Καλχαδὼν δύστηνον ἐρωδιὸν ἐχθρὰ κολάζει:
τεῦ χάριν ὁ προδότης ὄρνις ἀεὶ λέγεται,
† Φοῖβοσἐρεῖ: τεναγῖτιν ὅτ᾽ εἰς ἅλα κῶλον ἐλαφρὸν
στήσας, ψαμμίτην δόρπον [ ἐθημολόγει,— Paton edition
δυσμενέες τότ᾽ ἔβησαν ἐπὶ πτόλιν ἀντιπέρηθεν,
ὀψὲ διδασκόμενοι πεζοβατεῖν πέλαγος.
βάλλετε δὴ κακὸν ὄρνιν, ἐπεὶ βαρὺν ἤρατο μισθὸν
ἐκ δηίων, κόχλους καὶ βρύον, ὁ προδότης.
Calchedon hates and punishes the ill-omened
— Paton edition
heron. Phoebus will tell for what reason it is always
called the traitor-bird. When in the shallow sea
standing on its thin shanks it was picking up its food
from the sand, then the foemen crossed to the city
from opposite, learning at length to pass over the
sea on foot. Stone the wicked bird, for it got from
the enemy a heavy reward — conchs and seaweed,
the traitor.¹
Calchedon hates and punishes the ill-omened
— Paton edition
heron. Phoebus will tell for what reason it is always
called the traitor-bird. When in the shallow sea
standing on its thin shanks it was picking up its food
from the sand, then the foemen crossed to the city
from opposite, learning at length to pass over the
sea on foot. Stone the wicked bird, for it got from
the enemy a heavy reward — conchs and seaweed,
the traitor.¹
Καλχαδὼν δύστηνον ἐρωδιὸν ἐχθρὰ κολάζει:
τεῦ χάριν ὁ προδότης ὄρνις ἀεὶ λέγεται,
† Φοῖβοσἐρεῖ: τεναγῖτιν ὅτ᾽ εἰς ἅλα κῶλον ἐλαφρὸν
στήσας, ψαμμίτην δόρπον [ ἐθημολόγει,— Paton edition
δυσμενέες τότ᾽ ἔβησαν ἐπὶ πτόλιν ἀντιπέρηθεν,
ὀψὲ διδασκόμενοι πεζοβατεῖν πέλαγος.
βάλλετε δὴ κακὸν ὄρνιν, ἐπεὶ βαρὺν ἤρατο μισθὸν
ἐκ δηίων, κόχλους καὶ βρύον, ὁ προδότης.
Deities (eng)
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 9.551: Creation of Scholium 9.551.1 by “epheline”
Epigram 9.551: Addition of Manuscript 7567 by “epheline”
Epigram 9.551: First revision
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