τὰν μὲν ἀεὶ πολύμυθον, ἀεὶ λάλον, ὦ ξένε, κίσσα
— Paton edition
φάσει, τὰν δὲ μέθας σύντροφον ἅδε κύλιξ,
τὰν Κρῆσσαν δὲ τὰ τόξα, τὰ δ᾽ εἴρια τὰν φιλοεργόν,
ἄνδεμα δ᾽ αὖ μίτρας τὰν πολιοκρόταφον:
τοιάνδε σταλοῦχος ὅδ᾽ ἔκρυφε Βιττίδα τύμβος
† τιμελάχραντον νυμφιδίαν ἄλοχον.
ἀλλ᾽, ὦνερ, καὶ χαῖρε, καὶ οἰχομένοισιν ἐς ᾄδαν
τὰν αὐτὰν μύθων αὖθις ὄπαζε χάριν.
La pie te dira, étranger, l'intarissable conteuse, à l'incessant babil; cette coupe, l'amie de l'ivresse; l'arc, la Crétoise; la laine, la femme laborieuse; et le lien du bandeau, ses tempes blanchissantes; telle était Bittis, que cette tombe à stèle a recouverte, la femme chaste, épousée vierge, de Timéas. Salut donc, mon cher mari, et à ceux qui sont partis chez Hadès rends la même bonne parole
— Waltz edition
The jay, stranger, will tell you I was ever a
— Paton edition
woman of many words, ever talkative, and the cup that I was of a convivial habit. The bow proclaims me Cretan, the wool a good workwoman, and the
snood that tied up my hair shows that I was grey-
headed. Such was the Bittis that this tomb with
its stele covers, the wedded wife of ... . But, hail,
good sir, and do us who are gone to Hades the
favour to bid us hail likewise in return.
Indicherà una pica, straniero, la sempre loquace;
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
dell'ubriacona simbolo la coppa,
della Cretese l'arco sarà, della donna operosa
la lana, delle chiome bianche il nastro.
Tale fu Bìttide, sposa legittima e casta di Tìmea,
che questa tomba con la stele copre.
Salve a te. Di rimando, l'omaggio di questa parola
rendi a chi ormai se ne partì per l'Ade.
Indicherà una pica, straniero, la sempre loquace;
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
dell'ubriacona simbolo la coppa,
della Cretese l'arco sarà, della donna operosa
la lana, delle chiome bianche il nastro.
Tale fu Bìttide, sposa legittima e casta di Tìmea,
che questa tomba con la stele copre.
Salve a te. Di rimando, l'omaggio di questa parola
rendi a chi ormai se ne partì per l'Ade.
The jay, stranger, will tell you I was ever a
— Paton edition
woman of many words, ever talkative, and the cup that I was of a convivial habit. The bow proclaims me Cretan, the wool a good workwoman, and the
snood that tied up my hair shows that I was grey-
headed. Such was the Bittis that this tomb with
its stele covers, the wedded wife of ... . But, hail,
good sir, and do us who are gone to Hades the
favour to bid us hail likewise in return.
La pie te dira, étranger, l'intarissable conteuse, à l'incessant babil; cette coupe, l'amie de l'ivresse; l'arc, la Crétoise; la laine, la femme laborieuse; et le lien du bandeau, ses tempes blanchissantes; telle était Bittis, que cette tombe à stèle a recouverte, la femme chaste, épousée vierge, de Timéas. Salut donc, mon cher mari, et à ceux qui sont partis chez Hadès rends la même bonne parole
— Waltz edition
τὰν μὲν ἀεὶ πολύμυθον, ἀεὶ λάλον, ὦ ξένε, κίσσα
— Paton edition
φάσει, τὰν δὲ μέθας σύντροφον ἅδε κύλιξ,
τὰν Κρῆσσαν δὲ τὰ τόξα, τὰ δ᾽ εἴρια τὰν φιλοεργόν,
ἄνδεμα δ᾽ αὖ μίτρας τὰν πολιοκρόταφον:
τοιάνδε σταλοῦχος ὅδ᾽ ἔκρυφε Βιττίδα τύμβος
† τιμελάχραντον νυμφιδίαν ἄλοχον.
ἀλλ᾽, ὦνερ, καὶ χαῖρε, καὶ οἰχομένοισιν ἐς ᾄδαν
τὰν αὐτὰν μύθων αὖθις ὄπαζε χάριν.
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Last modifications
Epigram 7.423: Removal of internal reference from Epigram 7.455 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 7.423: Addition of [ita] Indicherà una pica, straniero, la sempre … by “c.sgarlata”
Epigram 7.423: First revision
See all modifications →