Ἀντιπάτραν γυμνὴν εἴ τις Πάρθοισιν ἔδειξεν,
— Paton edition
ἔκτοθεν ἂν στηλῶν Ἡρακλέους ἔφυγον.
Cette Antipatra, si aux Parthes on l'eût montrée nue, c'est au-delà des Colonnes d'Hercule qu'ils eussent fui!
— Waltz edition
If anyone had shown Antipatra naked to the Parthians, they would have fled outside the Pillars of Heracles.
— Paton edition
If anyone had shown Antipatra naked to the Parthians, they would have fled outside the Pillars of Heracles.
— Paton edition
Cette Antipatra, si aux Parthes on l'eût montrée nue, c'est au-delà des Colonnes d'Hercule qu'ils eussent fui!
— Waltz edition
Ἀντιπάτραν γυμνὴν εἴ τις Πάρθοισιν ἔδειξεν,
— Paton edition
ἔκτοθεν ἂν στηλῶν Ἡρακλέους ἔφυγον.
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 11.201: Addition of Comment (PK 1145) by “mathildevrst”
Epigram 11.201: Creation of Scholium 11.201.1 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.201: Addition of Manuscript 6515 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.201: First revision
See all modifications →