Πραταλίδα τὸ μνᾶμα Λυκαστίω, ἄκρον ἐρώτων
— Paton edition
εἰδότος, ἄκρα μάχας, ἄκρα λινοστασίας,
ἄκρα χοροιτυπίας. χθόνιοι, <Μίνωϊ τὸν ἄνδρα>
τοῦτον, Κρηταιεῖς Κρῆτα, παρῳκίσατε.
Voici le tombeau de Pratalidas de Lycastos, supérieur en l'art d'aimer, supérieur au combat, supérieur à la chasse au filet, supérieur à la danse chorale. Comment, dieux souterrains, avez-vous logé ce Crétois près d'un Crétois?
— Waltz edition
The tomb is that of Protalidas of Lycastus who
— Paton edition
was supreme in love, war, the chase and the dance.
Ye judges of the under-world, yourselves Cretans, ye
have taken the Cretan to your company.
Qui Pratalide giace, licastio. Fu primo in amore, primo in battaglia, nelle reti primo, primo alla danza. E voi, sotterranei numi, poneste questo Cretese al gran Cretese accanto.
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
Qui Pratalide giace, licastio. Fu primo in amore, primo in battaglia, nelle reti primo, primo alla danza. E voi, sotterranei numi, poneste questo Cretese al gran Cretese accanto.
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
The tomb is that of Protalidas of Lycastus who
— Paton edition
was supreme in love, war, the chase and the dance.
Ye judges of the under-world, yourselves Cretans, ye
have taken the Cretan to your company.
Voici le tombeau de Pratalidas de Lycastos, supérieur en l'art d'aimer, supérieur au combat, supérieur à la chasse au filet, supérieur à la danse chorale. Comment, dieux souterrains, avez-vous logé ce Crétois près d'un Crétois?
— Waltz edition
Πραταλίδα τὸ μνᾶμα Λυκαστίω, ἄκρον ἐρώτων
— Paton edition
εἰδότος, ἄκρα μάχας, ἄκρα λινοστασίας,
ἄκρα χοροιτυπίας. χθόνιοι, <Μίνωϊ τὸν ἄνδρα>
τοῦτον, Κρηταιεῖς Κρῆτα, παρῳκίσατε.
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Last modifications
Epigram 7.448: Addition of [ita] Qui Pratalide giace, licastio. Fu primo … by “mar.sparano”
Epigram 7.448: First revision
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