Ἑρμαίοις ἡμῖν Ἀφροδίσιος ἓξ χόας οἴνου
— Beckby
αἴρων προσκόψας πένθος ἔθηκε μέγα.
“οἶνος καὶ Κένταυρον ἀπώλεσεν.” ὡς ὄφελεν δὲ
χἠμᾶς· νῦν δ' ἡμεῖς τοῦτον ἀπωλέσαμεν.
At the feast of Hermes, Aphrodisius, as he was
— Paton edition
carrying six choes of wine, stumbled and threw us
into deep mourning. " Wine was the death even of
the Centaurs." Would it had been ours ; but now
it is it we have lost.
Aux fêtes d'Hermès, Aphrodisios nous apportait six conges de vin. Il trébucha: tous furent consternés. "Oui du Centaure aussi le vin fut la perte!" Ah! que n'a-t-il aussi causé la nôtre! Car, maintenant, c'est lui que nous avons perdu.
— R. Aubreton
Aux fêtes d'Hermès, Aphrodisios nous apportait six conges de vin. Il trébucha: tous furent consternés. "Oui du Centaure aussi le vin fut la perte!" Ah! que n'a-t-il aussi causé la nôtre! Car, maintenant, c'est lui que nous avons perdu.
— R. Aubreton
At the feast of Hermes, Aphrodisius, as he was
— Paton edition
carrying six choes of wine, stumbled and threw us
into deep mourning. " Wine was the death even of
the Centaurs." Would it had been ours ; but now
it is it we have lost.
Ἑρμαίοις ἡμῖν Ἀφροδίσιος ἓξ χόας οἴνου
— Beckby
αἴρων προσκόψας πένθος ἔθηκε μέγα.
“οἶνος καὶ Κένταυρον ἀπώλεσεν.” ὡς ὄφελεν δὲ
χἠμᾶς· νῦν δ' ἡμεῖς τοῦτον ἀπωλέσαμεν.
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Last modifications
Epigram 11.1: Removal of Nicarchus Epigrammaticus by “mathildevrst”
Epigram 11.1: Association of Nicarchus by “mathildevrst”
Epigram 11.1: First revision
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