— Paton edition
οὗτος Ἀδειμάντου κείνου τάφος, οὗ διὰ βουλὰς
Ἑλλὰς ἐλευθερίης ἀμφέθετο στέφανον.
Voici la tombe de l'illustre Adeimantos, dont les conseils ont valu à la Grèce de ceindre la couronne de la liberté.
— Waltz edition
This is the tomb of that Adeimantus through whose counsel Greece put on the crown of freedom.
— Paton edition
Qui riposa Adimanto. Per i suoi consigli, la Grecia
il serto cinse della libertà.
(trad. F.M. Pontani)
Qui riposa Adimanto. Per i suoi consigli, la Grecia
il serto cinse della libertà.
(trad. F.M. Pontani)
This is the tomb of that Adeimantus through whose counsel Greece put on the crown of freedom.
— Paton edition
Voici la tombe de l'illustre Adeimantos, dont les conseils ont valu à la Grèce de ceindre la couronne de la liberté.
— Waltz edition
— Paton edition
οὗτος Ἀδειμάντου κείνου τάφος, οὗ διὰ βουλὰς
Ἑλλὰς ἐλευθερίης ἀμφέθετο στέφανον.
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Last modifications
Epigram 7.347: Addition of [ita] Qui riposa Adimanto. Per i suoi … by “r.nicolo”
Epigram 7.347: First revision
See all modifications →