Ἀντικράτης ᾔδει τὰ σφαιρικὰ μᾶλλον Ἀράτου
πολλῷ, τὴν ἰδίην δ᾽ οὐκ ἐνόει γένεσιν
διστάζειν γὰρ ἔφη, πότερ᾽ ἐν κριῷ γεγένηται
ἢ διδύμοις, ἢ τοῖς ἰχθύσιν ἀμφοτέροις.εὕρηται δὲ σαφῶς ἐν τοῖς τρισί καὶ γὰρ ὀχευτὴς
— Paton edition
καὶ μωρὸς μαλακὸς τ᾽ ἐστὶ καὶ ὀψοφάγος.
Anticratès connaissait les corps célestes beaucoup mieux qu'Aratos; mais son propre horoscope, il le saisissait mal. Car il hésitait, disait-il: était-il né sous le Bélier, les Gémeaux ou bien les deux Poissons.
— Waltz edition
Or, on trouve sans aucun doute qu'il naquit sous les trois; car c'est un coureur, un tout-fou, un efféminé, et, de plus, un gourmand.
Anticrates knew the constellations much better than Aratus, but could not tell his own nativity ; for he said he was in doubt whether he was born in the Ram or the Twins, or in both the Fishes. But it was clearly found to be in all three, for he is a tupper and a fool, and effeminate, and fond of fish.
— Paton edition
Anticrates knew the constellations much better than Aratus, but could not tell his own nativity ; for he said he was in doubt whether he was born in the Ram or the Twins, or in both the Fishes. But it was clearly found to be in all three, for he is a tupper and a fool, and effeminate, and fond of fish.
— Paton edition
Anticratès connaissait les corps célestes beaucoup mieux qu'Aratos; mais son propre horoscope, il le saisissait mal. Car il hésitait, disait-il: était-il né sous le Bélier, les Gémeaux ou bien les deux Poissons.
— Waltz edition
Or, on trouve sans aucun doute qu'il naquit sous les trois; car c'est un coureur, un tout-fou, un efféminé, et, de plus, un gourmand.
Ἀντικράτης ᾔδει τὰ σφαιρικὰ μᾶλλον Ἀράτου
πολλῷ, τὴν ἰδίην δ᾽ οὐκ ἐνόει γένεσιν
διστάζειν γὰρ ἔφη, πότερ᾽ ἐν κριῷ γεγένηται
ἢ διδύμοις, ἢ τοῖς ἰχθύσιν ἀμφοτέροις.εὕρηται δὲ σαφῶς ἐν τοῖς τρισί καὶ γὰρ ὀχευτὴς
— Paton edition
καὶ μωρὸς μαλακὸς τ᾽ ἐστὶ καὶ ὀψοφάγος.
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 11.318: Addition of internal reference from Epigram 7.406 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.318: Creation of Scholium 11.318.1 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.318: Addition of Manuscript 6899 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.318: First revision
See all modifications →