τὸν δασὺν Ἑρμογένην ζητεῖ πόθεν ἄρξεθ᾽ ὁ κουρεὺς
— Paton edition
κείρειν τὴν κεφαλήν, ὄνθ᾽ ὅλον ὡς κεφαλήν.
La tête d'Hermogénès le poilu, le barbier cherche par où il commencera à la raser! Tout le corps ressemble à la tête...
— Waltz edition
The barber is puzzled to know where to begin to shave the head of hairy Hermogenes, as he seems to be all head.
— Paton edition
The barber is puzzled to know where to begin to shave the head of hairy Hermogenes, as he seems to be all head.
— Paton edition
La tête d'Hermogénès le poilu, le barbier cherche par où il commencera à la raser! Tout le corps ressemble à la tête...
— Waltz edition
τὸν δασὺν Ἑρμογένην ζητεῖ πόθεν ἄρξεθ᾽ ὁ κουρεὺς
— Paton edition
κείρειν τὴν κεφαλήν, ὄνθ᾽ ὅλον ὡς κεφαλήν.
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 11.190: Creation of Scholium 11.190.1 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.190: Addition of Manuscript 6492 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.190: First revision
See all modifications →