— Paton edition
Αἰθαλέοιο πυρὸς σάρκες ῥιπῇσι τρυφηλαὶ
ληφθεῖσαι, νοτίην ὦσαν ἄπ᾽ αἰθόμεναι:
μοῦνα δ᾽ ἔνεστι τάφῳ πολυδακρύῳ ὀστέα κωφά,
καὶ πόνος εἰνοδίοις τῇδε παρερχομένοις.
Δαιδαλέοιο πυρὸς ῥιπῇσι τρυφηλαὶ σάρκες
— Waltz edition
ληφθεῖσαι, νοτίην ὦσαν ἄπ᾽ αἰθόμεναι:
μοῦνα δ᾽ ἔνεστι τάφῳ πολυδακρύῳ ὀστέα κωφά,
καὶ πόνος εἰνοδίοις τῇδε παρερχομένοις.
Your delicate flesh encompassed by the blast of
— Paton edition
glowing fire yielded up its moisture and burnt away.
In the much-wept tomb is naught but dumb bones,
and sorrow for the wayfarers who pass this way.
Thy delicate flesh encompassed by the blast of glowing fire yielded up its moisture and burnt away. In the much-wept tomb is naught but dumb bones, and sorrow for the wayfarers who pass this way.
— Paton edition
Vinte da colpi di fuoco celeste, le tenere carni
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
divampando scrollarono l'umore,
Nel lacrimato sepolcro non resta che un cumulo d'ossa
mute - passa il viandante e se n'accora.
Vinte da colpi di fuoco celeste, le tenere carni
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
divampando scrollarono l'umore,
Nel lacrimato sepolcro non resta che un cumulo d'ossa
mute - passa il viandante e se n'accora.
Thy delicate flesh encompassed by the blast of glowing fire yielded up its moisture and burnt away. In the much-wept tomb is naught but dumb bones, and sorrow for the wayfarers who pass this way.
— Paton edition
Your delicate flesh encompassed by the blast of
— Paton edition
glowing fire yielded up its moisture and burnt away.
In the much-wept tomb is naught but dumb bones,
and sorrow for the wayfarers who pass this way.
Δαιδαλέοιο πυρὸς ῥιπῇσι τρυφηλαὶ σάρκες
— Waltz edition
ληφθεῖσαι, νοτίην ὦσαν ἄπ᾽ αἰθόμεναι:
μοῦνα δ᾽ ἔνεστι τάφῳ πολυδακρύῳ ὀστέα κωφά,
καὶ πόνος εἰνοδίοις τῇδε παρερχομένοις.
— Paton edition
Αἰθαλέοιο πυρὸς σάρκες ῥιπῇσι τρυφηλαὶ
ληφθεῖσαι, νοτίην ὦσαν ἄπ᾽ αἰθόμεναι:
μοῦνα δ᾽ ἔνεστι τάφῳ πολυδακρύῳ ὀστέα κωφά,
καὶ πόνος εἰνοδίοις τῇδε παρερχομένοις.
Metric forms (eng)
Genres (eng)
Validation (eng)
Reading paths (eng)
Αἰθαλέοιο πυρὸς σάρκες ῥιπῇσι τρυφηλαὶ
ληφθεῖσαι , νοτίην ὦσαν ἄπ αἰθόμεναι :
μοῦνα δ ἔνεστι τάφῳ πολυδακρύῳ ὀστέα κωφά ,
καὶ πόνος εἰνοδίοις τῇδε παρερχομένοις .
Your delicate flesh encompassed by the blast of
glowing fire yielded up its moisture and burnt away .
In the much - wept tomb is naught but dumb bones ,
and sorrow for the wayfarers who pass this way .
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 7.48: Addition of [ita] Vinte da colpi di fuoco celeste, … by “ass.basile”
Epigram 7.48: First revision
See all modifications →