— Paton edition
τὴν ψυχήν, Ἀγάθωνα φιλῶν, ἐπὶ χείλεσιν ἔσχον
ἦλθε γὰρ ἡ τλήμων ὡς διαβησομένη.
My soul was on my lips as I was kissing Agathon. Poor soul ! she came hoping to cross over to him.
— Paton edition
Lorsque j’embrassais Agathon, j’avais mon âme sur les lèvres ; elle y était venue, la malheureuse, comme pour passer en lui.
— Waltz edition
Enquanto amo Agatão, eu tenho a alma sob os lábios,
— Luiz Capelo
e ela veio, a miserável, para cruzá-los.
Enquanto amo Agatão, eu tenho a alma sob os lábios,
— Luiz Capelo
e ela veio, a miserável, para cruzá-los.
Lorsque j’embrassais Agathon, j’avais mon âme sur les lèvres ; elle y était venue, la malheureuse, comme pour passer en lui.
— Waltz edition
My soul was on my lips as I was kissing Agathon. Poor soul ! she came hoping to cross over to him.
— Paton edition
— Paton edition
τὴν ψυχήν, Ἀγάθωνα φιλῶν, ἐπὶ χείλεσιν ἔσχον
ἦλθε γὰρ ἡ τλήμων ὡς διαβησομένη.
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Last modifications
Epigram 5.78: Addition of [por] Enquanto amo Agatão, eu tenho a … by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 5.78: Association of Sylloge Rufiana (1394) by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 5.78: First revision
See all modifications →