Epigram 9.516

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Codex Palatinus 23, p.445


ἔρδοι τὴν ἔμαθέν τις, ὅπου καὶ ὑπ᾽ Ἄλπιας ἄκρας
ληισταὶ λασίαις ἀμφίκομοι κεφαλαῖς,
φωρῆς ἁπτόμενοι, φύλακας κύνας ὧδ᾽ ἀλέονται
χρίονται νεφροῖς πῖαρ ἔπεστιν ὅσον,

ψευδόμενοι ῥινῶν ὀξὺν στίβον. ὦ κακὸν εὑρεῖν
ῥηΐτεραι Λιγύων μήτιες ἢ ἀγαθόν.

— Paton edition

" Let every man ply his own trade," indeed.
Under the high Alps the shock-headed robbers, when
they have a job in hand, thus avoid the watch-dogs.
They grease themselves thickly with kidney-fat to
receive the dogs' keen scent. It is more ready in
devising evil than good, the Ligurian mind.¹

— Paton edition




Paton Edition: 1 In the year 27 B.C. Crinagoras accompanied Augustus on his journey to Spain, passing through Liguria.


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Last modifications

Epigram 9.516: Creation of Scholium 9.516.3 by “epheline

Epigram 9.516: Creation of Scholium 9.516.2 by “epheline

Epigram 9.516: Creation of Scholium 9.516.1 by “epheline

Epigram 9.516: First revision

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