— Paton edition
Ὀρφεὺς μὲν κιθάρᾳ πλεῖστον γέρας εἵλετο θνητῶν,
Νέστωρ δὲ γλώσσης ἡδυλόγου σοφίῃ,
τεκτοσύνῃ δ᾽ ἐπέων πολυίστωρ θεῖος Ὅμηρος,
Τηλεφάνης δ᾽ αὐλοῖς, οὗ τάφος ἐστὶν ὅδε.
Orphée eut sa cithare pour laisser un renom au milieu des
— Waltz edition
mortels, Nestor sa sagesse aux suaves discours, le divin
Homère, à la science multiple, ses vers bien charpentés : lui,
Téléphanès, eut ses flûtes ; c'est ici son tombeau.
Orpheus won the highest prize among mortals
— Paton edition
by his harp, Nestor by the skill of his sweet-phrased
tongue, divine Homer, the learned in love, by the
art of his verse, but Telephanes, whose tomb this is,
by the flute.
Fama sovrana raggiunse fra gli uomini Orfeo con la cetra,
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
con la sapienza e la facondia Nestore,
con la fattura dei versi quell'enciclopedico Omero,
con gli auli lui che giace qui, Telèfane.
Fama sovrana raggiunse fra gli uomini Orfeo con la cetra,
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
con la sapienza e la facondia Nestore,
con la fattura dei versi quell'enciclopedico Omero,
con gli auli lui che giace qui, Telèfane.
Orpheus won the highest prize among mortals
— Paton edition
by his harp, Nestor by the skill of his sweet-phrased
tongue, divine Homer, the learned in love, by the
art of his verse, but Telephanes, whose tomb this is,
by the flute.
Orphée eut sa cithare pour laisser un renom au milieu des
— Waltz edition
mortels, Nestor sa sagesse aux suaves discours, le divin
Homère, à la science multiple, ses vers bien charpentés : lui,
Téléphanès, eut ses flûtes ; c'est ici son tombeau.
— Paton edition
Ὀρφεὺς μὲν κιθάρᾳ πλεῖστον γέρας εἵλετο θνητῶν,
Νέστωρ δὲ γλώσσης ἡδυλόγου σοφίῃ,
τεκτοσύνῃ δ᾽ ἐπέων πολυίστωρ θεῖος Ὅμηρος,
Τηλεφάνης δ᾽ αὐλοῖς, οὗ τάφος ἐστὶν ὅδε.
Metric forms (eng)
Periods (eng)
Quoted poets (eng)
Genres (eng)
Validation (eng)
Motifs (eng)
Reading paths (eng)
Mythical characters, minor deities (eng)
Quoted persons (eng)
Ὀρφεὺς μὲν κιθάρᾳ πλεῖστον γέρας εἵλετο θνητῶν ,
Νέστωρ δὲ γλώσσης ἡδυλόγου σοφίῃ ,
τεκτοσύνῃ δ ἐπέων πολυίστωρ θεῖος Ὅμηρος ,
Τηλεφάνης δ αὐλοῖς , οὗ τάφος ἐστὶν ὅδε .
Orpheus won the highest prize among mortals
by his harp , Nestor by the skill of his sweet - phrased
tongue , divine Homer , the learned in love , by the
art of his verse , but Telephanes , whose tomb this is ,
by the flute .
Ὀρφεὺς μὲν κιθάρᾳ πλεῖστον γέρας εἵλετο θνητῶν ,
Νέστωρ δὲ γλώσσης ἡδυλόγου σοφίῃ ,
τεκτοσύνῃ δ ἐπέων πολυίστωρ θεῖος Ὅμηρος ,
Τηλεφάνης δ αὐλοῖς , οὗ τάφος ἐστὶν ὅδε .
Orphée eut sa cithare pour laisser un renom au milieu des
mortels , Nestor sa sagesse aux suaves discours , le divin
Homère , à la science multiple , ses vers bien charpentés : lui ,
Téléphanès , eut ses flûtes ; c ' est ici son tombeau .
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 7.159: Addition of [ita] Fama sovrana raggiunse fra gli uomini … by “a.daronzo”
Epigram 7.159: First revision
See all modifications →