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Modifications for Epigram 12.119

Epigram 12.119: Addition of [fra] Je la porterai donc, ta folle … by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.119: Addition of [eng] I shall bear, Bacchus, thy boldness, … by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.119: Association of erotic (3) by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.119: Association of époque hellénistique (4) by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.119: Association of Couronne de Méléagre (181) by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.119: Association of distique élégiaque (1) by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.119: Addition of Manuscript 6296 by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.119: Creation of Scholium 12.119.1 by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.119: First revision