Epigram 9.741

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713-742 are all on Myron's celebrated Statue of a Heifer. It stood originally in the Agora at Athens, but was transferred to the Temple of Peace at Rome.

Codex Palatinus 23, p.478


χάλκεος ἦς, ἐπὶ σοὶ δὲ γεωτόμος εἷλκεν ἄροτρον
καὶ ζυγόδεσμα φέρων, ψευδομένα δάμαλι.
ἀλλὰ Μύρων τέχνᾳ πανυπείροχος, ὅς σε δι᾽ ἔργων
ἔμπνουν, ὥς τινα βοῦν ἐργάτιν εἰργάσατο.

— Paton edition

Thou wast bronze, deceptive heifer, and the hus-
bandman came up to thee dragging a plough and
carrying a yoke. He far excels all other artists,
Myron, who by his labour made thee alive, just like a
labouring cow

— Paton edition




Significativamente la Planudea attribuisce il componimento a Gemino (Utet, t. II, p. 578)


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Last modifications

Epigram 9.741: Creation of Scholium 9.741.1 by “epheline

Epigram 9.741: Addition of Manuscript 7974 by “epheline

Epigram 9.741: Addition of Comment (PK 1105) by “mathildevrst

Epigram 9.741: Association of Tullius Geminus by “mathildevrst

Epigram 9.741: Association of anonymus by “mathildevrst

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