κοῦρον; ἀποπλανίην ἐπιμάζιον Ἑρμώνακτα,
φεῦ, βρέφος ὡς ἀδίκως εἵλετε βουγενέες.
ἠγνοίησεν ὁ δειλὸς ἐς ὑμέας οἷα μελίσσας
ἐλθών: αἱ δ᾽ ἔχεων ἦτε χερειότεραι:,ἀντὶ δέ οἱ θοίνης ἐνεμάξατε φοίνια κέντρα,
— Paton edition
ὦ πικραί, γλυκερῆς ἀντίπαλοι χάριτος.
Ye children of the ox, how wrong of you to kill
— Paton edition
Hermonax, the straying baby boy The poor child,
in the innocence of his heart, went to you thinking
you were bees, and you proved worse than vipers.
Instead of giving him a dainty feast you drove your
murderous stings into him, bitter bees, contrary in
nature to your sweet gifts.
Ye children of the ox, how wrong of you to kill
— Paton edition
Hermonax, the straying baby boy The poor child,
in the innocence of his heart, went to you thinking
you were bees, and you proved worse than vipers.
Instead of giving him a dainty feast you drove your
murderous stings into him, bitter bees, contrary in
nature to your sweet gifts.
κοῦρον; ἀποπλανίην ἐπιμάζιον Ἑρμώνακτα,
φεῦ, βρέφος ὡς ἀδίκως εἵλετε βουγενέες.
ἠγνοίησεν ὁ δειλὸς ἐς ὑμέας οἷα μελίσσας
ἐλθών: αἱ δ᾽ ἔχεων ἦτε χερειότεραι:,ἀντὶ δέ οἱ θοίνης ἐνεμάξατε φοίνια κέντρα,
— Paton edition
ὦ πικραί, γλυκερῆς ἀντίπαλοι χάριτος.
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 9.548: Creation of Scholium 9.548.1 by “epheline”
Epigram 9.548: Addition of Manuscript 7559 by “epheline”
Epigram 9.548: First revision
See all modifications →