ἢν ἐσίδῃς κεφαλὴν μαδαράν, καὶ στέρνα, καὶ ὤμους,
— Paton edition
μηδὲν ἐρωτήσῃς: μῶρον ὁρᾷς φαλακρόν.
Si tu aperçois une tête bien lisse, une poitrine et des
— R. Aubreton
épaules, ne pose pas de questions: tu vois un imbécile
If you see a hairless head, breast, and shoulders,
— Paton edition
make no enquiries ; it is a bald fool that you see.
If you see a hairless head, breast, and shoulders,
— Paton edition
make no enquiries ; it is a bald fool that you see.
Si tu aperçois une tête bien lisse, une poitrine et des
— R. Aubreton
épaules, ne pose pas de questions: tu vois un imbécile
ἢν ἐσίδῃς κεφαλὴν μαδαράν, καὶ στέρνα, καὶ ὤμους,
— Paton edition
μηδὲν ἐρωτήσῃς: μῶρον ὁρᾷς φαλακρόν.
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 11.434: Creation of Scholium 11.434.1 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.434: Addition of Manuscript 7233 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.434: Addition of [eng] If you see a hairless head, … by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.434: Addition of [fra] Si tu aperçois une tête bien … by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.434: Removal of Text by “maximeguénette”
See all modifications →