α. εἰπὲ νομεῦ, τίνος εἰσὶ φυτῶν στίχες; β. αἱ μὲν ἐλαῖαι,
Παλλάδος: αἱ δὲ πέριξ ἡμερίδες, Βρομίου.α. καὶ τίνος οἱ στάχυες; β. Δημήτερος. α. ἄνθεα ποίων
εἰσὶ θεῶν; β. Ἥρης καὶ ῥοδέης Παφίης.— Paton edition
α. Πὰν φίλε, πηκτίδα μίμνε τεοῖς ἐπὶ χείλεσι σύρων:
ἠχὼ γὰρ δήεις τοῖσδ᾽ ἐνὶ θειλοπέδοις.
A. Tell me, shepherd, whose are these rows of
— Paton edition
plants? B. The olive-trees belong to Pallas and the
vines round them to Dionysus. A. And whose is the
corn ? B. Demeter's. A. To what gods do the
flowers belong ? B. To Hera and rosy Aphro-
dite. A. Dear Pan, stay here and ply the pipe
with thy lips, for thou shalt find Echo on this
sunny slope.
A. Tell me, shepherd, whose are these rows of
— Paton edition
plants? B. The olive-trees belong to Pallas and the
vines round them to Dionysus. A. And whose is the
corn ? B. Demeter's. A. To what gods do the
flowers belong ? B. To Hera and rosy Aphro-
dite. A. Dear Pan, stay here and ply the pipe
with thy lips, for thou shalt find Echo on this
sunny slope.
α. εἰπὲ νομεῦ, τίνος εἰσὶ φυτῶν στίχες; β. αἱ μὲν ἐλαῖαι,
Παλλάδος: αἱ δὲ πέριξ ἡμερίδες, Βρομίου.α. καὶ τίνος οἱ στάχυες; β. Δημήτερος. α. ἄνθεα ποίων
εἰσὶ θεῶν; β. Ἥρης καὶ ῥοδέης Παφίης.— Paton edition
α. Πὰν φίλε, πηκτίδα μίμνε τεοῖς ἐπὶ χείλεσι σύρων:
ἠχὼ γὰρ δήεις τοῖσδ᾽ ἐνὶ θειλοπέδοις.
Deities (eng)
Epithets and epiclesis (eng)
Mythical characters, minor deities (eng)
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 9.586: Creation of Scholium 9.586.1 by “epheline”
Epigram 9.586: Addition of Manuscript 7643 by “epheline”
Epigram 9.586: First revision
See all modifications →