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            "id": 2019,
            "book": {
                "url": "",
                "number": 8
            "fragment": 163,
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [],
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "παρθένον αἰγλήεσσαν ἔχω κόνις, εἲ τιν᾽ ἀκούεις\nΜακρίναν, Ἐμμελίου πρωτότοκον μεγάλης:\nἣ πάντων ἀνδρῶν λάθεν ὄμματα: νῦν δ᾽ ἐνὶ πάντων\n γλώσσῃ καὶ πάντων φέρτερον εὖχος ἔχει."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "C'est une vierge resplendissante qu'enveloppe ma poussière\r\n— vous en avez peut-être entendu parler — : Macrina,\r\nl'ainée des enfants de la noble Emmélia; elle se\r\ncachait aux yeux de tous les hommes; et maintenant elle est\r\ndans toutes leurs bouches, elle a une plus grande gloire\r\nqu'eux tous."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "The earth holds the glorious virgin Macrina, if ye\r\never heard her name, the first-born child of great\r\nEmmelia. She let herself be seen by no man, but is\r\nnow on the tongues of all, and has glory greater\r\nthan any."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
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            "id": 1996,
            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 164,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "καὶ σὺ Θεοσσέβιον, κλεινῆς τέκος Ἐμμελίοιο,\nΓρηγορίου μεγάλου σύζυγε ἀτρεκέως,\n ἐνθάδε τὴν ἱερὴν ὑπέδυς χθόνα, ἔμμα γυναικῶν\nεὐσεβέων βιότου δ᾽ ὥριος ἐξελύθης."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Toi aussi, Théosébion, fille de l'illustre Emmélia, qui\r\nfus la compagne du grand Grégoire*, c'est ici vraiment que\r\ntu es descendue dans la terre sacrée pour être le soutien\r\ndes femmes pieuses; quant a la vie, c'est au moment opportun\r\nque tu en as été délivrée."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "And thou, Theosebia, child of noble Emmelia, and\r\nin very truth spouse of great Gregory, liest here in\r\nholy soil, thou stay of pious women. Ripe in years\r\ndidst thou depart this life."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "id": 1792,
            "book": {
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            "fragment": 165,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Γρηγόριον μήτρως, ἱερεὺς μέγας, ἐνθάδ᾽ ἔθηκε\n Γρηγόριος, καθαροῖς Μάρτυσι παρθέμενος,\n ἠίθεον, θαλέθοντα, νεόχνοον αἱ δὲ πάροιθεν\n τῆς γηροτροφίης ἐλπίδες ἥδε κόνις."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Grégoire a été déposé ici par son oncle, le grand prêtre\r\nGrégoire*, qui a confié aux purs Martyrs ce jeune homme\r\ndans la fleur de l'âge paré d'un premier duvet; les espérances\r\nqu'il avait naguère de voir son neveu soutenir sa\r\nvieillesse ne sont même plus de la poussière."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Gregory the high priest, laid here his nephew\r\nGregory, yet in the first bloom of youth, entrusting\r\nhim to the pure martyrs. His former hopes of being\r\ntended by him in his old age are here turned to\r\ndust."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
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            "id": 1802,
            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 166,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "εἰ φίλον ὀρχησταῖς ἀθλήματα, καὶ φίλον ἔστω\n θρύψις ἀεθλοφόροις: ταῦτα γάρ ἀντίθετα.\nεἰ δ᾽ οὐκ ὀρχησταῖς ἀθλήματα, οὐδὲ ἀθληταῖς\nἡ θρύψις, πῶς σὺ Μάρτυσι δῶρα φέρεις\n\n                  ἄργυρον, οἶνον, βρῶσιν, ἐρεύγματα; ἦ ῥα δίκαιος\nὃς πληροῖ θυλάκους, ἂν ἀδικώτατος ᾖ;"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Si les danseurs se plaisent aux exploits, alors que la bonne\r\nchère plaise aux saints victorieux; ce sont en effet deux\r\ncontraires. Mais si les danseurs n'aiment pas les exploits ni\r\nlea combattants la bonne chère, comment peux-tu, toi,\r\napporter en présents aux Martyrs de l'argenterie, du vin, des\r\naliments, des hoquets? Est-on juste parce qu'on emplit des\r\nsacs, si l'on est en même temps le plus injuste des\r\nhommes?"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "If the pains of martyrdom are dear to dancers,\r\nthen let luxury be dear to the martyrs, for these\r\ntwo things are opposite. But if neither these pains\r\nare dear to dancers, nor luxury to the martyrs, how\r\nis it thou bringest as gifts to the martyrs, silver,\r\nwine, food, belching? Is he who fills that bag his\r\nbody just, even if he be most unjust?"
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "id": 1903,
            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 167,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Μάρτυρες, εἴπατε ἄμμιν ἀληθῶς, εἰ φίλον ὑμῖν\n\n                  αἱ σύνοδοι; τί μὲν οὖν ἥδιον; ἀντί τίνος;\n                  τῆς ἀρετῆς: πολλοὶ γὰρ ἀμείνους ὧδε γένοιντ᾽ ἄν,\n\n                  εἰ τιμῷτ᾽ ἀρετή. τοῦτο μὲν εὖ λέγετε.\n                  \n                  ἡ δὲ μέθη, τό τε γαστρὸς ὑπάρχειν τοὺς θεραπευτὰς\n ἄλλοις: ἀθλοφόρων ἔκλυσις ἀλλοτρία."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "« Martyrs, dites-nous si vraiment vous aimez les assemblées.\r\n—Mais oui; qu'y a-t-il de plus agréable?\r\n—Dans quel intérêt?\r\n—Dans celui de la vertu car bien des gens deviendraient\r\nalors meilleurs, s'ils l'honoraient.\r\n—Jusqu'ici vous avez raison; mais l'ivresse, mais qu'on\r\ndevienne le serviteur de son ventre, laissons cela à d'autres ;\r\nce relâchement ne saurait plaire aux saints victorieux. »"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "\" Tell me, martyrs, truly, if ye love the meetings? \"\r\n\" What could be dearer to us? \" \" For the sake of\r\nwhat?\" \" Virtue, for if virtue were honoured, many\r\nmen would become better.\" \" Ye are right in this,\r\nbut drunkenness and enslavement to the belly is for\r\nothers. Dissipation is alien to the martyrs. \""
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 168,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "μὴ ψεύδεσθ᾽ ὅτι γαστρὸς ἐπαινέται εἰσὶν ἀθληταί:\n λαιμῶν οἵδε νόμοι, ὦ 'γαθοί, ὑμετέρων:\nμάρτυσι δ᾽ εἰς τιμὴν ἓν ἐπίσταμαι: ὕβριν ἐλαύνειν\n ψυχῆς καὶ δαπανᾶν δάκρυσι τὴν πιμελήν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Ne dites pas — c'est un mensonge — que le ventre a les\r\nfaveurs des combattants ; cela, mes braves, c'est la loi de votre\r\ngueule; mais les Martyrs, pour les honorer je ne sais qu'une\r\nchose : chasser l'orgueil de votre âme et quant à votre\r\ngraisse, la consumer dans les larmes."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Assert not falsely that martyrs are commenders of\r\nthe belly. This is the law of your gullets, good\r\npeople. But I know one way of honouring the\r\nmartyrs, to drive away wantonness from the soul,\r\nand decrease thy fatness by weeping."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
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            "id": 1889,
            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 169,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Μαρτύρομ᾽, ἀθλοφόροι καὶ μάρτυρες: ὕβριν ἔθηκαν\r\n τιμὰς ὑμετέρας οἱ φιλογαστορίδαι.\r\nοὐ ζητεῖτε τράπεζαν ἐύπνοον, οὐδὲ μαγείρους:\r\nοἱ δ᾽ ἐρυγὰς παρέχουσ᾽ ἀντ᾽ ἀρετῆς τὸ γέρας."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Je vous prends à témoin, saints victorieux, Martyrs : c'est\r\nen un scandale qu'ils ont changé vos honneurs, ces gloutons.\r\nVous ne demandez pas une table parfumée ni des cuisiniers;\r\net eux, ce sont des hoquets qu'ils vous offrent, au lieu de\r\nleur vertu, pour votre récompense."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "I testify, ye martyrs. The belly-lovers have made\r\nyour worship into wantonness. Ye desire no sweet-\r\nsmelling table, nor cooks. But they honour you with\r\nbelching rather than righteousness."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "id": 1945,
            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 170,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Τρισθανέες, πρῶτον μὲν ἐμίξατε σώματ᾽ ἀνάγνων\n ἀθλοφόροις, τύμβοι δὲ θυηπόλον ἀμφὶς ἔχουσι:\n δεύτερον αὖτε τάφους τοὺς μὲν ἐμίξατε σώματ᾽ ἀθέσμως,\n αὐτοὶ σήματ᾽ ἔχοντες ὁμοίια: τοὺς δ᾽ ἀπέδοσθε,\n\n                   πολλάκι καὶ τρὶς ἕκαστον ὃ δὲ τρίτον, ἱεροσυλεῖς\nμάρτυρας οὓς φιλέεις: Σοδομίτιδες ἤξατε πηγαί."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Vous méritez trois fois la mort : d'abord, vous avez mêlé\r\ndes corps de profanes à ceux des saints victorieux, dont les\r\ntombes renferment un donneur d'encens *; puis, en second\r\nlieu, parmi les sépultures, vous avez saccagé les unes, au\r\nmépris des lois, quand vous aviez vous-mêmes des monuments\r\nsemblables, et les autres, vous les avez vendues,\r\nsouvent jusqu'à trois fois chacune *; troisième crime, enfin :\r\npar vos sacrilèges, vous dépouillez les Martyrs au profit de\r\nceux qui vous sont chers. Jaillissez, sources de Sodome."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Thrice worthy of death, first ye laid beside the\r\nmartyrs the bodies of impure men, and their tombs\r\ncontain the bodies of pagan priests. Secondly, ye\r\nwickedly destroyed some tombs, ye who have tombs\r\nlike unto them; and others ye sold, often each tomb\r\nthrice. In the third place, ye are guilty of sacrilege\r\nto those martyrs whom ye love. Come, ye fiery\r\nfounts of Sodom!"
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 171,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "παῖδες χριστιανῶν τόδ᾽ ἀκούσατε: οὐδὲν ὁ τύμβος:\n πῶς οὖν ὑμετέρους χώννυτ᾽ ἀριπρεπέας;\n ἀλλ᾽ ἔστιν καὶ πᾶσι γέρας τόδε, μηδὲ τάφοισιν\n βάλλειν ἀλλοτρίοις δυσμενέας παλάμας.\n\n                  εἰ δ᾽ ὅτι μὴ νέκυς οἶδε τὰ ἐνθάδε, τοῦτ᾽ ἀδίκαστον,\n πείθομαι, ἢν σὺ φέρῃς πατρὸς ὕβριν φθιμένου."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Enfants des chrétiens, écoutez ceci : « Le tombeau, dites\r\nvous, n'est rien? Alors, pourquoi bâtissez-vous les vôtres si\r\nsplendidement ? Mais c'est aussi un hommage qu'on rend à\r\ntout le monde, de ne pas même porter sur une sépulture\r\nétrangère des mains criminelles. Si, parce que le mort ignore\r\nce qui se fait ici-bas, ce sacrilège ne tombe pas sous le coup\r\ndes lois, j'y consens, ... si vous tolérez, vous, qu'on outrage\r\nvotre père mort. »"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Hearken to this, ye sons of Christians. The tomb\r\nis nothing. Why, then, do ye make your tombs magnificent?\r\nBut this reverence is due to all, not to lay\r\nhostile hands on the tombs of others. But if this\r\nshould escape punishment, because the corpse does\r\nnot feel what is done to it here, I agree, if thou\r\ncanst put up with an outrage done to thy dead\r\nfather."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "id": 1982,
            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 172,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Τυμβολέται, γάστρωνες, ἐρευγόβιοι, πλατύνωτοι,\n μέχρι τίνος: τύμβοις Μάρτυρας ἀλλοτρίοις\n τιμᾶτ᾽, εὐσεβέοντες ἃ μὴ θέμις; ἴσχετε λαιμούς,\n καὶ τότε πιστεύσω Μάρτυσιν ἦρα φέρειν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Goinfres destructeurs de tombeaux, hommes au large dos *\r\nqui passez votre vie dans les hoquets de l'ivresse, jusques à\r\nquand honorerez-vous les Martyrs aux dépens des sépultures\r\nd'autrui, dans votre piété sacrilège? Modérez vos gosiers\r\navides, et alors je croirai que vous rendez hommage aux\r\nMartyrs."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Destroyers of tombs, gluttons who live but for\r\nbelching, broad-backed, how long shall ye continue\r\nto honour the martyrs by the spoils of the tombs of\r\nothers, with impious piety? Contain your greed,\r\nand then I will believe ye bring what is acceptable\r\nto the martyrs."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τιμὴ Μάρτυσίν ἐστιν ἀεὶ θνῄσκειν βιότητι,\nαἵματος οὐρανίου μνωομένους μεγάλου,\n τύμβοι δὲ φθιμένοις: ὃς βήματα δ᾽ ἡμὶν ἐγείρει\nἀλλοτρίοισι λίθοις, μηδὲ τάφοιο τύχοι."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "C'est un honneur pour les Martyrs, toujours, de mourir à\r\nla vie en se souvenant du noble sang céleste; et les tombeaux\r\nen sont un quand ils sont morts. Mais celui qui nous\r\nélève des autels avec les pierres d'autrui, puisse-t-il ne pas\r\nmême obtenir une sépulture."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "It is paying honour to the martyrs always to die\r\nto life, remembering the great heavenly blood; but\r\ntombs are an honour to the dead. Let him who\r\nerects shrines to us out of the stones belonging to\r\nothers lack himself a tomb."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Μάρτυρες, αἷμα Θεῷ μεγάλην ἐσπείσατε λοιβήν,\n καὶ μέντοι θεόθεν ἄξια δῶρ᾽ ἔχετε,\n βήμαθ᾽, ὕμνους, λαούς, εὐχῶν σέβας. ἀλλ᾽ ἀπὸ τύμβων\n φεύγετε, νεκροκόμοι, Μάρτυσι πειθόμενοι."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Martyrs, c'est votre sang que vous avez versé pour Dieu\r\nen une noble libation, et en échange vous tenez de lui des\r\nprésents non moins précieux : des autels, des hymnes, des\r\nfoules de fidèles, pieux hommage de leurs âmes. Mais fuyez\r\nloin des tombeaux, vous qui avez le culte des morts, pour\r\nobéir aux Martyrs."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Martyrs, ye poured your blood a great libation to\r\nGod, and from God ye have fitting reward, shrines,\r\nhymns, congregations, the honour of prayers. But\r\nye worshippers of the dead, do as the martyrs bid\r\nyou, and keep away from tombs."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "δαίμοσιν εἰλαπίναζον, ὅσοις τὸ πάροιθε μεμήλει\n δαίμοσιν ἦρα φέρειν, οὐ καθαρὰς θαλίας:\nτούτου χριστιανοὶ λύσιν εὕρομεν, ἀθλοφόροισι\n στησάμεθ᾽ ἡμετέροις πνευματικὰς συνόδους.\n\n                   νῦν δέ τι τάρβος ἔχει με: ἀκούσατε οἱ φιλόκωμοι:\n πρὸς τοὺς δαιμονικοὺς αὐτομολεῖτε τύπους."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "C'est en l'honneur des démons qu'ils festoyaient, ceux\r\nqui jadis se faisaient un devoir de rendre hommage aux\r\ndémons au lieu de leur offrir de pures fêtes. A ces erreurs,\r\nnous, chrétiens, nous avons mis fin, et en l'honneur de nos\r\nMartyrs victorieux nous avons institué des assemblées spirituelles.\r\nMais maintenant une terreur me saisit; écoutez,\r\namateurs de banquets : vous désertez pour suivre les formes\r\nqui convenaient aux démons."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "In honour of the demons those who wished formerly\r\nto gain the favour of the demons celebrated\r\nimpure banquets. This we Christians abolished, and\r\ninstituted spiritual meetings for our martyrs. But\r\nnow I am in some dread. List to me, ye revellers:\r\nye desert us for the rites of devils."
            "authors": [
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "μηκέτι πηκτὸν ἄροτρον ἀνήρ ἐπὶ γαῖαν ἐλαύνοι,\nμὴ πέλαγος πλώοι,. μὴ δόρυ θοῦρον ἔχοι:\n ἀλλὰ φέρων σκαπάνην τε καὶ ἄγριον ἐν φρεσὶ θυμόν,\nἐς τύμβους πατέρων χρυσὸν ἴοι ποθέων\n\n                   ὁππότε καὶ τοῦτόν τις ἐμὸν περικαλλέα τύμβον\n σκάψεν ἀτασθαλέων εἵνεκα κερδοσύνης."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Que l'homme n'enfonce plus dans le sol une solide\r\ncharrue, qu'il ne vogue plus sur la mer, qu'il ne tienne plus\r\nune lance impétueuse; mais que portant une pioche et\r\ndans sa poitrine une ardeur sauvage il s'en aille, avide d'or,\r\nvers les tombeaux de ses pères, puisqu'un insensé a, dans\r\nson amour du gain, fouillé le magnifique tombeau que\r\nj'avais ici."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Let no man any longer drive a sturdy plough into\r\nthe land; let him not sail the sea, nor bear a threatening\r\nspear, but with pickaxe and savage heart go to\r\nseek gold in the tombs of his fathers, now that some\r\nwicked man has dug up, for the sake of gain, this\r\nbeautiful tomb of mine."
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
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                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ἑπτὰ βίοιο πέλει τάδε θαύματα: τεῖχος, ἄγαλμα,\nκῆποι, πυραμίδες, νηός, ἄγαλμα, τάφος:\nὄγδοον ἔσκον ἔγωγε πελώριος ἐνθάδε τύμβος,\nὑψιπαγής, σκοπέλων τῶνδ᾽ ἀποτῆλε θέων\n\n                   πρῶτος δ᾽ ἐν φθιμένοισιν ἀοίδιμος, ἔργον ἄπληστον\n τῆς σῆς, ἀνδροφόνε, μαινομένης παλάμης."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Elles sont sept, les merveilles du monde que voici : mur,\r\nstatue, jardins, Pyramides, temple, autre statue, tombeau * ;\r\nla huitième, c'était moi , cette énorme tombe qui, dressée\r\nvers le ciel, s'élançait bien loin au-dessus de ces rochers; mais\r\nje suis le premier parmi les morts qui sois digne d'être\r\nchanté : c'est là ce que, dans son insatiable avidité, a fait,\r\nassassin, ta main furieuse."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "These are the seven wonders of the world: a wall,\r\na statue, gardens, pyramids, a temple, another statue,\r\na tomb. The eighth was I, this vast tomb rising high\r\nabove these rocks; and among the dead I am most\r\ncelebrated, owing to the greed of thy furious hand,\r\nmurderer."
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
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                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
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                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
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                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ἦν ὅτε ἦν ἀτίνακτος ἐγὼ τάφος οὔρεος ἄκρην\n πουλὺς ὑπερτέλλων τηλεφανὴς σκόπελος:\n νῦν δέ με θὴρ ἐτίναξεν ἐφέστιος εἵνεκα χρυσοῦ:\n ὧδε δ᾽ ἐτινάχθην γείτονος ἐν παλάμαις."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Il fut un temps où j'étais une tombe indestructible, une\r\nmasse rocheuse dépassant le faîte de la montagne et visible de\r\nbien loin; maintenant, une bête sauvage de chez moi m'a\r\ndétruite pour l'amour de l'or; oui, j'ai été ainsi détruite, et\r\npar les mains d'un voisin."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "I was once an undisturbed tomb, like a rock rising\r\nhigh above the mountain summit, and conspicuous\r\nfrom afar; but now a beast of my own house has\r\ndestroyed me for the sake of gold, and thus I was\r\ndemolished by the hands of my neighbour."
            "authors": [
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
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                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
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                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
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                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τὸν τύμβοιο τόσου ληίστορα, ὃν πέρι πάντῃ\n λάων τετραπέδων ἀμφιθέει στέφανος,\n ἄξιον αὐτίκ᾽ ἔην, αὐτῷ ἐνὶ σήματι θέντας\nαὖθις ἐπικλεῖσαι χάσματα δυσσεβέι."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Le brigand qui a saccagé un pareil tombeau, entouré de\r\ntous côtés par une couronne de pierres carrées *, eût mérité\r\nque sur-le-champ, après l'avoir placé dans le monument\r\nmême, on en refermât sur lui les ouvertures, pour prix de\r\nson impiété."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "For the spoiler of so fine a tomb, with a cornice of\r\nsquared stones all round it, it were a fitting fate to\r\nput him in the tomb, and close on the impious wretch\r\nthe gaps he made."
            "authors": [
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
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                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ἔργον ἀλιτρὸν ὄπωπα, κεχηνότα τύμβον, ὁδεύων\n χρυσοῦ ταῦτα πέλει ἔργματα τοῦ δολίου:\nεἰ μὲν χρυσὸν ἔχεις, εὗρες κακὸν εἰ δ᾽ ἄρα κεινὸς\n ἔνθεν ἔβης, κενεὴν μήσαο δυσσεβίην."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Une œuvre criminelle, un tombeau béant : voilà ce que\r\nj'ai vu sur mon chemin; c'est là ce que font l'or et ses artifices.\r\nSi tu as de l'or, tu as trouvé une calamité; et si tu\r\nes sorti de là les mains vides, c'est pour rien que tu as\r\nmachiné cette impiété."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "As I journeyed I saw an impious thing, a gaping\r\ntomb. This is the work of deceitful gold. If thou\r\ndidst find gold, thou hast acquired an evil, but if\r\nthou wentest away empty thou hast got thee empty\r\nimpiety."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "fragment": 181,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ὁσσάτιον παράμειψα βροτῶν βίον οὐδ᾽ ἄρ᾽ ἔμελλον\n ἐκφυγέειν παλάμας γείτονος οὐλομένας,\nὅς με καὶ αἰπὺν ἐόντα χαμαὶ βάλε νηλέι θυμῷ,\n οὔτε Θεὸν δείσας, οὐθ᾽ ὁσίην φθιμένων."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Que de mortels j'ai vus passer vivants! Et pourtant, je\r\nne devais pas échapper aux mains destructrices d'un voisin,\r\nqui m'a, moi qui étais si élevé, jeté à terre d'un cœur que\r\nn'a pu toucher ni la crainte de Dieu ni le respect dû aux\r\nmorts."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "How long did I outlive the life of man! Yet it\r\nwas not my fate to escape the destructive hands of\r\nmy neighbour, who relentlessly cast me down, high\r\nas I was, fearing neither God nor the respect due\r\nto the dead."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "fragment": 182,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τὸν τύμβων κακοεργὸν ἀλάστορα φεύγετε πάντες:\n ἠνίδ᾽ ὅσην σκοπιὴν ῥήξατο ῥηιδίως:\nοὐ μὲν ῥηιδίως ἐρρήξατο: ἀλλ᾽ ἀποτῆλε\n χάζεσθε: φθιμένους ὧδ᾽ ἂν ἀρεσσάμεθα."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Le criminel, fléau des tombes, fuyez-le tous; voyez quel\r\nmonument élevé il a brisé et avec quelle facilité! Mais non,\r\nil n'a pas été facile de le briser*. Allons, loin d'ici, retirez\r\nvous *; c'est ainsi que nous aurions dû nous concilier la\r\nfaveur des morts."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Avoid, all men, the wicked profaner of tombs.\r\nLo! what a high tower has he broken down with\r\nease; but retire far from him, and thus shall we\r\nplease the dead."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "book": {
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            "fragment": 183,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "αἰαῖ ὥς τι κακὸν προτιόσσομαι ἐγγύθεν ἤδη\nτοῖσί τε τυμβορύχοις, τοῖς τε περικτιόσιν,\n σήματος ὑψιθέοντος ὀλωλότος: ἀλλὰ τὸν ἐχθρὸν\nοἶδε δίκη: δακρύειν δ᾽ ἡμέτερον φθιμένους."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Ah ! comme je prévois quelque malheur qui déjà s'approche\r\ndes violateurs de tombeaux et des voisins * pour la\r\ndestruction de ce monument qui se dressait vers le ciel ! Mais\r\nle coupable, la justice le connait; nous n'avons, nous, qu'à\r\npleurer les morts."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Woe is me! I foresee some evil about to befall\r\nthe profaners of tombs and the neighbours, now\r\nthe lofty tomb has been destroyed. But Justice\r\nknows the enemy, and it is ours but to weep for\r\nthe dead."
            "authors": [
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
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                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "fragment": 184,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Μαυσώλου τάφος ἐστὶ πελώριος, ἀλλὰ Κάρεσσι\n τίμιος: οὔτις ἐκεῖ τυμβολέτις παλάμη:\n Καππαδόκεσσιν ἔγωγε μέγ᾽ ἔξοχος, ἀλλὰ δέδορκας\n οἷα πάθον στήλῃ γράψατε νεκροφόνον."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Le tombeau de Mausole est gigantesque, mais les Cariens\r\nle vénèrent; il n'y a point, là-bas, de main qui détruise les\r\ntombes. Mais moi, qui étais un des plus beaux monuments\r\nde la Cappadoce, voyez ce que j'ai subi. Sur ma stèle, c'est\r\nle nom du tueur de morts qu'il faut inscrire."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "The tomb of Mausolus is vast, but the Carians\r\nhonour it; there are no desecrating hands there.\r\nI was chief among the Cappadocians, but you see\r\nwhat I have suffered. Write on the stele the name\r\nof the murderer of the dead."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τοῖχος ἐνὶ προπόδεσσι καὶ ὄρθιος: ἔνθεν ἔπειτα\nὕπτιος, ἐκ λαγόνων εἰς ἓν ἀγειρομένων\n τύμβος ἔην, καθύπερθε λόφου λόφος: ἀλλὰ τί ταῦτα\nοὐδὲν χρυσοφίλαις οἳ μ᾽ ἐτίναξαν ὅλον."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Un mur pris dans des arcs-boutants, puis, vertical en par\r\ntant de là, ensuite horizontal, avec des flancs qui allaient en\r\nse réunissant, un tombeau : voilà ce que j'étais; et par-dessus,\r\nle faîte du sommet*. Mais à quoi a servi tout cela? Ce\r\nn'était rien pour les gens avides d'or qui m'ont ébranlé de\r\nfond en comble."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "The lower courses of the tomb were perpendicular,\r\nbut above this it was composed of four inclined flanks\r\nmeeting in one. It was like a hill surmounting a\r\nhill. But what use was all this? It was nothing to\r\nthe gold-seekers who demolished it entirely."
            "authors": [
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
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                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
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            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 186,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "νεκρῶν νεκρὰ πέλοι καὶ μνήματα: ὃς δ᾽ ἀνεγείρει\n τύμβον ἀριπρεπέα τῇ κόνι, τοῖα πάθοι:\nοὐ γὰρ ἂν οὗτος ἀνήρ τὸν ἐμὸν τάφον ἐξαλάπαξεν,\nεἰ μὴ χρυσὸν ἔχειν ἤλπετο ἐκ νεκύων."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Que les monuments des morts soient morts, eux aussi;\r\nmais puisse celui qui élève une sépulture magnifique à des\r\ncendres avoir le même sort; car cet homme n'aurait pas\r\nsaccagé mon tombeau, s'il n'avait espéré tirer de l'or des\r\ncadavres."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Let the monuments of the dead be dead too, and\r\nlet him who erects a magnificent tomb to the dust\r\nmeet with this fate. For that man would never have\r\npillaged my tomb if he had not expected to get gold\r\nfrom the dead."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 187,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τίς τίνος; οὐκ ἐρέει στήλη: πρὸ γὰρ ὤλετο τύμβου.\r\nτίς χρόνος; ἀρχαίης σῆμα τόδ᾽ ἐργασίης.\r\nτίς δὲ σ᾽ ἐνήρατο; εἰπέ φόνος τόδε. χεῖρες ἀλιτραὶ\r\n γείτονος. ὡς τί λάβῃ; χρυσόν.  ἔχοι σκοτίην."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "« Qui était-il et quel était son père? La stèle ne le dira\r\npas; car elle a péri avant le tombeau. A quelle époque a-t-il\r\nvécu? Ce monument est d'un travail ancien. Mais qui t'a\r\ntué? Dis-le : c'est bien là un meurtre.\r\n—Les mains criminelles d'un voisin.\r\n—Pour prendre quoi?\r\n—De l'or.\r\n—Puisse-t-il trouver les Ténèbres. »"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "\"Who and whose son?\" \"The slab will not. tell\r\nyou, for it perished before the tomb.\" \"What is the\r\ndate?\" \"This is a tomb of old workmanship.\"\r\n\"And who slew thee, for this is murder?\" \"The\r\ncriminal hands of my neighbour.\" \"To get what?\"\r\n\"Gold.\" \" May he dwell in darkness.\""
            "authors": [
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
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                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "fragment": 188,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ὅστις ἐμὸν παρὰ σῆμα φέρεις πόδα, ἴσθι με ταῦτα\n τοῦ νεοκληρονόμου χερσὶ παθόντ᾽ ἀδίκως:\nοὐ γὰρ ἔχον χρυσόν τε καὶ ἄργυρον, ἀλλ᾽ ἐδοκήθην,\nκάλλεϊ μαρμαίρων τοσσατίων λαγόνων."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Qui que tu sois, toi qui portes tes pas près de mon tombeau,\r\nsache que j'ai subi ces outrages des mains du nouvel\r\nhéritier, et cela en pure perte; car je n'avais ni or ni argent,\r\nmais on pensait que j'en avais, parce que je brillais de toute\r\nla beauté de mes flancs."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Lay whoever passes by my tomb be aware that I\r\nwas injuriously treated by the new heir. I contained\r\nno gold and silver, but I looked as if I did so, glistening\r\nas I was with the beauty of so many faces."
            "authors": [
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
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                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "fragment": 189,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "στῆθι πέλας, καὶ κλαῦσον ἰδὼν τόδε σῆμα θανόντος,\nεἴποτ᾽ ἔην, νῦν αὖτε τάφον δηλήμονος ἀνδρός:\n σῆμα πέλω μὴ τύμβον ἐγείρειε βροτὸς ἄλλος.\nτί πλέον, εἰ παλάμαισι φιλοχρύσοισιν ὀλεῖται;"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Arrêtez-vous près de moi et pleurez en voyant ce monument\r\nplus que jamais funéraire, puisque devenu maintenant\r\nla tombe d'un malfaiteur *. Je suis le signe qui doit\r\ndétourner tout autre mortel d'élever un tombeau : à quoi bon,\r\nsi des mains avides d'or doivent le détruire?"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Stand hard by and weep as ye look on this tomb\r\nof some dead man, if ever he existed, but which is\r\nnow the tomb of an evil-doer. I am a monument\r\nproclaiming that none else should erect a tomb; for\r\nwhat does it serve, if it is to perish by hands greedy\r\nof gold?"
            "authors": [
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 190,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "αἰὼν καὶ κληῖδες ἀμειδήτου θανάτοιο,\n καὶ λήθη, σκοτίης βένθεα, καὶ νέκυες,\n πῶς ἔτλη τύμβον τις ἐμὸν ἔπι χεῖρας ἐνεγκεῖν;\n πῶς ἔτλη; φθιμένων κήδεται οὐδ᾽ ὁσίη;"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Éternité, clefs de la mort sinistre, abîmes du ténébreux\r\noubli, et vous, défunts, comment un homme a-t-il osé\r\nporter les mains sur mon tombeau? Comment l'a-t-il osé? La\r\npiété même ne respecte pas les morts."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Ages eternal, and locked portals of solemn death,\r\nand river of forgetfulness, and abysses of darkness,\r\nand ye dead, how did any man dare to lay hands on\r\nmy tomb? How did he dare? Even religion does\r\nnot protect the dead."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "book": {
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            "fragment": 191,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τέτρωμαι πληγῇσιν ἀεικελίῃσιν ὁ τύμβος\nτέτρωμ᾽, ὥς τις ἀνὴρ ἐν δαῒ λευγαλέῃ.\n ταῦτα φίλα θνητοῖσι; τὸ δ᾽ αἴτιον ὡς ἀθέμιστον\nτὸν νέκυν οἶον ἔχων, χρυσὸν ἀποξέομαι,"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Je suis blessé de coups infamants, moi, ce tombeau, je\r\nsuis blessé comme un homme dans un combat sinistre. Voilà\r\nqui plait à des mortels; et pourtant, comme le motif en est\r\ncriminel ! Le mort, voilà tout ce que je contiens, et c'est de\r\nl'or que l'on vient m'arracher!"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "I, the tomb, am wounded by shameful blows; I\r\nam wounded like a man in the fierce battle. Is this\r\nwhat pleases mortals? And how lawless the motive!\r\nI contain but a corpse, and am stripped of my gold."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 192,
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "πρός σε Θεοῦ ξενίου λιτάζομαι, ὅστις ἀμείβεις\n τύμβον ἐμόν, φράζειν  τοῖα πάθοις ὁ δράσας.\n                  οὐκ οἶδ᾽ ὅντινα τύμβος ἔχει νέκυν ἀλλ᾽ ἐρέω γε\n δάκρυ᾽ ἐπισπένδων τοῖα πάθοις ὁ δράσας."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Au nom du Dieu hospitalier, je te supplie, qui que tu\r\nsois, toi qui passes devant mon tombeau, de prononcer ces\r\nparoles : « Puisses-tu avoir le même sort, toi qui as commis\r\nce crime! »\r\n— Je ne sais quel mort contient cette tombe; mais je\r\ndirai en versant une libation de larmes : « Puisses-tu avoir\r\nle même sort, toi qui as commis ce crime! »"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "\" I beseech thee, who passest by my tomb, by that\r\nGod who protects strangers to say, 'May the like\r\nbefall thee who did it.'\" \"I know not who lies in the\r\ntomb, but shedding on it a tear I will say, ' May the\r\nlike befall thee who did it.'\""
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "book": {
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            "fragment": 193,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "πάντα λιπών, γαίης τε μυχοὺς καὶ πείρατα πόντου,\n ἦλθες ἔχειν ποθέων χρυσὸν ἐμοῦ νέκυος.\nνεκρὸν ἔχω καὶ μῆνιν ὀλωλότος: ἤν τις ἐπέλθῃ,\n ταῦτ᾽ εἰ λείζῃ, δώσομεν ἀσπασίως."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Tu as tout quitté, et les replis les plus cachés de la terre\r\net les régions les plus lointaines de la mer, pour venir,\r\ndans ta convoitise, prendre l'or du cadavre que j'abritais. Je\r\nne contiens que le corps et la colère d'un mort; que quelqu'un\r\ns'approche, c'est là, s'il veut nous piller, ce que nous lui donnerons, bien volontiers."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Neglecting all else, the bowels of the earth and\r\nthe uttermost seas, thou comest lusting to get gold\r\nfrom my corpse. I hold but a corpse and the wrath\r\nof the dead. If anyone attack me to rob me of\r\nthese things I will give him them gladly."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 194,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "εἴ σοι χρυσὸν ἔδωκα μόνῳ μόνος,, οὐκ ἐφύλασσες\n τοῦθ᾽ ὅπερ εἰλήφεις; ἢ κακὸς ἦσθ᾽ ἂν ἄγαν.\nεἰ δὲ τάφον σκάπτεις, τὴν αἰδέσιμον παραθήκην,\n καὶ τόδ᾽ ἐπὶ χρυσῷ, ἄξιος, εἰπέ, τίνος;"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Si je t'avais donné de l'or, seul à seul, ne veillerais-tu pas\r\nsur ce dépôt que tu aurais reçu, à moins d'être tout à fait\r\nmalhonnête ? Mais si tu fouilles une tombe, ce dépôt sacré,\r\net cela pour avoir de l'or, que mériteras-tu, dis-moi ?"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "If I had given thee gold without the cognisance\r\nof any, wouldest thou not have kept for me what\r\nthou didst receive? Otherwise thou wouldst have\r\nbeen very wicked. But if thou diggest up a tomb,\r\na solemn trust, and this for the sake of gold, say of\r\nwhat art thou worthy?"
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
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                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
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                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
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                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
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                    "text": "τοὺς ζῶντας κατόρυσσε: τί γὰρ νεκροὺς κατορύσσεις;\nἄξιοί εἰσι τάφων, οἳ σὲ ζῆν εἴασαν οὕτω,\n τὸν τῶν οἰχομένων ὑβριστὴν καὶ φιλόχρυσον."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Ce sont les vivants qu'il faut ensevelir; pourquoi ensevelir\r\nles morts ? Ceux qui méritent d'être enterrés, ce sont ceux\r\nqui t'ont permis de vivre ainsi, toi qui outrages les trépassés\r\net qui aimes tant l'or."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Bury the living, for why dost thou bury the dead?\r\nThey are worthy of burial, who thus allowed thee to\r\nlive, insulter of the departed and luster after gold."
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
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                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
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                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
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                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "text": "καὶ σύ, τάλαν, παλάμῃσι τεαῖς ἢ μύστιν ἐδωδὴν\n δέξῃ θαρσαλέως, ἢ Θεὸν ἀγκαλέσεις\n χείρεσιν αἷς διόρυξας ἐμὸν τάφον; ἦ ῥα δίκαιοι\nοὐδὲν ἔχουσι πλέον, εἰ σὺ τάλαντα φύγοις."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Toi aussi, misérable, de tes mains oseras-tu ou recevoir la\r\nnourriture mystique ou invoquer Dieu, de ces mains avec\r\nlesquelles tu as fouillé mon tombeau ? Non, on ne gagne\r\nrien à être juste, si tu échappes à la balance de la Justice."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Wretch, shalt thou take boldly in thy hands the\r\nmystic food, or invoke God with those hands which\r\nbroke into my tomb? The just, indeed, have no\r\nprofit if thou dost escape the scales of Justice."
            "authors": [
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
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                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
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                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
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                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "φησὶ Δίκη: \n                     τίς  πίστις, ὅτ᾽ ὤλεσας ὃν λαγόνεσσι\n\n                     σῇσιν ἔδωκα, νέκυν, γαῖα φίλη, φθίμενον;\n                  \n                  \n                  \n                      οὐ γαίη μ᾽ ἐτίναξεν ἀτάσθαλος ὤλεσεν ἀνήρ,\n\n                      καὶ φιλοκερδείης εἵνεκα. τοῦτον ἔχε."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "« A qui peut se fier un mort, dit la Justice, quand tu as\r\nperdu, terre aimée, celui que j'avais confié à tes flancs ?\r\n— Ce n'est pas la terre qui m'a démoli : c'est un insensé\r\nqui m'a détruit, et cela pour satisfaire sa cupidité; moi, je le\r\ngardes. »"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Quoth Justice, \" What faith is there, since thou,\r\ndear earth, hast destroyed him whom I entrusted to\r\nthy womb?\" \"It was not the earth that disturbed\r\nme; a wicked man destroyed me, and for the sake\r\nof gain. Lay hold on him.\""
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
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                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
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                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "πρόσθε τάδ᾽ ἦεν ἄσυλα: θεός, νέκυς. ἀλλὰ Θεὸς μὲν\n ἵλαος: εἰ δὲ νέκυς, ὄψεθ᾽ ὁ τυμβολέτης."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Autrefois, ces deux choses étaient inviolables : Dieu, un\r\nmort. Mais Dieu peut être accueillant; s'il en est ainsi du\r\nmort, c'est ce que verra le destructeur de tombes*."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Formerly these two were inviolate, God and the\r\ndead. God is merciful, but the destroyer of tombs\r\nwill see if the dead is or not."
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
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                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
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                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
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                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ἦ ῥά σε δινήσουσιν Ἐρινύες: αὐτὰρ ἔγωγε\n κλαύσομ᾽ ἀποφθιμένους, κλαύσομ᾽ ἄγος παλάμης."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Oui, tu seras traqué par les Érynies; moi, cependant, je\r\npleurerai les morts, je pleurerai le sacrilège commis par ta main*."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "The Furies shall torture thee, but I will weep for\r\nthe dead and for the guilt of thy hand."
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                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Λήξατε, τυμβοχόοι, ναὶ λήξατε βένθεσι γαίης\n κεύθειν τοὺς φθιμένους: εἴξατε τυμβολέταις.\n νεκρῶν καὶ τάδε γ᾽ ἐστὶ σοφίσματα, ὡς φιλόχρυσον\nεὕρωσιν παλάμην, σήματα τοῖα χέειν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Cessez, bâtisseurs de tombes, oui, cessez d'enfermer dans\r\nle sein de la terre ceux qui ne sont plus; cédez aux destructeurs \r\ndes tombeaux. Mais ce sont les morts eux-mêmes qui\r\nont inventé cela, de s'exposer à des mains avides d'or en\r\nse faisant élever de pareils monuments."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Cease, ye builders of tombs; yea, cease to hide\r\nthe dead in the depths of the earth. Give way\r\nbefore the destroyers of tombs. This is a device\r\nof the dead to erect such tombs in order that they\r\nmay meet with a hand that lusts for gold."
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                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τίς σ᾽ ἀνέηκεν, ἄπληστε, τόσον κακὸν ἀντὶ τόσοιο\r\n κέρδεος ἀλλάξαι, μηδὲ παρεσταότος;"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Qui t'a poussé, être insatiable, à commettre un tel crime\r\npour un tel profit, que tu n'as même pas réalisé?"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Who prompted thee, insatiable man, to exchange\r\nsuch a crime fur such a gain, and that gain non\r\nexistent?"
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
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                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
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                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
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                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "στῆλαι καὶ τύμβοι, μέγα χαίρετε, σήματα νεκρῶν\nοὐκέτι κηρύξω μνήμασι τοὺς φθιμένους,\n ἡνίκα τὸν περίφαντον ἐμὸν τάφον ὤλεσε γείτων.\nγαῖα φίλη, σὺ δέ μοι δέχνυσο τοὺς φθιμένους."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Stèles et tombeaux, adieu, adieu, monuments funéraires;\r\njamais plus je ne révélerai par des sépultures la place où\r\nsont les morts, puisque ma tombe magnifique a péri sous\r\nles coups d'un voisin. Terre aimée, c'est à toi de recevoir\r\nnos morts."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Farewell ye gravestones and tombs, the monuments\r\nof the dead! I will no longer proclaim the\r\nnames of the dead on their tombs now that my\r\nneighbour has destroyed my handsome tomb. Dear\r\nEarth, I pray thee to receive the dead."
            "authors": [
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
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                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
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                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
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                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "στῆλαι, καὶ πλακόεντες ἐν οὔρεσιν, ἔργα Γιγάντων,\nτύμβοι, καὶ φθιμένων ἄφθιτε μνημοσύνη,\n σεισμὸς πάντα βράσειεν, ἐμοῖς νεκύεσσιν ἀρήγων,\n οἷς ἔπι χεὶρ ὀλοὴ ἦλθε σιδηροφόρος."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "O stèles, à tables funéraires dressées sur les montagnes,\r\nouvrages de géants, ô souvenir impérissable de ceux qui ne\r\nsont plus, puisse un tremblement de terre vous faire tous\r\nécrouler pour venir en aide à mes morts, qu'une main criminelle,\r\narmée d'un fer, est venue assaillir*."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Ye gravestones and broad tombs in the hills, the\r\nwork of giants, and thou eternal memory of the\r\ndeparted, may an earthquake shake you all to pieces,\r\ncoming to the aid of my dead, whom the destructive\r\nhand, armed with the pick, attacks."
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
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                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
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                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
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                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ἡνίκα τὸν περίβωτον ἐπ᾽ οὔρεος, ἄγριε Τιτάν,\n τύμβον ἀνερρήξω, πῶς ἔσιδες νέκυας,\nὡς δ᾽ ἔσιδες, πῶς χεῖρες ἐπ᾽ ὀστέα; ἦ τάχα κέν σε\nτῇ σχέθον, εἰ θέμις ἦν τοῖσδ᾽ ἕνα τύμβον ἔχειν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Quand tu as brisé, sauvage Titan, ce célèbre tombeau bâti\r\nsur la montagne, comment as-tu pu regarder les morts et,\r\nles ayant regardés, porter la main sur leurs ossements ? Oui,\r\nsans doute ils t'auraient retenu là-bas, si ce n'était un crime\r\nde te faire partager leur sépulture."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "When, savage Titan, thou didst break into the\r\nfamous tomb on the hill, how didst thou dare to\r\nlook on the dead, and, looking on them, how to touch\r\nthe bones? Verily they would have caught thee and\r\nkept thee there, if it were permitted to thee to share\r\ntheir tomb."
            "authors": [
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                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
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                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
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                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
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                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "σήματα, καὶ σποδιή, καὶ ὀστέα, οἵ τε πάρεδροι\n δαίμονες, οἵ φθιμένου ναίετε τόνδε λόφον,\n τόνδ᾽ ἀλιτρὸν τίννυσθε, ὃς ὑμέας ἐξαλάπαξεν.\n τῶν δὲ περικτιόνων δάκρυον ὕμμιν ὅσον."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Monuments, cendres, ossements et vous, génies familiers\r\nqui habitez cette colline où reposait le mort, châtiez ce\r\ncriminel qui vous a dépouillés. Mais les habitants du voisinage,\r\nque de larmes ils versent sur vous !"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Tombs, and dust, and bones, and attendant spirits\r\nwho dwell in this mound, take vengeance on the\r\nwicked man who pillaged you. How the neighbours\r\nweep for you!"
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                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
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                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
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                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Τύμβοι, καὶ σκοπιαί, καὶ οὔρεα, καὶ παροδῖται,\nκλαύσατε τύμβον ἐμόν, κλαύσατε τυμβολέτην\n ἠχὼ δ᾽ ἐκ σκοπέλων Πυματηγόρος ἀντιαχείτω\n τῶνδε περικτιόνων  κλαύσατε τυμβολέτην."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Tombeaux, tours élevées, montagnes et vous, passants,\r\npleurez sur ma sépulture, pleurez sur le destructeur de\r\ntombes; et que l'écho qui reproduit nos dernières paroles\r\nréponde du haut de ces rochers environnants: « Pleurez sur\r\nle destructeur de tombes ! »"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Tombs, and summits, and hills, and passers by, weep\r\nfor my tomb and weep for its destroyer. And may\r\necho, that repeats the last words, cry from these\r\nneighbouring hills, \"Weep for the destroyer.\""
            "authors": [
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
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            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 207,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "κτείνετε, ληίζεσθε, κακοὶ κακοκερδέες ἄνδρες:\n οὔτις ἐπισχήσει τὴν φιλοχρημοσύνην.\nεἰ τάδ᾽ ἔτλης, κακοεργέ, κακόφρονος εἵνεκα χρυσοῦ,\nπᾶσι τεὴν ἐπέχειν ἁρπαλέην παλάμην."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Tuez, pillez, hommes malhonnêtes avides d'un gain malhonnête : \r\npersonne n'arrêtera votre passion des richesses, si\r\ntu as eu cette audace, malfaiteur, pour l'amour de l'or qui\r\nmet l'esprit à mal, de porter sur des tombeaux ta main\r\ncrochue."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Slay and plunder, ye evil men, lovers of filthy\r\nlucre; none will check your love of money. If thou\r\nhadst the courage to do this for the sake of evil\r\ncounselling gold, venture to lay thy rapacious hand\r\non all things."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
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            "id": 1992,
            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 208,
            "sub_fragment": "",
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "οὗτος ἔπερσεν ἐμὸν φίλιον τάφον ἐλπίδι κούφῃ,\nὃν μοῦνον κτεάνων ἔνθεν ἀπῆλθον ἔχων\n καὶ τοῦτόν τις ἀλιτρὸς ἑαῖς παλάμαις ὀλέσειεν,\nἐκ δ᾽ ὀλέσας τύμβου τῆλε βάλοι πατέρων."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Cet homme a, dans une espérance vaine, bouleversé ma\r\ntombe aimée, le seul de mes biens que j'aie gardé en quittant\r\nce monde; puisse, lui aussi, un criminel le faire périr de\r\nses mains et, l'ayant tué, le jeter loin du tombeau de ses\r\npères."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "This man, in vain hope, pillaged my dear tomb,\r\nthe only one of my possessions I carried away with\r\nme. Let some other sinner's hands destroy him in\r\nturn, and afterwards cast him afar from the tombs\r\nof his fathers."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "id": 1818,
            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 209,
            "sub_fragment": "",
            "url": "",
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τίς τὸν ἐμὸν διέπερσε φίλον τάφον, οὔρεος ἄκρης\n τῆσδ᾽ ἀναειρόμενον ἡλίκον ὁσσατίης;\n χρυσὸς ἔθηξε μάχαιραν ἐπ᾽ ἀνδράσι: χρυσὸς ἄπληστον\n κύμασι χειμερίοις ὤλεσε ναυσιβάτην\n\n                  κἀμὲ χρυσὸς ἔπερσε μέγαν περικαλλέα τύμβον\n ἐλπισθείς: χρυσοῦ δεύτερα πάντ᾽ ἀδίκοις."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Qui donc a bouleversé ma tombe aimée, qui s'élevait\r\naussi haut que le sommet élevé de la montagne ? L'or aiguise\r\nl'épée contre les hommes; l'or fait périr sur les flots soulevés\r\npar l'hiver l'insatiable navigateur; et à moi aussi, l'or a détruit\r\nmon grand, mon magnifique tombeau : l'or qu'on espérait\r\ny trouver! L'or passe avant tout pour les méchants."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Who pillaged my dear tomb that rose so high\r\nabove this mighty mountain summit? It is gold\r\nthat sharpens the sword against the life of man, and\r\ngold makes the greedy navigator to perish in the\r\nwintry seas. I, too, this great and beautiful tomb,\r\nwas pillaged in the hope of gold. All other things\r\nare second to gold in the eyes of the wicked."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
            "keywords": [],
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            "comments": [],
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            "id": 1880,
            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 210,
            "sub_fragment": "",
            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [],
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "πολλάκι ναυηγοῖο δέμας κατέχωσεν ὁδίτης\n κύμασι πλαζόμενον, πολλάκι θηρολέτου:\n ἤδη καὶ πολέμῳ τις ὃν ὤλεσεν ἀλλ᾽ ἐμὲ γείτων\n χωσθέντ᾽ ἀλλοτρίαις χερσὶν ἔπερσε τάφον."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Souvent un passant a enterré le corps d'un naufragé\r\nballotté par les flots, souvent aussi celui d'un tueur de\r\nfauves; à la guerre aussi, on voit un homme ensevelir\r\ncelui qu'il a tué; mais moi, un voisin m'a renversé, moi,\r\ntombeau élevé par des mains étrangères."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Many a traveller has buried the body of a ship\r\nwrecked man found tossing on the waves, and many\r\na one the body of a man slain by beasts. Often has\r\nan enemy buried him whom he slew in war, but my\r\nneighbour has pillaged this tomb not the work of\r\nhis own hands."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
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            "id": 2005,
            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 211,
            "sub_fragment": "",
            "url": "",
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ὦ χρυσοῦ δολίοιο, πόσον κακὸν ἔπλεο θνητοῖς:\n ζῶσιν καὶ φθιμένοις χεῖρα φέρεις ἀδικῶν\nοἷς γὰρ ἐμὸν τύμβον τε καὶ ὀστέα δῶκα φυλάσσειν,\n τῶνδ᾽ ὑπὸ ταῖς μιαραῖς ἐξολόμην παλάμαις."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Or perfide, quel fléau tu es pour les mortels ! Sur les\r\nvivants comme sur les morts tu portes une main criminelle :\r\nceux à qui j'avais donné ma tombe et mes ossements à\r\ngarder, c'est sous les coups de leurs mains impures que j'ai\r\npéri."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "O deceitful gold, what an evil thou art for man!\r\nThou raisest the hand of the wicked against both\r\ndead and living. For I perished by the accursed\r\nhands of those into whose care I bequeathed my\r\ntomb and bones."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
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            "comments": [],
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            "id": 1776,
            "book": {
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                "number": 8
            "fragment": 212,
            "sub_fragment": "",
            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [],
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "πάντ᾽ ἔθανεν νεκύεσσι. τί παίζομεν; οὔτις ἔτ᾽ αἰδὼς\nἐκ ζώντων φθιμένοις: δέρκεο τόνδε τάφον,\nὃν γ᾽ ἐλπὶς χρυσοῖο διώλεσε, τόσσον ἐόντα\nθαῦμα παρερχομένοις, θαῦμα περικτίοσιν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Tout est mort pour les morts. Pourquoi plaisanter*? Il n'y\r\na plus aucun respect, chez les vivants, pour ceux qui ne sont\r\nplus : regardez ce tombeau dont l'espoir de l'or a causé la\r\nruine, lui qui était une telle merveille pour les passants, une \r\nmerveille pour les habitants du voisinage*."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "All is dead for the dead. Why do we trifle? There\r\nis no shame left among the living for the dead. Look\r\nat this tomb, that was such a wonder to travellers and\r\nthe neighbours, destroyed for the hope of gold."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-2022",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Grégoire de Nazianze",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nacianceno",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gregorio Nazianzeno",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gregório de Nazianzo",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Gregory of Nazianzus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gregorius Nazianzenus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Γρηγόριος Ναζιανζηνός",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
            "keywords": [],
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            "comments": [],
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