ἐς γάμον εὖ ξέσσεν με νεοζεύκτοιο Προκίλλης
τὸν νυμφῶν θαλάμοις αἰὲν ἀειδόμενον,
εὐξάμενος τάδε Μῆνις ὁ κωμικός:
Ὑμέναιε,ἔρχεο καὶ νύμφῃ καὶ γαμέοντι φίλος.'
— Paton edition
I am the god who is always chanted in the chambers
— Paton edition
of brides, and Menis, the comic actor, polished me
well for the wedding of newly -married Procilla, and
sent me with this prayer : " Go, Hymenaeus, in
friendly wise, to both bride and bridegroom."
I am the god who is always chanted in the chambers
— Paton edition
of brides, and Menis, the comic actor, polished me
well for the wedding of newly -married Procilla, and
sent me with this prayer : " Go, Hymenaeus, in
friendly wise, to both bride and bridegroom."
ἐς γάμον εὖ ξέσσεν με νεοζεύκτοιο Προκίλλης
τὸν νυμφῶν θαλάμοις αἰὲν ἀειδόμενον,
εὐξάμενος τάδε Μῆνις ὁ κωμικός:
Ὑμέναιε,ἔρχεο καὶ νύμφῃ καὶ γαμέοντι φίλος.'
— Paton edition
Deities (eng)
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 9.514: Creation of Scholium 9.514.1 by “epheline”
Epigram 9.514: First revision
See all modifications →