Epigram 6.218

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Codex Palatinus 23 p. 180


κειράμενος γονίμην τις ἄπο φλέβα Μητρὸς ἀγύρτης
Ἴδης εὐδένδρου πρῶνας ἐβουνοβάτει:
τῷ δὲ λέων ἤντησε πελώριος, ὡς ἐπὶ θοίνην
χάσμα φέρων χαλεπὸν πειναλέου φάρυγος.

δείσας δ᾽ ὠμηστέω θηρὸς μόρον ὡς αὔγαξε,
τύμπανον ἐξ ἱερᾶς ἐπλατάγησε νάπης.
χὠ μὲν ἐνέκλεισεν φονίαν γένυν, ἐκ δὲ τενόντων
ἔνθους ῥομβητὴν ἐστροφάλιζε φόβην
κεῖνος δ᾽ ἐκπροφυγὼν ὀλοὸν μόρον, εἵσατο Ῥείῃ

θῆρα, τὸν ὀρχησμῶν αὐτομαθῆ Κυβέλης.

— Paton edition

A begging eunuch priest of Cybele was wandering through the upland forests of Ida, and there met him a huge lion, its hungry throat dreadfully gaping as though to devour him. Then in fear of the death that faced him in its ravening jaws, he beat his tambour from the holy grove. The lion shut its murderous mouth, and as if itself full of divine frenzy, began to toss and whirl its mane about its neck. But he thus escaping a dreadful death dedicated to Rhea the beast that had taught itself her dance,

— Paton edition



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Epigram 6.218: First revision

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