ἡ πάρος ἀντιπάλων ἐπιήρανος ἀσπὶς ἀκόντων,
ἡ φόνιον στυγνοῦ κῦμα φέρουσα, μόθου,
ἄγριον οὐδ᾽ ὅτε πόντος ἐπὶ κλόνον ἤλασε φωτί,
καὶ πικρὴ ναυτέων ἔπλεθ᾽ ἁλιφθορίη,συζυγίης ἀμέλησα: καλὸν δέ σε φόρτον ἄγουσα,
— Paton edition
ναὶ φίλος, εὐκταίων ἄχρις ἔβην λιμένων.
I, the shield that erst protected from the foemen's shafts and resisted the bloody wave of horrid war, not even then, when the sea in wild tumult swept on my master, and the mariners perished miserably, betrayed my comrade, but bearing thee, a noble burden indeed, my friend, went with thee even to the haven for which thou didst pray.
— Paton edition
— Edition Jie Han
Io, sono uno scudo, che una volta proteggeva dalle aste dei nemici e che reggeva all’ondata di una guerra sanguinosa, anche allora, quando il mare travolse con furia sanguinosa il padrone, i marinai perirono miseramente. Ma con te, prezioso fardello, amico mio, sono andato fino al porto per cui avevi pagato.
— Cagnazzi
Io, sono uno scudo, che una volta proteggeva dalle aste dei nemici e che reggeva all’ondata di una guerra sanguinosa, anche allora, quando il mare travolse con furia sanguinosa il padrone, i marinai perirono miseramente. Ma con te, prezioso fardello, amico mio, sono andato fino al porto per cui avevi pagato.
— Cagnazzi
— Edition Jie Han
I, the shield that erst protected from the foemen's shafts and resisted the bloody wave of horrid war, not even then, when the sea in wild tumult swept on my master, and the mariners perished miserably, betrayed my comrade, but bearing thee, a noble burden indeed, my friend, went with thee even to the haven for which thou didst pray.
— Paton edition
ἡ πάρος ἀντιπάλων ἐπιήρανος ἀσπὶς ἀκόντων,
ἡ φόνιον στυγνοῦ κῦμα φέρουσα, μόθου,
ἄγριον οὐδ᾽ ὅτε πόντος ἐπὶ κλόνον ἤλασε φωτί,
καὶ πικρὴ ναυτέων ἔπλεθ᾽ ἁλιφθορίη,συζυγίης ἀμέλησα: καλὸν δέ σε φόρτον ἄγουσα,
— Paton edition
ναὶ φίλος, εὐκταίων ἄχρις ἔβην λιμένων.
Motifs (eng)
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 9.41: Addition of ExtRef: "In the sea, too, I was a shield to save him": comment by “MartaLegnini”
Epigram 9.41: Addition of ExtRef: Gratitude for the salvific shield: comment by “MartaLegnini”
Epigram 9.41: Association of escudo (1521) by “MartaLegnini”
Epigram 9.41: Addition of internal reference to Epigram 9.42 by “MartaLegnini”
Epigram 9.41: Addition of internal reference to Epigram 6.141 by “MartaLegnini”
See all modifications →