— Paton edition
αἰνόμορον βάκχη με κατέκτανε θηροτρόφον πρίν,
οὐ κρίσει ἐν σταδίοις, γυμνασίαις δὲ κλυταῖς.
Funeste destin! Une bête sauvage m'a tué, moi le dresseur d'animaux jadis illustre: non dans un combat de l'amphithéâtre, mais dans des exercices.
— Waltz edition
I had an unhappy end, for I was a rearer of animals and Bacche slew me, not in a race on the course, but during the training for which I was renowned
— Paton edition
Triste ventura; una belva m'uccise. E domavo le fiere-
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
non in pista, ma in celebri maneggi!
Triste ventura; una belva m'uccise. E domavo le fiere-
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
non in pista, ma in celebri maneggi!
I had an unhappy end, for I was a rearer of animals and Bacche slew me, not in a race on the course, but during the training for which I was renowned
— Paton edition
Funeste destin! Une bête sauvage m'a tué, moi le dresseur d'animaux jadis illustre: non dans un combat de l'amphithéâtre, mais dans des exercices.
— Waltz edition
— Paton edition
αἰνόμορον βάκχη με κατέκτανε θηροτρόφον πρίν,
οὐ κρίσει ἐν σταδίοις, γυμνασίαις δὲ κλυταῖς.
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Last modifications
Epigram 7.332: Addition of [ita] Triste ventura; una belva m'uccise. E … by “an.navatta”
Epigram 7.332: First revision
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