Epigram 12.247: Addition of [fra] Jadis vers Troie venant de Crète, … by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.247: Addition of [eng] Theodores, as once Idomeneus brought from … by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.247: Addition of Manuscript 7033 by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.247: Association of distique élégiaque (1) by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.247: Association of Grèce romaine (60) by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.247: Association of erotic (3) by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.247: Association of Muse garçonnière (1403) by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.247: Association of Sardes by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.247: Addition of Manuscript 7032 by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.247: Creation of Scholium 12.247.1 by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 12.247: First revision