αἰάζω Διότιμον, ὃς ἐν πέτραισι κάθηται,
— Paton edition
Γαργαρέων παισὶν βῆτα καὶ ἄλφα λέγων.
Je plains Diotime qui, assis parmi les roches, enseigne l'ABC aux jeunes enfants de Gargara.
— R. Aubreton
Eu me lamento por Diotomos, aquele que se sentava nas pedras
— Luiz Capelo
recitando o alfabeto a todos de Gárgara.
I lament for Diotimus, who sits on stones repeat-
— Paton edition
ing Alpha and Beta to the children of Gargarus.
I lament for Diotimus, who sits on stones repeat-
— Paton edition
ing Alpha and Beta to the children of Gargarus.
Eu me lamento por Diotomos, aquele que se sentava nas pedras
— Luiz Capelo
recitando o alfabeto a todos de Gárgara.
Je plains Diotime qui, assis parmi les roches, enseigne l'ABC aux jeunes enfants de Gargara.
— R. Aubreton
αἰάζω Διότιμον, ὃς ἐν πέτραισι κάθηται,
— Paton edition
Γαργαρέων παισὶν βῆτα καὶ ἄλφα λέγων.
Metric forms (eng)
Periods (eng)
Collections (eng)
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 11.437: Creation of Scholium 11.437.1 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.437: Addition of Manuscript 7239 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.437: Addition of [eng] I lament for Diotimus, who sits … by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.437: Association of époque hellénistique (4) by “LuizCapelo”
Epigram 11.437: Association of Couronne de Méléagre (181) by “LuizCapelo”
See all modifications →