τὸν πόδα τῇ βελόνῃ τρυπῶν Κλεόνικος ὁ λεπτός,
— Paton edition
αὐτὸς ἐτρύπησεν τῷ ποδὶ τὴν βελόνην.
Cléonicos tentait de se percer le pied d'une aiguille; or il perça l'aiguille de son pied!
— Waltz edition
Lean Cleonicus, making a hole in his foot with the needle, himself made a hole in the needle with his foot .
— Paton edition
Lean Cleonicus, making a hole in his foot with the needle, himself made a hole in the needle with his foot .
— Paton edition
Cléonicos tentait de se percer le pied d'une aiguille; or il perça l'aiguille de son pied!
— Waltz edition
τὸν πόδα τῇ βελόνῃ τρυπῶν Κλεόνικος ὁ λεπτός,
— Paton edition
αὐτὸς ἐτρύπησεν τῷ ποδὶ τὴν βελόνην.
Scholium 11.308.1Alignments
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 11.308: Addition of internal reference from Epigram 11.102 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.308: Creation of Scholium 11.308.1 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.308: Addition of Manuscript 6799 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 11.308: First revision
See all modifications →