ὁ τράγος ὁ Κλήσωνος ὅλαν διὰ πάννυχον ὄρφναν
αἶγας ἀκοιμάτους θῆκε φριμασσόμενος
ὀδμὰ γάρ μιν ἔτυψε λύκου χιμαροσφακτῆρος
τηλόθι, πετραίαν αὖλιν ἀνερχομένου:μέσφα κύνες κοίτας ἀνεγέρμονες ἐπτοίασαν
— Paton edition
θῆρα μέγαν τραγίνους δ᾽ ὕπνος ἔμυσε κόρας.
Cleson's billy-goat through the livelong night kept
— Paton edition
the she-goats awake with his snorting and jumping,
for he had caught from afar the scent of a goat-
slaying wolf that was approaching the fold built on
the cliff. At length the dogs awakened from their
bed, frightened away the huge beast, and sleep closed
the eyes of the goats.
Cleson's billy-goat through the livelong night kept
— Paton edition
the she-goats awake with his snorting and jumping,
for he had caught from afar the scent of a goat-
slaying wolf that was approaching the fold built on
the cliff. At length the dogs awakened from their
bed, frightened away the huge beast, and sleep closed
the eyes of the goats.
ὁ τράγος ὁ Κλήσωνος ὅλαν διὰ πάννυχον ὄρφναν
αἶγας ἀκοιμάτους θῆκε φριμασσόμενος
ὀδμὰ γάρ μιν ἔτυψε λύκου χιμαροσφακτῆρος
τηλόθι, πετραίαν αὖλιν ἀνερχομένου:μέσφα κύνες κοίτας ἀνεγέρμονες ἐπτοίασαν
— Paton edition
θῆρα μέγαν τραγίνους δ᾽ ὕπνος ἔμυσε κόρας.
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 9.558: Creation of Scholium 9.558.1 by “epheline”
Epigram 9.558: Addition of Manuscript 7580 by “epheline”
Epigram 9.558: First revision
See all modifications →