Epigram 5.222

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Codex Palatinus 23 p. 121


εἴ ποτε μὲν κιθάρης ἐπαφήσατο πλῆκτρον ἑλοῦσα
κούρη, Τερψιχόρης ἀντεμέλιζε μίτοις:
εἴ ποτε δὲ τραγικῷ ῥοιζήματι ῥήξατο φωνήν,
αὐτῆς Μελπομένης βόμβον ἀπεπλάσατο:

εἰ δὲ καὶ ἀγλαΐης κρίσις ἵστατο, μᾶλλον ἂν αὐτὴ
Κύπρις ἐνικήθη, κἀνεδίκαζε Πάρις.
σιγῇ ἐφ᾽̓᾽ ἡμείων, ἵνα μὴ Διόνυσος ἀκούσας
τῶν Ἀριαδνείων ζῆλον ἔχοι λεχέων.

— Paton edition

Whenever she strikes her harp with the plectrum, it seems to be the echo of Terpsichore's strings, and if she tunes her voice to the high tragic strain, it is the hum of Melpomene that she reproduces. Were there a new contest for beauty too, Cypris herself were more likely to lose the prize than she, and Paris would revise his judgement. But hush ! let us keep it to our own selves, lest Bacchus overhear and long for the embraces of this Ariadne too.

— Paton edition




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Epigram 5.222: First revision

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