δένδρεον ἱερόν εἰμι: παρερχόμενός με φυλάσσευ
πημαίνειν: ἀλγῶ, ξεῖνε, κολουομένη.μέμνεο, παρθένιός μοι ἔπι φλόος, οὐχ ἅπερ ὠμαῖς
ἀχράσιν: αἰγείρων τίς γένος οὐκ ἐδάη;εἰ δὲ περιδρύψῃς με παρατραπίην περ ἐοῦσαν,
— Paton edition
δακρύσεις: μέλομαι καὶ ξύλον Ἠελίῳ.
I am a holy tree. Beware of injuring me as thou
— Paton edition
passest by, stranger, for I suffer pain if I am muti-
lated. Remember that my bark is still virginal, not
like that of savage wild pear-trees. Who does not
know what the race of poplars is like ? If thou dost
bark me, as I stand here by the road, thou shalt
weep for it. Though I am but wood, the Sun cares
for me.¹
I am a holy tree. Beware of injuring me as thou
— Paton edition
passest by, stranger, for I suffer pain if I am muti-
lated. Remember that my bark is still virginal, not
like that of savage wild pear-trees. Who does not
know what the race of poplars is like ? If thou dost
bark me, as I stand here by the road, thou shalt
weep for it. Though I am but wood, the Sun cares
for me.¹
δένδρεον ἱερόν εἰμι: παρερχόμενός με φυλάσσευ
πημαίνειν: ἀλγῶ, ξεῖνε, κολουομένη.μέμνεο, παρθένιός μοι ἔπι φλόος, οὐχ ἅπερ ὠμαῖς
ἀχράσιν: αἰγείρων τίς γένος οὐκ ἐδάη;εἰ δὲ περιδρύψῃς με παρατραπίην περ ἐοῦσαν,
— Paton edition
δακρύσεις: μέλομαι καὶ ξύλον Ἠελίῳ.
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 9.706: Creation of Scholium 9.706.1 by “epheline”
Epigram 9.706: Addition of Manuscript 7899 by “epheline”
Epigram 9.706: First revision
See all modifications →