Εὐοπλῶ, καὶ πρὸς σὲ μαχήσομαι, οὐδ᾽ ἀπεροῦμαι
— Paton edition
θνητὸς ἐών σὺ δ᾽, Ἔρως, μηκέτι μοι πρόσαγε.
ἤν με λάβῃς μεθύοντ᾽
, ἄπαγ᾽ ἔκδοτον ἄχρι δὲ νήφω,
τὸν παραταξάμενον πρὸς σὲ λογισμὸν ἔχω.
I am well armed, and will fight with thee and not give in, though I am a mortal. And thou, Love, come no more against me. If thou findest me drunk, carry me off a prisoner, but as long as I keep sober I have Reason standing in battle array to meet thee.
— Paton edition
Bien armé je le suis, tout prêt à lutter contre toi et je ne céderai pas, tout mortel que je sois. Mais toi, Éros, ne m’attaque plus.
— R. Aubreton
Si tu me cueilles, ivre, oui, emmène ta victime ; mais tant que je serai sobre, j’ai comme allié contre toi la raison.
Bien armé je le suis, tout prêt à lutter contre toi et je ne céderai pas, tout mortel que je sois. Mais toi, Éros, ne m’attaque plus.
— R. Aubreton
Si tu me cueilles, ivre, oui, emmène ta victime ; mais tant que je serai sobre, j’ai comme allié contre toi la raison.
I am well armed, and will fight with thee and not give in, though I am a mortal. And thou, Love, come no more against me. If thou findest me drunk, carry me off a prisoner, but as long as I keep sober I have Reason standing in battle array to meet thee.
— Paton edition
Εὐοπλῶ, καὶ πρὸς σὲ μαχήσομαι, οὐδ᾽ ἀπεροῦμαι
— Paton edition
θνητὸς ἐών σὺ δ᾽, Ἔρως, μηκέτι μοι πρόσαγε.
ἤν με λάβῃς μεθύοντ᾽
, ἄπαγ᾽ ἔκδοτον ἄχρι δὲ νήφω,
τὸν παραταξάμενον πρὸς σὲ λογισμὸν ἔχω.
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Last modifications
Epigram 12.120: Addition of [fra] Bien armé je le suis, tout … by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.120: Addition of [eng] I am well armed, and will … by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.120: Association of époque hellénistique (4) by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.120: Association of erotic (3) by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.120: Association of Couronne de Méléagre (181) by “LuizCapelo”
See all modifications →