Scholium 12.102.1: Addition of Text
Scholium 12.102.1: Addition of Manuscript 6259
Epigram 12.102: Creation of Scholium 12.102.1
Scholium 12.102.1: Creation of Scholium 12.102.1
Epigram 12.101: Association of distique élégiaque (1)
Epigram 12.101: Association of époque hellénistique (4)
Epigram 12.101: Association of Couronne de Méléagre (181)
Epigram 12.101: Association of erotic (3)
Epigram 12.101: Addition of Manuscript 6258
Epigram 12.101: Addition of Manuscript 6257
Scholium 12.101.1: Addition of [grc] Μελεάγρου
Scholium 12.101.1: Addition of [grc] Μελεάγρου
Scholium 12.101.1: Addition of Manuscript 6256
Epigram 12.101: Creation of Scholium 12.101.1
Scholium 12.101.1: Creation of Scholium 12.101.1
Epigram 12.100: Association of distique élégiaque (1)
Epigram 12.100: Association of Couronne de Méléagre (181)
Epigram 12.100: Association of erotic (3)
Epigram 12.100: Association of anonymus
Epigram 12.100: Addition of Manuscript 6255