οὐκ ἀλόγως ἐν διζύφοις δύναμίν τινα θείαν
— Paton edition
εἶναι ἔφην. χθὲς γοῦν † δίζυφον ἐν χρονίῳ
ἠπιάλῳ κάμνοντι τεταρταίῳ περιῆψα,
καὶ γέγονεν ταχέως, οἷα κρότων, ὑγιής.
I was not wrong in saying that there is a divine
— Paton edition
virtue in dizyphi.¹ The other day at least I applied a
dizyphos to one suffering from a chronic quartan ague,
and he became at once as fit as a dog-tick.
I was not wrong in saying that there is a divine
— Paton edition
virtue in dizyphi.¹ The other day at least I applied a
dizyphos to one suffering from a chronic quartan ague,
and he became at once as fit as a dog-tick.
οὐκ ἀλόγως ἐν διζύφοις δύναμίν τινα θείαν
— Paton edition
εἶναι ἔφην. χθὲς γοῦν † δίζυφον ἐν χρονίῳ
ἠπιάλῳ κάμνοντι τεταρταίῳ περιῆψα,
καὶ γέγονεν ταχέως, οἷα κρότων, ὑγιής.
Motifs (eng)
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 9.503: Association of Maladie (1203) by “Alexis_K”
Epigram 9.503: Creation of Scholium 9.503.1 by “epheline”
Epigram 9.503: First revision
See all modifications →