Ἕκτωρ Αἴαντι ξίφος ὤπασεν, Ἕκτορι δ᾽ Αἴας
ζωστῆρ᾽: ἀμφοτέρων ἡ χάρις εἷς θάνατος.— Paton edition
Hector donna à Ajax son épée, Ajax donna à Hector son
— Waltz edition
baudrier : s'il y eut double cadeau, il n'y eut qu'une seule
Hector gave his sword to Ajax and Ajax his
— Paton edition
girdle to Hector, and the gifts of both are alike
instruments of death.
Ettore diede ad Aiace la spada, ad Ettore Aiace
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
il cinto: dono d'ambedue la morte
Ettore diede ad Aiace la spada, ad Ettore Aiace
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
il cinto: dono d'ambedue la morte
Hector gave his sword to Ajax and Ajax his
— Paton edition
girdle to Hector, and the gifts of both are alike
instruments of death.
Hector donna à Ajax son épée, Ajax donna à Hector son
— Waltz edition
baudrier : s'il y eut double cadeau, il n'y eut qu'une seule
Ἕκτωρ Αἴαντι ξίφος ὤπασεν, Ἕκτορι δ᾽ Αἴας
ζωστῆρ᾽: ἀμφοτέρων ἡ χάρις εἷς θάνατος.— Paton edition
Metric forms (eng)
Genres (eng)
Mythical characters, minor deities (eng)
Quoted persons (eng)
Reading paths (eng)
Motifs (eng)
Ἕκτωρ Αἴαντι ξίφος ὤπασεν , Ἕκτορι δ Αἴας
ζωστῆρ : ἀμφοτέρων ἡ χάρις εἷς θάνατος .
Hector gave his sword to Ajax and Ajax his
girdle to Hector , and the gifts of both are alike
instruments of death .
Ἕκτωρ Αἴαντι ξίφος ὤπασεν , Ἕκτορι δ Αἴας
ζωστῆρ : ἀμφοτέρων ἡ χάρις εἷς θάνατος .
Hector donna à Ajax son épée , Ajax donna à Hector son
baudrier : s ' il y eut double cadeau , il n ' y eut qu ' une seule
mort .
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 7.151: Addition of [ita] Ettore diede ad Aiace la spada, … by “a.daronzo”
Epigram 7.151: First revision
See all modifications →