οἶδ᾽ ὅτι μου πλούτου κενεαὶ χέρες: ἀλλά, Μένιππε,
— Paton edition
μὴ λέγε, πρὸς Χαρίτων, τοὐμὸν ὄνειρον ἐμοί.
ἀλγέω τὴν διὰ παντὸς ἔπος τόδε πικρὸν ἀκούων
ναί, φίλε, τῶν παρὰ σοῦ τοῦτ᾽ ἀνεραστότατον.
I know my hands are empty of wealth, but, by the Graces I beseech thee, Menippus, tell me not my own dream. It hurts me to hear continually these bitter words. Yes, my dear, this is the most unloving thing in all thy bearing to me.
— Paton edition
Je le sais que mes mains sont vides ; de grâce, Ménippe, épargne-moi ce que je ne sais que trop bien ! Je souffre horriblement d’entendre cet amer reproche : pardieu, ami, nul de tes mots n’est moins un mot d’amour.
— R. Aubreton
Je le sais que mes mains sont vides ; de grâce, Ménippe, épargne-moi ce que je ne sais que trop bien ! Je souffre horriblement d’entendre cet amer reproche : pardieu, ami, nul de tes mots n’est moins un mot d’amour.
— R. Aubreton
I know my hands are empty of wealth, but, by the Graces I beseech thee, Menippus, tell me not my own dream. It hurts me to hear continually these bitter words. Yes, my dear, this is the most unloving thing in all thy bearing to me.
— Paton edition
οἶδ᾽ ὅτι μου πλούτου κενεαὶ χέρες: ἀλλά, Μένιππε,
— Paton edition
μὴ λέγε, πρὸς Χαρίτων, τοὐμὸν ὄνειρον ἐμοί.
ἀλγέω τὴν διὰ παντὸς ἔπος τόδε πικρὸν ἀκούων
ναί, φίλε, τῶν παρὰ σοῦ τοῦτ᾽ ἀνεραστότατον.
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Last modifications
Epigram 12.148: Addition of [fra] Je le sais que mes mains … by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.148: Addition of [eng] I know my hands are empty … by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.148: Association of erotic (3) by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.148: Association of époque hellénistique (4) by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.148: Association of Couronne de Méléagre (181) by “LuizCapelo”
See all modifications →