μικρὸς Ἔρως ἐκ μητρὸς ἔτ᾽ εὐθήρατος ἀποπτάς,
— Paton edition
ἐξ οἴκων ὑψοῦ Δάμιδος οὐ πέτομαι:
ἀλλ᾽ αὐτοῦ, φιλέων τε καὶ ἀζήλωτα φιληθείς,
οὐ πολλοῖς, εὐκρὰς δ᾽ εἷς ἑνὶ συμφέρομαι.
I am a little love that flew away, still easy to catch, from my mother’s nest, but from the house of Damis I fly not away on high ; but here, loving and beloved without a rival, I keep company not with many, but with one in happy union.
— Paton edition
Petit Amour, envolé du giron maternel, proie facile du chasseur, de la demeure de Damis, là-haut, je ne m’envole pas. Mais là, j’aime et, totalement aimé en retour, sans partage, dans un parfait mélange, j’appartiens doublement à un seul.
— R. Aubreton
Petit Amour, envolé du giron maternel, proie facile du chasseur, de la demeure de Damis, là-haut, je ne m’envole pas. Mais là, j’aime et, totalement aimé en retour, sans partage, dans un parfait mélange, j’appartiens doublement à un seul.
— R. Aubreton
I am a little love that flew away, still easy to catch, from my mother’s nest, but from the house of Damis I fly not away on high ; but here, loving and beloved without a rival, I keep company not with many, but with one in happy union.
— Paton edition
μικρὸς Ἔρως ἐκ μητρὸς ἔτ᾽ εὐθήρατος ἀποπτάς,
— Paton edition
ἐξ οἴκων ὑψοῦ Δάμιδος οὐ πέτομαι:
ἀλλ᾽ αὐτοῦ, φιλέων τε καὶ ἀζήλωτα φιληθείς,
οὐ πολλοῖς, εὐκρὰς δ᾽ εἷς ἑνὶ συμφέρομαι.
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Last modifications
Epigram 12.105: Addition of [fra] Petit Amour, envolé du giron maternel, … by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.105: Addition of [eng] I am a little love that … by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.105: Association of distique élégiaque (1) by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.105: Association of erotic (3) by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.105: Association of époque hellénistique (4) by “LuizCapelo”
See all modifications →