αἶαν ὅλην νήσους τε διιπταμένη σὺ χελιδών,
— Paton edition
Μηδείης γραπτῇ πυκτίδι νοσσοτροφεῖς:
ἔλπῃ δ᾽ ὀρταλίχων πίστιν σέο τήνδε φυλάξειν
Κολχίδα, μηδ᾽ ἰδίων φεισαμένην τεκέων;
After flying, swallow, across the whole earth and
— Paton edition
the islands, thou dost rear thy brood on the picture
of Medea. Dost thou believe that the Colchian
woman who did not spare even her own children
will keep her faith to thy young?
After flying, swallow, across the whole earth and
— Paton edition
the islands, thou dost rear thy brood on the picture
of Medea. Dost thou believe that the Colchian
woman who did not spare even her own children
will keep her faith to thy young?
αἶαν ὅλην νήσους τε διιπταμένη σὺ χελιδών,
— Paton edition
Μηδείης γραπτῇ πυκτίδι νοσσοτροφεῖς:
ἔλπῃ δ᾽ ὀρταλίχων πίστιν σέο τήνδε φυλάξειν
Κολχίδα, μηδ᾽ ἰδίων φεισαμένην τεκέων;
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 9.346: Association of Archias by “mathildevrst”
Epigram 9.346: Addition of Comment (PK 1098) by “mathildevrst”
Epigram 9.346: First revision
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