Epigram 5.124

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Codex Palatinus 23 p. 105


οὔπω σοι καλύκων γυμνὸν θέρος, οὐδὲ μελαίνει
βότρυς ὁ παρθενίους πρωτοβολῶν χάριτας:
ἀλλ᾽ ἤδη θοὰ τόξα νέοι θήγουσιν Ἔρωτες,
Λυσιδίκη, καὶ πῦρ τύφεται ἐγκρύφιον.

φεύγωμεν, δυσέρωτες, ἕως βέλος οὐκ ἐπὶ νευρῇ:
μάντις ἐγὼ μεγάλης αὐτίκα πυρκαϊῆς.

— Paton edition

Thy petals yet are closely curled,
Rose of the world,
Around their scented, golden core;
Nor yet has Summer purpled o'er
Thy tender clusters that begin
To swell within
The dewy vine-leaves' early screen
Of sheltering green.

O hearts that are Love's helpless prey,
While yet you may,
Fly, ere the shaft is on the string!
The fire that now is smouldering
Shall be the conflagration soon
Whose paths are strewn
With torment of blanched lips and eyes
That agonize.

— Seeger, Alan (1888–1916): Poems by Alan Seeger (1916)




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Last modifications

Epigram 5.124: Addition of [eng] Thy petals yet are closely curled, … by “MG

Epigram 5.124: Association of distique élégiaque (1) by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 5.124: Association of époque hellénistique (4) by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 5.124: Association of erotic (3) by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 5.124: First revision

See all modifications →