνος ἧς εἶχεν τὰ βλέφαρ᾽ ἐξέβαλεν."
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τοῦ λιθίνου Διὸς ἐχθὲς ὁ κλινικὸς ἥψατο Μάρκος:\nκαὶ λίθος ὢν καὶ Ζεύς, σήμερον ἐκφέρεται."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "La statue de marbre de Zeus, hier, le médecin Marcus l'a touchée. C'était du marbre et c'était Zeus. Et pourtant aujourd'hui, on l'emporte!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "The physician Marcus laid his hand yesterday on the stone Zeus, and though he is of stone and Zeus he is to be buried to-day."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1468",
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
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                            "name": "Lucillio",
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
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                            "name": "Λουκίλλιος",
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "\n                      Ἑρμογένην τὸν ἰατρὸν ὁ ἀστρολόγος Διόφαντος\nεἶπε μόνους ζωῆς ἐννέα μῆνας ἔχειν.\n κἀκεῖνος γελάσας, τί  μὲν ὁ Κρόνος ἐννέα μηνῶν,\n                     φησί,  λέγει, σὺ νόει: τἀμὰ δὲ σύντομά σοι.\n                     \n                     εἶπε, καὶ ἐκτείνας μόνον ἥψατο: καὶ Διόφαντος\n ἄλλον ἀπελπίζων, αὐτὸς ἀπεσκάρισεν.\n"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "The astrologer Diophantus told Hermogenes the\ndoctor that he had only nine months to live, and he,\nsmiling said, \"You understand what Saturn says will\nhappen in nine months, but my treatment is more\nexpeditious for you.\" Having said so he reached out\nhis hand and only touched him, and Diophantus,\ntrying to drive another to despair, himself gave his\nlast gasp."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "\"Le médecin Hermogénès, a dit l'astrologue Diophante, en a seulement pour neuf mois de vie.\" Et lui de répondre  en riant: \"Qu'arrivera-t-il dans neuf mois, selon Cronos? À toi d'y penser: mon action à ton égard est plus expéditive!\" Il parla, étendit la main, le toucha simplement. Alors ce Diophante, qui à autrui enlevait tout espoir, eut lui-même un attaque."
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ἤν τιν᾽ ἔχῃς ἐχθρόν, Διονύσιε, μὴ καταράσῃ\n τὴν Ἶσιν τούτῳ, μηδὲ τὸν Ἁρποκράτην,\n μηδ᾽ εἴ τις τυφλοὺς ποιεῖ θεός, ἀλλὰ Σίμωνα:\nκαὶ γνώσῃ, τί θεός, καὶ τί Σίμων δύναται,"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Si tu as quelque ennemi, Denys, ne va pas attirer contre lui la malédiction d'Isis, d'Harpocratès, ni de quelque dieu qui sache aveugler, mais celle de Simon. Entre un dieu et Simon tu verras le plus fort."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "If you have an enemy, Dionysius, call not down on him the curse of Isis or Harpocrates or of any god who blinds men, but call on Simon and you will see what a god’s power is and what Simon’s is."
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
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                            "name": "Λουκίλλιος",
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "εἰς Ἄϊδος κατέπεμψε πάλαι ποτέ, δέσποτα Καῖσαρ,\nὡς λόγος, Εὐρυσθεὺς τὸν μέγαν Ἡρακλέα:\n νῦν δ᾽ ἐμὲ Μηνοφάνης ὁ κλινικός: ὥστε λεγέσθω\n κλινικὸς Εὐρυσθεύς, μηκέτι Μηνοφάνης."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Qui vers l'Hadès, il y a bien longtemps suivant la légende, envoya, ô César notre maître, le grand Héraclès, ce fut Eurysthée. Mais ce jour, c'est moi qu'y expédie Ménophanès, le médecin. Alors, qu'on appelle médecin Eurysthée et non plus Ménophanès!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Lord Caesar, as they tell, Eurystheus once sent \r\ndown great Heracles to the house of Hades ; but now Menophanes the physician has sent me. So let him be called Doctor Eurystheus and no longer Doctor Menophanes."
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            "texts": [
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ἰητρὸς Καπίτων Χρύσην ἐνέχρισεν, ὁρῶντα\n ὀκτὼ μὲν μακρὸν πύργον ἀπὸ σταδίων,\n ἄνδρα δ᾽ ἀπὸ σταδίου, διὰ δώδεκα δ᾽ ὄρτυγα πηχῶν,\n φθεῖρα δ᾽ ἀπὸ σπιθαμῶν καὶ δύο δερκόμενον.\n\n                   νῦν δ᾽ ἀπὸ μὲν σταδίου πόλιν οὐ βλέπει, ἐκ δὲ διπλέθρου\nκαιόμενον κατιδεῖν τὸν φάρον οὐ δύναται:\n ἵππον ἀπὸ σπιθαμῆς δὲ μόλις βλέπει, ἀντὶ δὲ τοῦ πρὶν\nὄρτυγος οὐδὲ μέγαν στρουθὸν ἰδεῖν δύναται.\nἂν δὲ προσεγχρίσας αὐτὸν φθάσῃ, οὐδ᾽ ἐλέφαντα\n\n                  οὐκέτι μήποτ᾽ ἴδῃ πλησίον ἑσταότα."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Capiton, le médecin, a versé un collyre sur les yeux de Chrysès. Il distinguait une grande tour à huit stades, un homme à un stade, une caille à une distance de douze coudées, et repérait aussi un pou à deux spithames. Maintenant, à un stade, il ne voit pas une ville, à deux plèthres il ne peut distinguer les pleins feux de notre phare! À peine, à un spithame, voit-il un cheval, et au lieu d'une caille comme avant, il ne peut même distinguer une grande autruche! Si Capiton continue ses collyres, notre homme ne verra même plus un éléphant, là debout à ses côtés!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "The physician Capito anointed Chryses’ eyes then when he could see a high tower from a mile off and a man from a furlong and a quail from ten yards and a louse even from a foot. Now from a furlong he cannot see the town and from two hundred feet cannot see that the lighthouse is alight ; he scarcely sees a horse from half a foot off and as for the quail he once saw, he can’t even see a large ostrich. If he manages to give him another dose, he won’t ever after be able to see even an elephant standing close to him."
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                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1697",
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                            "name": "Estratão de Sardes",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Straton de Sardes",
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                            "name": "Estratón de Sardes",
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                            "name": "Stratone di Sardi",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Strato Sardensis",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Στράτων Σαρδιανός",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Non, Phédon ne m'a pas donné de lavement, il ne m'a pas tâté le pouls; mais j'avais la fièvre, je me suis rappelé son nom, et je suis mort!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Phidon did not purge me with a clyster or even feel me, but feeling feverish I remembered his name and died."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Οὔτ᾽ ἔκλυσεν Φείδων μ᾽, οὔθ᾽ ἥψατο ἀλλὰ πυρέξας\r\nἐμνήσθην αὐτοῦ τοὔνομα, κἀπέθανον."
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                            "name": "Κιλλάκτωρ",
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ἰητρὸς τὴν γραῦν εἴτ᾽ ἔκλυσεν, εἴτ᾽ ἀπέπνιξεν,\nοὐδεὶς γινώσκει: δαιμόνιον τὸ τάχος.\nὁ ψόφος ἦν κλυστῆρος ἐν οὔασι, καὶ στεφανοῦτο\nἡ σορός, οἱ δ᾽ ἄλλοι τὸν φακὸν ηὐτρέπισαν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Le médecin a-t-il administré un lavement à la vieille? L'a-t-il étouffée? Personne ne le sait; sa rapidité fit merveille. On avait encore dans les oreilles le bruit du clystère, que l'on couronnait déjà de fleurs le cercueil et la famille préparait la purée de lentilles."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Whether the doctor purged or strangled the old woman no one knows, but it was terribly sudden. The noise of the clyster was in our ears and her bier was being crowned and the rest prepared the pease-pudding."
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                            "name": "Cillactor",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Κιλλάκτωρ",
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                    "url": "",
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ὀρθῶσαι τὸν κυρτὸν ὑποσχόμενος Διόδωρον\n Σωκλῆς τετραπέδους τρεῖς ἐπέθηκε λίθους\n τοῦ κυρτοῦ στιβαροὺς ἐπὶ τὴν ῥάχιν ἀλλὰ πιεσθεὶς\n τέθνηκεν, γέγονεν δ᾽ ὀρθότερος κανόνος."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Suite à sa promesse de redresser la bosse de Diodore, Soclès plaça trois pierres énormes de quatre pieds carrés sur la gibbosité de son épine dorsale. Eh bien! Soclès mourut de cette compression. Mais, il était devenu plus droit qu'une règle."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Socles, promising to set Diodorus’ crooked back straight, piled three solid stones, each four feet square, on the hunchback’s spine. He was crushed and died, but he has become straighter than a ruler."
            "authors": [
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "χειρουργῶν ἔσφαξεν Ἀκεστορίδην Ἀγέλαος:\n\n                   ζῶν γὰρ χωλεύειν, φησίν,  ἔμελλε τάλας."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "En l'opérant, Agelaus a tué Acestoridès. \"S'il eût vécu, dit-il, il lui fallait boiter, le pauvre!\"."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Agelaus by operating killed Acestorides, for he said, “ If he had lived the poor fellow would have been lame.”"
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "πέντ᾽ ἰητρὸς Ἄλεξις ἅμ᾽ ἔκλυσε, πέντ᾽ ἐκάθηρε,\n πέντ᾽ ἴδεν ἀρρώστους, πέντ᾽ ἐνέχρισε πάλιν\n καὶ πᾶσιν μία νύξ, ἓν φάρμακον, εἷς σοροπηγός,\n εἷς τάφος, εἷς Ἀίδης, εἷς κοπετὸς γέγονεν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Alexis, le médecin, a administré en série cinq clystères et cinq purges; il vit sans forces les cinq malades: de nouveau cinq onctions. Pour tous les cinq, il n'y eut qu'une seule nuit, une seule ordonnance, un seul convoi, une seule tombe, une seule entrée chez Hadès, une seule lamentation."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Alexis the physician purged by a clyster five \r\npatients at one time and five others by drugs ; he visited five, and again he rubbed five with ointment. And for all there was one night, one medicine, one coffin-maker, one tomb, one Hades, one lamentation."
            "authors": [
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1532",
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                            "name": "Nicarco",
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                            "name": "Νίκαρχος",
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Ἆγις Ἀρισταγόρην οὔτ᾽ ἔκλυσεν, οὔτ᾽ ἔθιγ᾽ αὐτοῦ:\nἀλλ᾽ ὅσον εἰσῆλθεν, κᾤχετ᾽ Ἀρισταγόρης.\n ποῦ τοίην ἀκόνιτος ἔχει φύσιν; ὦ σοροπηγοί,\nἎγιν καὶ μίτραις βάλλετε καὶ στεφάνοις."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Agis n'a pas donné de clystère à Aristagoras; il ne l'a pas palpé. Mais à peine était-il entré qu'Aristagoras trépassait. Où donc l'aconit a-t-il ce pouvoir? Employés des pompes funèbres, comblez Agis de diadèmes et de couronnes!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Agis neither purged Aristagoras, nor touched him, but no sooner had he come in than Aristagoras was gone. What aconite has such natural virtue ? Ye coffin-makers, throw chaplets and garlands on Agis."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0198",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Hedylus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Edilo",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Hédilo",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Hédylos",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Hedylus Samius",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Hédilos",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Ἡδύλος",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
            "keywords": [],
            "scholia": [
                    "book": 11,
                    "fragment": 123,
                    "sub_fragment": "",
                    "number": 1,
                    "url": ""
            "comments": [],
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            "id": 3355,
            "book": {
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                "number": 11
            "fragment": 124,
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            "url": "",
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "α. ξεῖνε, τί μὰν πεύθῃ; β. τίνες ἐν χθονὶ τοῖσδ᾽ ὑπὸ τύμβοις;\n\n                  α. οὓς γλυκεροῦ φέγγους Ζώπυρος ἐστέρισεν,\n\n                   Δᾶμις, Ἀριστοτέλης, Δημήτριος, Ἀρκεσίλαος,\n Σώστρατος, οἵ τ᾽ ὀπίσω μέχρι Παραιτονίου.\n\n                   κηρύκιον γὰρ ἔχων ξύλινον, καὶ πλαστὰ πέδιλα,\nὡς Ἑρμῆς, κατάγει τοὺς θεραπευομένους."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "\"Étranger, que veux-tu donc savoir?\r\n-Qui est là sous terre, dans ces tombes?\r\n-Ce sont ceux auxquels Zopyros a ravi la douce lumière, Damis, Aristote, Démétrius, Arcésilaos, Sostrate et tous les autres après jusqu'à Parétonios. Avec son caducée de bois et ses chaussures orthopédiques, tel Hermès, il emmène aux Enfers ses clients!\""
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "A. Stranger, what dost thou seek to know? \r\nB. Who are here in earth under these tombs ? \r\nA. All those whom Zopyrus robbed of the sweet day-light, Damis, Aristoteles, Demetrius, Arcesilaus, Sostratus, and the next ones so far as Paraetonium. For with a wooden herald’s staff and counterfeit sandals, like Hermes, lie leads down his patients to Hell."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1532",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Nicarco",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Nicarque",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Nicarchus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Nicarco",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Nicarchus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Nicarco",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Νίκαρχος",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "scholia": [
                    "book": 11,
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            "id": 3442,
            "book": {
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                "number": 11
            "fragment": 125,
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            "url": "",
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ἰητρὸς Κρατέας καὶ Δάμων ἐνταφιαστὴς\n κοινὴν ἀλλήλοις θέντο συνωμοσίην.\nκαὶ ῥ᾽ ὁ μὲν οὓς κλέπτεσκεν ἀπ᾽ ἐνταφίων τελαμῶνας\n εἰς ἐπιδεσμεύειν πέμπε φίλῳ Κρατέᾳ:\n\n                   τὸν δ᾽ ἀπαμειβόμενος Κρατέας εἰς ἐνταφιάζειν\n πέμπεν ὅλους αὐτῷ τοὺς θεραπευομένους."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Le médecin Cratéas et Damon le fossoyeur, une pacte les a liés l'un à l'autre. L'un frustrait de leur bandelettes ceux qu'il ensevelissait: il les envoyait, pour bander les plaies à son ami Cratéas. Et lui, du tac au tac, lui envoyait, pour les ensevelir, tous ses clients, au grand complet."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "The physician Crateas and the sexton Damon made a joint conspiracy. Damon sent the wrappings he stole from the grave-clothes to his dear Crateas to use as bandages and Crateas in return sent him all his patients to bury."
            "authors": [],
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            "scholia": [
                    "book": 11,
                    "fragment": 125,
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            "id": 3142,
            "book": {
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                "number": 11
            "fragment": 126,
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "οὐ μήλῃ, τριόδοντι δ᾽ ἐνήλειψέν με Χαρῖνος,\nσπόγγον ἔχων καινὸν τῶν γραφικῶν πινάκων\n τὴν μήλην δ᾽ ἕλκων, ἐξέσπασε τὸ βλέφαρόν μου\nῥιζόθεν ἡ μήλη δ᾽ ἔνδον ἔμεινεν ὅλη.\n\n                  ἂν δὲ δὶς ἐγχρίσῃ με πονῶν πάλιν οὐκ ἐνοχλήσω\n ὀφθαλμοὺς αὐτῷ: πῶς γὰρ ὁ μηκέτ᾽ ἔχων;"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Ce n'est pas avec une sonde, mais avec un trident que Charinos m'a appliqué ses onguents! Et il avait une éponge imprévue: celle des tablettes où il écrit! En retirant la sonde, il m'a arraché l'oeil jusqu'à la racine, et l'instrument est resté tout entier dans l'orbite! S'il me fait une deuxième application, je ne lui donnerai plus de mal avec mes ophtalmies. Comme serait-ce possible à qui n'a plus d'yeux!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Charinus anointed my eye not with a spatula, but with a three-pronged fork, and he had a new sponge like those used for paintings. In pulling out the spatula he tore out my eye from the roots and the whole spatula remained inside. But if he anoints me twice, I shall not trouble him any more by suffering from sore eyes ; for how can a man who no longer has eyes do so ?"
            "authors": [],
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                    "book": 11,
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                    "number": 1,
                    "url": ""
            "comments": [],
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            "id": 3468,
            "book": {
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                "number": 11
            "fragment": 127,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "εἰσὶ καὶ ἐν Μούσῃσιν Ἐρινύες, αἵ σε ποιοῦσιν\n ποιητήν, ἀνθ᾽ ὧν πολλὰ γράφεις ἀκρίτως.\n τοίνυν, σοῦ δέομαι, γράφε πλείονα: μείζονα γάρ σοι\n εὔξασθαι ταύτης οὐ δύναμαι μανίαν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Parmi les Muses il y a aussi des Érinnyes: ce sont elles qui font de toi un poète; sous leur inspiration que de fadaises tu écris. Alors, je t'en prie, écris-en davantage. Car je ne puis te souhaiter plus grande folie!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "There are among the Muses too Avengers, who \r\nmake you a poet, and therefore you write much and without judgment. Now, I entreat you, write still more, for no greater madness can I beseech the gods to give you than that."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1618",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Pollianus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Pollianus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Polliano",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Pollien",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Πωλλιανός",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
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            "scholia": [
                    "book": 11,
                    "fragment": 127,
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            "id": 3122,
            "book": {
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "εἰ μὴ χαίρω, Φλῶρε, γενοίμην δάκτυλος ἢ ποὺς\n εἷς τῶν σῶν τούτων τῶν κατατεινομένων.\n χαίρω, νὴ τὸν κλῆρον, ὃν εὐκλήρησας ἐν ἄθλοις,\nὡς περὶ χοιρείας τοῦ στεφάνου μερίδος.\n\n                   τοιγὰρ θάρσει, Φλῶρε, καὶ εὔθυμος πάλι γίνου:\nοὕτω νικῆσαι καὶ δόλιχον δύνασαι."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Si je ne me réjouis pas, Florus, puissé-je devenir un dactyle ou l'un de ces pieds que tu vas martyrisant! Oui, je me réjouis, je le jure par le sort heureux qui fut le tien aux Jeux, je me réjouis de ta couronne, comme d'une bonne portion de jambon. Allons donc, courage, Florus, de l'optimisme encore! Ainsi tu peux gagner, même de diaulique!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "If I am not pleased, Floras, may I become a dactyl or a foot, one of those that you torture. Yes, I swear by the happy lot you drew in the contest, I am as pleased at your crown as if it were a joint of pork. Therefore be of good heart, Floras, and become cheerful again ; in this fashion you can win the long race as well."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1618",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Pollianus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Pollianus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Polliano",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Pollien",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Πωλλιανός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "scholia": [
                    "book": 11,
                    "fragment": 128,
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            "id": 3262,
            "book": {
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                "number": 11
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ποιητὴς ἐλθὼν εἰς Ἴσθμια πρὸς τὸν ἀγῶνα,\n εὑρὼν ποιητάς, εἶπε παρίσθμι᾽ ἔχειν.\n μέλλει δ᾽ ἐξορμᾶν εἰς Πύθια: κἂν πάλιν εὕρῃ,\n εἰπεῖν οὐ δύναται,  καὶ παραπύθι᾽ ἔχω."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Un poète était venu aux Jeux Isthmiques pour y concourir. Il y trouva des poètes; aussi prétexta-t-il une \"paristhmie\" ou amygdalite. Il doit se rendre aux Jeux Pythiques; mais s'il en rencontre encore, il ne peut dire: \"J'ai une para... pituite!\""
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "A poet coming to the Isthmian games to the \r\ncontest, when he found other poets there said he had paristhmia (mumps). He is going to start off for the Pythian games, and if he finds poets there again he can’t say he has parapythia as well."
            "authors": [
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0151",
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                            "name": "Cerealio",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Cerealius",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Cerealio",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Cerealius",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Céréalios",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Κερεάλιος",
                            "language": "grc"
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0061",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Pseudo-Lucian",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Pseudo-Lucien",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Pseudo-Luciano",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Pseudo-Lucianus",
                            "language": "lat"
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                    "book": 11,
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                    "number": 1,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τοὺς κυκλίους τούτους, τοὺς αὐτὰρ ἔπειτα λέγοντας\nμισῶ, λωποδύτας ἀλλοτρίων ἐπέων.\n καὶ διὰ τοῦτ᾽ ἐλέγοις προσέχω πλέον οὐδὲν ἔχω γὰρ\n Παρθενίου κλέπτειν ἢ πάλι Καλλιμάχου.\n\n                   θηρὶ μὲν οὐατόεντι γενοίμην, εἴ ποτε γράψω,\n εἴκελος, \n                     ἐκ ποταμῶν χλωρὰ χελιδόνια.\n\n                     οἱ\n                   δ᾽ οὕτως τὀν Ὅμηρον ἀναιδῶς λωποδυτοῦσιν,\nὥστε γράφειν ἤδη μῆνιν ἄειδε, θεά."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Ces poètes cycliques qui vont répétant \"Et puis encore\", je les déteste: ce sont des plagiaires des vers d'autrui. Pour cette raison, je m'intéresse davantage aux élégiaques; car, je ne suis rien voler à Parthénios, non pus qu'à Callimaque. Puissé-je ressembler à \"l'animal aux longues oreilles\", si jamais je me mets à écrire: \"la jaune chélidoine qui sort des rivières\". Mais ces gens-là pillent sans vergogne le grand Homère et j'en arrive à écrire: \"O Muse, chante la colère...\"!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "I hate these cyclic poets who say \" natheless \r\neftsoon,” filchers of the verses of others, and so I pay more attention to elegies, for there is nothing I want to steal from Callimachus or Parthenius. Let me become like an \"eared beast” if ever I write \"from the rivers sallow celandine.” But these epic poets strip Homer so shamelessly that they already write “ Sing, O Goddess, the wrath.”"
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1618",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Pollianus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Pollianus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Polliano",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Pollien",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Πωλλιανός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "scholia": [
                    "book": 11,
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            "book": {
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                "number": 11
            "fragment": 131,
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Ni les eaux, lorsqu'au temps de Deucalion elles eurent tout recouvert, ni Phaéton qui consuma par le feu tant d'êtres sur la terre ne tuèrent autant d'hommes que n'en firent périr Potamon le poète et Hermogénès le chirurgien. Ainsi donc, depuis l'origine du monde, il y eut quatre fléaux: Deucalion, Phaéton, Hermogénès, et Potamon."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Nor water in Deucalion's day when all became \r\nwater, nor Phaethon who burned up the inhabitants of the earth, slew so many men as Potamon the poet and Hermogenes by his surgery killed. So from the beginning of the ages there have been these four curses, Deucalion, Phaethon, Hermogenes and Potamon."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Oὔτ᾽ ἐπὶ Δευκαλίωνος ὕδωρ, ὅτε πάντ᾽ ἐγενήθη,\r\nοὔθ᾽ ὁ καταπρήσας τοὺς ἐπὶ γῆς Φαέθων,\r\nἀνθρώπους ἔκτεινεν ὅσους Ποτάμων ὁ ποιητὴς,\r\nκαὶ χειρουργήσας ὤλεσεν Ἑρμογένης.\r\nὥστ᾽ ἐξ αἰῶνος κακὰ τέσσαρα ταῦτ᾽ ἐγενήθη,\r\nΔευκαλίων, Φαέθων, Ἑρμογένης, Ποτάμων."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1468",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Lucillius",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Lucillius",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Lucillio",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Lucillius",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Λουκίλλιος",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
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            "scholia": [
                    "book": 11,
                    "fragment": 131,
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            "id": 2877,
            "book": {
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                "number": 11
            "fragment": 132,
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "μισῶ, δέσποτα Καῖσαρ, ὅσοις νέος οὐδέποτ᾽ οὐδεὶς\n ἤρεσε, κἂν εἴπῃ,  μῆνιν ἄειδε θεά,\nἀλλ᾽ ἢν μὴ Πριάμου τις ἔχῃ χρόνον ἡμιφάλακρος,\nἢ καὶ κυρτὸς ἄγαν, οὐ δύνατ᾽ ἄλφα γράφειν.\n\n                  εἰ δ᾽ ὄντως οὕτως τοῦτ᾽ ἔστ᾽ ἔχον, ὦ ὕπατε Ζεῦ,\n εἰς τοὺς κηλήτας ἔρχεται ἡ σοφία."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Je hais, puissant César, ces gens auxquels jamais n'a plu un jeune poète, répétât-il même: \"Déesse, chante la colère...\". Qui n'est contemporain de Priam, tout bossu, à moitié chauve, ne peut, dit-on, écrire même un alpha!  Si vraiment il en est ainsi, grand Zeus, c'est chez les hernieux que se réfugie le talent!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "I hate, Lord Caesar, those who are never pleased with any young writer, even if he says \"Sing, O Goddess, the wrath,” but if a man is not as old as Priam, if he is not half bald and not so very much bent, they say he can’t write a b c. But, Zeus most high, if this really be so, wisdom visits but the ruptured."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1468",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Lucillius",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Lucillius",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Lucillio",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Lucillius",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Λουκίλλιος",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
            "keywords": [],
            "scholia": [
                    "book": 11,
                    "fragment": 132,
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                    "number": 1,
                    "url": ""
            "comments": [],
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            "id": 2867,
            "book": {
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                "number": 11
            "fragment": 133,
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τέθνηκ᾽ Εὐτυχίδης ὁ μελογράφος. οἱ κατὰ γαῖαν\n φεύγετ᾽ ἔχων ᾠδὰς ἔρχεται Εὐτυχίδης:\n καὶ κιθάρας αὑτῷ διετάξατο συγκατακαῦσαι\n δώδεκα, καὶ κίστας εἰκοσιπέντε νόμων.\n\n                   νῦν ὑμῖν ὁ Χάρων ἐπελήλυθε: ποῦ τις ἀπέλθῃ\nλοιπόν, ἐπεὶ χᾁδην Εὐτυχίδης κατέχει;"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Il est mort Eutychidès, le poète lyrique! Habitants des Enfers, fuyez! Eutychidès arrive avec ses vers! N'a-t-on pas, sur son ordre, brûlé sur son bûcher douze cithares et vingt-cinq corbeille de ses chansons? Et maintenant, nouveau Charon, il s'en est venu près de vous! Où trouver refuge désormais? Eutychidès envahit même les Enfers!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Eutychides the lyric poet is dead. Fly, ye people \r\nwho dwell under earth ; Eutychides is coming with odes, and he ordered them to burn with him twelve lyres and twenty-five cases of music. Now indeed Charon has got hold of you. Where can one depart to in future, since Eutychides is established in Hades too?"
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
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                            "name": "Lucillio",
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Ἀρχόμεθ᾽, Ἡλιόδωρε; ποιήματα παίζομεν οὕτω\nταῦτα πρὸς ἀλλήλους; Ἡλιόδωρε, θέλεις;\nἆσσον ἴθ᾽, ὥς κεν θᾶσσον ὀλέθρου  καὶ γὰρ ἔμ᾽ ὄψει\nμακροφλυαρητὴν Ἡλιοδωρότερον."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Commençons-nous, Héliodore? Nous amusons-nous à nous adresser l'un à l'autre ces poèmes? Tu le veux bien, Héliodore?\r\n\"Viens plus près de moi, afin que plus vite à perte...\" Car, tu me trouveras, bavard intarissable, plus Héliodore que toi!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Shall we begin, Heliodorus ? Shall we play \r\nthus at these poems together? Do you wish it, \r\nHeliodorus ? “ Come near, that swifter thou mayst reach Death’s goal ”; for you will see in me a master of tedious twaddle more Heliodorian than yourself."
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
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                    "text": "μηκέτι, μηκέτι, Μάρκε, τὸ παιδίον, ἀλλ᾽ ἐμὲ κόπτου\n τὸν πολὺ τοῦ παρὰ σοὶ νεκρότερον τεκνίου,\n εἰς ἐμὲ νῦν ἐλέγους ποίει πάλιν, εἰς ἐμὲ θρήνους,\n δήμιε, τὸν στιχίνῳ σφαζόμενον θανάτῳ,\n\n                   τοῦ σοῦ γὰρ πάσχω νεκροῦ χάριν, οἷα πάθοιεν\nοἱ καταδείξαντες βιβλία καὶ καλάμους."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Ne va plus, Marcus, non, ne va plus pleurer sur ton enfant, mais sur moi qui me sens bien plus mort que là, près de toi, ce cadavre d'enfant! Sur moi cette fois compose maintenant tes élégies, sur moi aussi tes complaintes, bourreau, car je meurs assassiné par tes vers. Oui, c'est à cause de ton deuil que je souffre. De telles souffrances puissent-ils les endurer, les inventeurs des livres et des stylets!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "No longer, Marcus, no longer lament the boy, but me, who am much more dead than that child of yours. Make elegies, hangman, now for me, make dirges for me who am slain by this versy death. For all for the sake of that dead child of yours I suffer what I would the inventors of books and pens might suffer ."
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
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                    "text": "οὐχ οὕτω κακοεργὸν ἐχαλκεύσαντο μάχαιραν\nἄνθρωποι, διὰ τὰς ἐξαπίνης ἐνέδρας,\n οἷον ἀκήρυκτον, Καλλίστρατε, καὶ σὺ προσελθὼν\n ποιεῖς μοι φονικῶν ἑξαμέτρων πόλεμον.\n\n                   σάλπιγξον ταχέως ἀνακλητικὸν εἰς ἀνοχὰς γὰρ\n καὶ Πρίαμος κλαύσας %    ἡμερίων ἔτυχεν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Non, ce poignard que les hommes ont forgé, n'est pas aussi redoutable, lors des embuscades imprévues, que cette attaque inopinée, Callistrate, cette guerre d'hexamètres meurtriers que tu engages contre moi. Allons vite, sonne la retraite! Même Priam a su de ses larmes apprivoiser ses ennemis, les amener à une trêve."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "No sword so maleficent was ever forged by man for sudden treacherous attack as is the undeclared war of murderous hexameters, Callistratus, that you come to wage with me. Sound the retreat on the bugle at once, for even Priam by his tears gained his foes’ consent (?) to an armistice ."
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                    "text": "Ὠμοβοείου μοι παραθεὶς τόμον, Ἡλιόδωρε,\n καὶ τρία μοι κεράσας ὠμοβοειότερα,\nεὐθὺ κατακλύζεις ἐπιγράμμασιν. εἰ δ᾽ ἀσεβήσας\nβεβρώκειν τινὰ βοῦν τῶν ἀπὸ Τρινακρίας,\n\n                   βούλομ᾽ ἅπαξ πρὸς κῦμα χανεῖν  εἰ δ᾽ ἐστὶ τὸ κῦμα\n ἔνθε μακράν, ἄρας εἰς τὸ φρέαρ με βάλε."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Héliodore, après m'avoir servi une portion de viande de boeuf crue, tu m'as versé trois coupes d'une gros rouge encore plus cru. Et tout aussitôt, tu m'inondes de tes épigrammes.\r\nAh! si j'ai commis le crime de manger la viande d'un de ces boeufs de Trinacrie, je veux bien, pour en finir d'un coup, tendre la bouche au flot; et si ce flot est trop loin, alors, pends-moi et jette moi dans ton puits."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "You serve me a slice of raw beef, Heliodorus, \r\nand pour me out three cups of wine rawer than the beef, and then you wash me out at once with If sinning against heaven I have eaten \r\none of the oxen from Trinacria, I would like to gulp down the sea at once  — but if the sea is too far from here, take me up and throw me into a well."
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ἂν τοῦ γραμματικοῦ μνησθῶ μόνον Ἡλιοδώρου,\nεὐθὺ σολοικίζον τὸ στόμα μου δέδεται,"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Au simple souvenir d'Héliodore et de sa grammaire, ma langue se paralyse et fait des solécismes."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "If I only think of the grammarian Heliodorus, my tongue at once commits solecisms and I suffer from impediment of speech."
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
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                            "name": "Λουκίλλιος",
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "γραμματικὸν Ζηνωνὶς ἔχει πώγωνα Μένανδρον,\n τὸν δ᾽ υἱὸν τούτῳ φησὶ συνεστακέναι.\n τὰς νύκτας δ᾽ αὐτῇ μελετῶν οὐ παύεται οὗτος\n πτώσεις, συνδέσμους, σχήματα, συζυγίας."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Zénonis a chez elle Ménandre, un grammairien barbu. Son fils, dit-elle, est son disciple. Mais pour elle, les nuits durant, ne cesse l'exercice, et ainsi ce sont flexions, enjambements, positions et copulations!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Zenonis keeps Menander the bearded grammar-teacher, and says she has entrusted her son to him ; but he never stops at night making her practise cases, conjunctions, figures, and conjugations."
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
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                    "text": "τούτοις τοῖς παρὰ δεῖπνον ἀοιδομάχοις λογολέσχαις,\n τοῖς ἀπ᾽ Ἀριστάρχου γραμματολικριφίσιν,\nοἷς οὐ σκῶμμα λέγειν, οὐ πεῖν φίλον, ἀλλ᾽ ἀνάκεινται\n νηπυτιευόμενοι Νέστορι καὶ Πριάμῳ,\n\n                  μή με βάλῃς κατὰ λέξιν ἕλωρ καὶ κύρμα γενέσθαι.\nσήμερον οὐ δειπνῶ μῆνιν ἄειδε θεά."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "A ces bavard qui, pendant le dîner, disputent de poésie, à ces glossateurs, disciples d'Aristarque, qui n'aiment ni railler, ni boire, mais qui, sur leurs lits, sont entichés, comme des bambins, de Nestor et de Priam, ne va pas, selon la formule, \"me jeter en proie et en pâture\". Ce jour, mon menu ne comporte pas le \"Chante, ô déesse, la côlère...\""
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "To these praters, these verse-fighters of the supper table, these slippery dominies of Aristarchus’ school who care not for making a joke or drinking, but lie there playing infantile games with Nestor and Priam, cast me not literally \"to be their prey and spoil.” To-day I don’t sup on \" Sing, O Goddess, the wrath.”"
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Λουκίλλιος",
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                    "text": "χοιρίδιον καὶ βοῦν ἀπολώλεκα, καὶ μίαν αἶγα,\nὧν χάριν εἴληφας μισθάριον, Μενέκλεις:\n\n                   οὔτε δέ μοι κοινόν τι πρὸς Ὀθρυάδαν γεγένηται,\n οὔτ᾽ ἀπάγω κλέπτας τοὺς ἀπὸ Θερμοπυλῶν\n\n                   ἀλλὰ πρὸς Εὐτυχίδην ἔχομεν κρίσιν ὥστε τί ποιεῖ\n ἐνθάδε μοι Ξέρξης καὶ Λακεδαιμόνιοι;\n πλὴν κἀμοῦ μνήσθητι νόμου χάριν, ἢ μέγα κράξω:\nἄλλα  λέγει Μενεκλῆς, ἄλλα τὸ χοιρίδιον."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "J'ai perdu un petit cochon, un boeuf et mon unique chèvre. Pour plaider sur l'affaire, tu as reçu de moi un petit salaire, Ménèclès. Mais, je n'ai rien de commun avec Othryadès et je ne cite pas en justice pour vol les héros des Thermopyles. Allons! C'est Eutychidès que concerne ce procès. Que m'importent en cette histoire Xerxès et les Spartiates? Pense aussi à moi, par respect de la loi, ou bien je vais crier très fort: \"Ménèclès tient certains propos, mais mon cochon dit autre chose!\""
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "I lost a little pig and a cow and one nanny-goat, and on account of them you received your little fee, Menecles. I never had anything in common with Othryades nor do I prosecute the three hundred from Thermopylae for theft; my suit is against Eutychides, so that here how do Xerxes and the Spartans help me ? I beg you just to mention me for form’s sake, or I will call out loud “One thing says Menecles, and another thing says the piggie.”"
            "authors": [
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
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                            "name": "Λουκίλλιος",
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                    "text": "\"Il s'en faut de beaucoup\", \"quand à elles\" et, à tout bout de champ \"Messieurs les Juges\", et encore \"Donne-moi ici lecture de la loi\"; et puis \"ταυτί\", \"μών\", \"τετταράκοντα\" et \"ἄττα\", c'est après avoir bien médité sur ces formules et sur \"oui, par Zeus\", \"non, par Zeus\", que Criton est devenu rhéteur et enseigne toute la jeunesse. Et pour eux il ajoutera encore à son répertoire \"γρῦ\", \"φαθί\" et \"μίν\"."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "After having studied “Far be it,” and sphin and thrice in each period, “Gentlemen of the jury,” and “Here, usher, repeat the law for me,” and “This way,” and “I put it to you,” and “two score,” and “certain alleged,” and indeed “By heaven,” and “’Sdeath,” Crito is an orator and teaches numbers of children, and to these phrases he will add gru, phathi, and min."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "πολλοῦ δεῖ καὶ σφίν καὶ τρὶς παρ᾽ ἕκαστα\r\nδικασταὶ ἄνδρες, καὶ λέγε δὴ τὸν νόμον ἐνθάδε μοι,\r\nκαὶ ταυτὶ καὶ μῶν καὶ τετταράκοντα καὶ ἄττα\r\nσκεψάμενος, καί τοι νὴ Δία, καὶ μὰ Δία,\r\nῥήτωρ ἐστὶ Κρίτων, καὶ παιδία πολλὰ διδάσκει:\r\nπροσθήσει δ᾽ αὐτοῖς γρῦ, φαθὶ καὶ μίν ἔτι."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1468",
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
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                            "name": "Lucillio",
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                            "name": "Lucillius",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Λουκίλλιος",
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Le rhéteur Marcus, à sa mort, Pluton ne veut pas le recevoir. \"Il suffit bien ici du chien Cerbère\", dit-il. \"Mais si tu le veux absolument, va-t'en faire tes déclamations à Ixion, à Méliton le lyrique et à Tityos. Car je n'ai pas de châtiment pire que toi... jusqu'au jour où nous arrivera ici, avec ses solécismes, Rufus le grammairien!\""
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Pluto will not receive the rhetor Marcus when dead, saying, “Let our one dog Cerberus be enough here ; but if thou wilt come in at any cost, declaim to Ixion, Melito the lyric poet, and Tityus. For I have no evil worse than thee, until the day when Rufus the grammarian shall come here with his solecisms.”"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "οὐ δέχεται Μάρκον τὸν ῥήτορα νεκρὸν ὁ Πλούτων,\r\nεἰπών, ἀρκείτω Κέρβερος ὧδε κύων.\r\nεἰ δ᾽ ἐθέλεις πάντως, Ἰξίονι καὶ Μελίτωνι\r\nτῷ μελοποιητᾖ, καὶ Τιτυῷ μελέτα.\r\nοὐδὲν γὰρ σοῦ χεῖρον ἔχω κακόν, ἄχρις ἂν ἐλθὼν\r\nὧδε σολοικίζῃ Ῥοῦφος ὁ γραμματικός."
            "authors": [
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                            "name": "Lucillio",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Lucillius",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Λουκίλλιος",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "book": 11,
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "οὐ τὸ λέγειν παράσημα καὶ Ἀττικὰ ῥήματα πέντε,\nεὐζήλως ἐστὶν καὶ φρονίμως μελετᾷν:\n\n                  οὐδὲ γὰρ εἰ  κάρκαιρε, καὶ εἰ  κοναβεῖ τό τε  σίζει\n                  καὶ  κελάρυζε λέγεις, εὐθὺς Ὅμηρος ἔσῃ.\n\n                   νοῦν ὑποκεῖσθαι δεῖ τοῖς γράμμασι, καὶ φράσιν αὐτῶν\nεἶναι κοινοτέραν, ὥστε νοεῖν ἃ λέγεις."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Non, prononcer des mots inattendus ou cinq expressions de pur attique, ce n'est pas faire preuve de sagacité ou de science en tes déclamations. Quand bien même tu dirais κάρκαιρε \"résonne\", κοναβεῖ \"retentis\", σίζει \"siffle\" et κελάφυζε \"jaillis avec bruit\", tu n'en seras pas pour cela un Homère! Il faut soumettre l'esprit aux réalités et leur expression doit être simple; ainsi comprendras-tu au moins ce que tu dis!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "To use magniloquent words and four or five Attic ones is not to study with proper fervour and wisdom. For not even if you say \"quaked\" and \"clangs\" and \"hisses\" and \"gurgled\" will you be a Homer at once. Sense should underlie literature, and its phraseology be more vulgar so that people may understand what you say."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0151",
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                            "name": "Cerealio",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Cerealius",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Cerealio",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Cerealius",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Céréalios",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Κερεάλιος",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
            "keywords": [],
            "scholia": [
                    "book": 11,
                    "fragment": 144,
                    "sub_fragment": "",
                    "number": 1,
                    "url": ""
            "comments": [],
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            "id": 2881,
            "book": {
                "url": "",
                "number": 11
            "fragment": 145,
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "εἰκὼν ἡ Σέξστου μελετᾷ, Σέξστος δὲ σιωπᾷ.\n εἰκὼν ἦν ῥήτωρ, ὁ δὲ ῥήτωρ εἰκόνος εἰκών."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Celui qui déclame, c'est le portrait de Sextus; car Sextus, lui, se tait! Son portrait est orateur, tandis que l'orateur est la portrait de son portrait."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Sextus’ picture declaims, but Sextus is silent.  The picture is a rhetor and the rhetor the image of his picture."
            "authors": [],
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                    "book": 11,
                    "fragment": 145,
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            "id": 2918,
            "book": {
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                "number": 11
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "J'avais envoyé sept solécismes en présent au rhéteur Flaccus: il m'en rendit cinq lots de deux cents! Et il me dit: \"maintenant, je te les envoie bien comptés; mais, à l'avenir, une fois à Chypre, ce sera par plein de boisseaux!\""
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "I sent Flaccus the rhetor a present of seven solecisms and received back five times two hundred. And “Now,” he says, “I send you these by the hundred, but in future when I get to Cyprus I will send them by the bushel.”"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ἑπτὰ σολοικισμοὺς Φλάκκῳ τῷ ῥήτορι δῶρον\r\nπέμψας, ἀντέλαβον πεντάκι διακοσίους:\r\nκαὶ νῦν μέν, φησίν, τούτους ἀριθμῷ σοι ἔπεμψα,\r\nτοῦ λοιποῦ δὲ μέτρῳ, πρὸς Κύπρον ἐρχόμενος."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0109",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Ammianus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Ammiano",
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                            "name": "Ammianus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Ammien",
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                            "name": "Ἀμμιανός",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "book": 11,
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                    "url": ""
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            "id": 2991,
            "book": {
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                "number": 11
            "fragment": 147,
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ῥήτωρ ἐξαπίνης Ἀσιατικός: οὐδὲν ἄπιστον\n καὶ τοῦτ᾽ ἐν Θήβαις νῦν γέγονεν τὸ τέρας."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Le voilà soudain orateur cet Asiaticus! Rien d'incroyable! C'est à Thèbes que vient de se produire ce prodige!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Asiaticus has suddenly become an orator. Nothing incredible in that ! It is only another miracle in Thebes."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0109",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Ammianus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Ammiano",
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                            "name": "Ammianus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Ammien",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Ἀμμιανός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "scholia": [
                    "book": 11,
                    "fragment": 147,
                    "sub_fragment": "",
                    "number": 1,
                    "url": ""
            "comments": [],
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            "id": 3067,
            "book": {
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                "number": 11
            "fragment": 148,
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "μηδὲ λαλῶν πρῴην ἐσολοίκισε Φλάκκος ὁ ῥήτωρ,\n καὶ μέλλων χαίνειν, εὐθὺς ἐβαρβάρισεν,\n καὶ τῇ χειρὶ τὰ λοιπὰ σολοικίζει διανεύων,\n κἀγὼ δ᾽ αὐτὸν ἰδὼν — τὸ στόμα μου δέδεται."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Tout dernièrement, même sans parler, le rhéteur Flaccus a fait des solécismes et, au moment d'ouvrir la bouche, il laissa échapper un barbarisme; pour finir, c'est même dans ses gestes qu'il fait des solécismes! Et moi, rien qu'à le voir, ma langue s'embarrasse!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Flaccus the rhetor made solecisms the other day without even speaking, and when he was about to yawn at once was guilty of a barbarism, and now goes on making solecisms by signs with his hand, and I, seeing him, am tongue-tied."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1468",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Lucillius",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Lucillius",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Lucillio",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Lucillius",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Λουκίλλιος",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "scholia": [
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                    "url": ""
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            "id": 3281,
            "book": {
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            "fragment": 149,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "αὐτὸν ὁρῶ σέ, Μέδον, τὸν ῥήτορα. φεῦ, τί τὸ θαῦμα;\n στειλάμενος σιγᾶς: οὐδὲν ὁμοιότερον."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "C'est bien toi que je vois, Médon, l'orateur. Eh! Quelle est cette merveille? Drapé en ton manteau, tu te tais. Rien de plus ressemblant!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "I see the very image of you, Medon the rhetor. \r\nWell, what is there surprising in that ? You have arranged your dress effectively and you are silent. Nothing could be more like."
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