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                    "text": "ἡ τὸ πρὶν αὐχήσασα πολυχρύσοις ἐπ᾽ ἐρασταῖς,\nἡ Νέμεσιν δεινὴν οὐχὶ κύσασα θεόν,\n μίσθια νῦν σπαθίοις πενιχροῖς πηνίσματα κρούει.\nὀψὲ Ἀθηναίη Κύπριν ἐληίσατο."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Cette femme qui jadis se vantait de ses amants tout cousus d'or et ne révérait point la vindicte divine, elle doit maintenant gagner sa vie en frappant sur la trame avec de pauvres petites spatules. Athêna, quoiqu'un peu tard, a rançonné Cypris."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "She who formerly boasted of her wealthy lovers and never bowed the knee to Nemesis, the dread goddess, now weaves on a poor loom cloth she is paid for. Late in the day hath Athene despoiled Cypris."
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "λάθρῃ κοιμηθεῖσα Φιλαίνιον εἰς Ἀγαμήδους\n κόλπους τὴν φαιὴν εἰργάσατο χλανίδα.\nαὐτὴ Κύπρις ἔριθος: ἐΰκλωστον  δὲ γυναικῶν \n νῆμα καὶ ἠλακάτην ἀργὸς ἔχοι τάλαρος."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Philainion a dormi en cachette dans les bras d'Agamédès, et voilà fait ce fin manteau de laine brune. C'est Cypris elle-même qui en est l'artisan; mais leur fil bien roulé et leur quenouille, les femmes peuvent les laisser en repos dans leur corbeille*."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Philaenion, by sleeping secretly in Agamedes’ bosom, wrought for herself the grey robe. Cypris herself was the weaver; but may women’s well-spun thread and spindles lie idle in the work-basket."
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                    "text": "ἡ πρὶν Ἀθηναίης ὑπὸ κερκίσι καὶ τὰ καθ᾽ ἱστῶν\r\nνήματα Νικαρέτη πολλὰ μιτωσαμένη,\r\nΚύπριδι τὸν κάλαθον τά τε πηνία καὶ τὰ σὺν αὐτοῖς\r\nἄρμεν᾽ ἐπὶ προδόμου πάντα πυρῆς ἔθετο,\r\nἔρρετε, φωνήσασα, \r\n\r\n    κακῶν λιμηρὰ γυναικῶν\r\n    ἔργα, νέον τήκειν ἄνθος ἐπιστάμενα\r\n\r\nεἵλετο δὲ στεφάνους καὶ πηκτίδα καὶ μετὰ κώμων\r\nἡ παῖς τερπνὸν ἔχειν ἐν θαλίαις βίοτον\r\nεἶπε δέ: \r\n\r\nπαντός σοι δεκάτην ἀπὸ λήμματος οἴσω,\r\nΚύπρι σὺ δ᾽ ἐργασίην καὶ λάβε καὶ μετάδος."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Nicarétê, qui naguère servait les navettes d'Athêna et ne cessait de tendre les fils de son métier, a déposé dans le feu, devant le temple de Cypris, sa corbeille, ses bobines et tous ses autres instruments de travail. \"Adieu, s'écria-t-elle, faméliques labeurs des femmes indignes de ce nom, qui ne savez que flétrir leur jeunesse.\" Elle prit alors le parti d'avoir des couronnes, une harpe, et de mener joyeuse vie dans les banquets, dans les fêtes. \"Je t'apporterai, Cypris, ajouta-t-elle, la dîme de tous mes profits: reçois le fruit de mon travail et procure m'en d'autre à ton tour.\""
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Nicarete, who formerly was in the service of \r\nAthene's shuttle, and stretched out many a warp on the loom, made in honour of Cypris a bonfire in front of her house of lier work-basket and bobbins and her other gear, crying, \"Away with ye, starving work of wretched women, that have power to waste away the bloom of youth.\" Instead the girl chose garlands and the lyre, and a gay life spent in revel and festivity. \"Cypris\", she said, '' I will pay thee tithe of all my gains. Give me work and take from it thy due.”"
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                    "text": "τῆς πέζης τὰ μὲν ἄκρα τὰ δεξιὰ μέχρι παλαιστῆς\nκαὶ σπιθαμῆς οὔλης Βίττιον εἰργάσατο:\n θάτερα δ᾽ Ἀντιάνειρα προσήρμοσε: τὸν δὲ μεταξὺ\n Μαίανδρον καὶ τὰς παρθενικὰς Βιτίη.\n\n                   κουρᾶν καλλίστη Διός, Ἄρτεμι, τοῦτο τὸ νῆμα\n πρὸς ψυχῆς θείης, τὴν τριπόνητον ἔριν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "L'extrémité droite de ce pan de robe brodé est l'oeuvre de Bittion: elle n'en a pas fait moins d'une palme et un empan; l'autre bout, qui lui fait pendant, est d'Antianeira; quant aux méandres et aux jeunes fille qu'on voit au milieu, c'est Bitia qui les a tracés. Qu'à la plus belle des filles de Zeus, ô Artémis, ce tissu consacre en ses plis rapprochés le travail où ont rivalisé trois ouvrières."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "The right end of the border, measuring a span and a whole palm, is the work of Bitto; the other extremity was added by Antianira, while Bitie worked the girls and the Maeander in the middle. Artemis, fairest of the daughters of Jove, take to thy heart this piece of woven work which the three vied in making."
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                            "name": "Leonida di Taranto",
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                            "name": "Λεωνίδας Ταρεντῖνος",
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                    "text": "Ἄρτεμι, σοὶ ταύταν, ἐυπάρθενε, πότνα γυναικῶν,\n τὰν μίαν αἱ τρισσαὶ πέζαν ὑφηνάμεθα.\n καὶ Βιτίη μὲν τάσδε χοροιθαλέας κάμε κούρας,\nλοξά τε Μαιάνδρου ῥεῖθρα παλιμπλανέος:\n\n                   ξανθὰ δ᾽ Ἀντιάνειρα τὸν ἀγχόθι μήσατο κόσμον,\n πρὸς λαιᾷ ποταμοῦ κεκλιμένον λαγόνι:\nτὸν δέ νυ δεξιτερῶν νασμῶν πέλας ἰσοπάλαιστον\nτοῦτον ἐπὶ σπιθαμῇ Βίττιον ἠνύσατο,"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Artémis, c'est pour toi, vierge glorieuse, souveraine des femmes, que nous avons, à nous trois, confectionné cet unique ouvrage: un pan de robe brodé. De la main de Bitia sont ces jeunes filles, qui forment de joyeux choeurs de danse, et les replis du Méandre au cours sinueux; la blonde Antianeira a imaginé tous les motifs qui se développent, non loin de là, sur la rive gauche du fleuve; et ceux qu'on voit près de la rive droite, c'est Bittion qui les a exécutés, sur une longueur d'un empan plus une palme."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Artemis, fairest of virgins, sovereign lady of \r\nwomen, we three wove this border for thee. Bitie wrought the dancing girls and the crooked stream of winding Maeander. Blonde Antianira devised the decoration that lies on the left side of the river, and Bittion that on the right, measuring a span and a palm."
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0113",
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                            "name": "Ἀντίπατρος Σιδώνιος",
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                    "text": "αἱ Λυκομήδευς παῖδες, Ἀθηνὼ καὶ Μελίτεια\nκαὶ Φιντὼ Γληνὶς θ᾽, αἱ φιλοεργόταται,\n ἔργων ἐκ δεκάτας ποτιθύμια, τόν τε πρόσεργον\nἄτρακτον, καὶ τὰν ἄτρια κριναμέναν\n\n                  \n                   κερκίδα, τὰν ἱστῶν μολπάτιδα, καὶ τὰ τροχαῖα\n πανία, †   κερταστὰς τούσδε ποτιρρογέας,\n καὶ †   σπάθας εὐβριθεῖς πολυάργυρα: τὼς δὲ πενιχραὶ\nἐξ ὀλίγων ὀλίγην μοῖραν ἀπαρχόμεθα,\n τῶν χέρας αἰέν, Ἀθάνα, ἐπιπλήσαις μὲν ὀπίσσω,\n\n                   θείης δ᾽ εὐσιπύους ἐξ ὀλιγησιπύων."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Les filles de Lycomédès, Athêno, Méliteia, Phintô et Glênis, les plus laborieuses des ouvrières, apportent en offrande, comme dîme de leurs travaux, ce qui leur tient le plus au coeur: ce fuseau, leur précieux auxiliaire, cette navette qui sépare les fils de la trame et résonne harmonieusement sur le métier, ces laines qui s'enroulent sur les fuseaux, ces pesons qui les aidaient dans leur besogne et ces spatules pesantes, chose bien coûteuse pour des femmes si pauvres; elles t'offrent, Athêna, une modeste part de leur modeste avoir. Daigne toujours, à l'avenir, remplir leurs mains et fais que leur huche soit bien garnie, elle qui l'est maintenant si peu."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "We, the industrious daughters of Lycomedes, Atheno, Melitea, Phinto, and Glenis, offer from the tithe of our work, as a gift to please thee, a little part of the little we have in our poverty, the laborious spindle, the weaving-comb that passes between the threads of the warp, sweet songster of the loom, our round spools, our . . . and our heavy weaving-blade. Fill our hands, Athene, ever after, and make us rich in meal instead of poor in meal."
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1458",
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                            "name": "Leonidas of Tarentum",
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                            "name": "Leonida di Taranto",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Leonidas Tarentinus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Λεωνίδας Ταρεντῖνος",
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            "texts": [
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                    "text": "Αὐτονόμα, Μελίτεια, Βοΐσκιον, αἱ Φιλολᾴδεω\n καὶ Νικοῦς Κρῆσσαι τρεῖς, ξένε, θυγατέρες,\nἁ μὲν τὸν μιτόεργον ἀειδίνητον ἄτρακτον,\nἁ δὲ τὸν ὀρφνίταν εἰροκόμον τάλαρον,\n\n                  ἁ δ᾽ ἅμα τὰν πέπλων εὐάτριον ἐργάτιν, ἱστῶν\n κερκίδα, τὰν λεχέων Πανελόπας φύλακα,\n δῶρον Ἀθαναίᾳ Πανίτιδι τῷδ᾽ ἐνὶ ναῷ\nθῆκαν, Ἀθαναίας παυσάμεναι καμάτων."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Ce sont les Crétoises Autonoma, Méliteia, et Boïskion, toutes trois filles de Philolaïdas et de Nicô, qui ont fait, étranger, ces offrandes: la première a donné le fuseau qui, pour fabriquer le fil, tournait sans relâche entre ses doigts; la seconde, la corbeille où elle rangeait ses laines et qui veillait la nuit avec elle; la troisième, sa navette, habile compagne de labeur des longs métiers, qui fut la gardienne du lit de Pénélope.  Tels sont les présents qu'elles  ont consacrés dans ce temple à Athêna Pênitis, en renonçant aux travaux d'Athêna."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Autonoma, Melite, and Boïseion, the three Cretan daughters of Philolaides and Nico, dedicated in this temple, O stranger, as a gift to Athene of the spool on ceasing from the labours of Athene, the first her thread-making ever-twirling spindle, the second her wool-basket that loves the night, and the third her weaving-comb, the industrious creator of raiment, that watched over the bed of Penelope."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1458",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Leonidas of Tarentum",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Leónidas de Tarento",
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                            "name": "Léonidas de Tarente",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Leonida di Taranto",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Leonidas Tarentinus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Λεωνίδας Ταρεντῖνος",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "book": 6,
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            "id": 1419,
            "book": {
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ῥιπίδα τὴν μαλακοῖσιν ἀεὶ πρηεῖαν ἀήταις\n Παρμενὶς ἡδίστῃ θῆκε παρ᾽ Οὐρανίῃ,\nἐξ εὐνῆς δεκάτευμα: τὸ δ᾽ ἠελίου βαρὺ θάλπος\nἡ δαίμων μαλακοῖς ἐκτρέπεται Ζεφύροις."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Cet éventail, toujours prêt à nous rafraîchir d'une brise délicate, la charmante Parménis l'a consacré dans le temple d'Uranie, comme dîme des gains de son lit. Quant à la pesante chaleur du soleil, c'est cette fille elle-même qui l'écarte des Zéphyrs délicats."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "With sweetest Urania did Farmenis leave her fan, the ever gentle ministrant of soft breezes, a tithe from her bed; but now the goddess averts from her by tender zephyrs the heavy heat of the sun."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0173",
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                            "name": "Dioscórides",
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                            "name": "Dioscoride",
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                            "name": "Dioscorides",
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                            "name": "Dioscorides",
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                            "name": "Dioscoride",
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                            "name": "Dioscórides",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Διοσκουρίδης",
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            "texts": [
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                    "text": "Βακχυλὶς ἡ Βάκχου κυλίκων σποδός, ἒν  ποτενούσῳ\nκεκλιμένα, Δηοῖ τοῖον ἔλεξε λόγον:\n\n                  \n                     ἢν ὀλοοῦ διὰ κῦμα φύγω πυρός, εἰς ἑκατόν σοι\n\n                      ἠελίους δροσερᾶν πίομαι ἐκ λιβάδων,\n\n                     \n                      ἀβρόμιος καὶ ἄοινος.\n                   ἐπεὶ δ᾽ ὑπάλυξεν ἀνίην,\nαὐτῆμαρ τοῖον μῆχος ἐπεφράσατο\n τρητὸν γὰρ θεμένα χερὶ κόσκινον, εὖ διὰ πυκνῶν\n σχοίνων ἠελίους πλείονας ηὐγάσατο."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Bacchylis, qui met à sec les coupes de Bacchus, retenue dans son lit par la maladie, tint à Dêo ce langage: \"Si j'échappe aux ardeurs du feu qui me consume, jusqu'à ce que j'aie vu cent soleils je ne boirai que de l'eau, de la rosée toute pure, sans vin, sans une goutte de vin.\" Puis, quand elle eut échappé à la souffrance, voici la ruse que le jour même elle imagina: elle prit à la main un crible percé de trous et elle sut bien, entre les brins d'osiers serrés, voir cent soleils et plus."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Bacchylis, the sponge of the cups of Bacchus, once when she fell sick addressed Demeter something in this way. \"If I escape from the wave of this pernicious fever, for the space of a hundred suns I will drink but fresh spring water and avoid Bacchus and wine.\" But when she was quit of her illness, on the very first day she devised this dodge. She took a sieve, and looking through its close meshes, saw even more than a hundred suns."
            "authors": [],
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            "keywords": [
            "scholia": [
                    "book": 6,
                    "fragment": 291,
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            "id": 1685,
            "book": {
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                "number": 6
            "fragment": 292,
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "αἱ μίτραι, τὸ θ᾽ ἁλουργὲς ὑπένδυμα, τοί τε Λάκωνες\n πέπλοι, καὶ ληρῶν οἱ χρύσεοι κάλαμοι,\n πάνθ᾽ ἅμα Νικονόῃ †   συνέκπιεν: ἦν γὰρ Ἐρώτων\n καὶ Χαρίτων ἡ παῖς ἀμβρόσιόν τι θάλος.\n\n                   τοιγὰρ τῷ κρίναντι τὰ καλλιστεῖα Πριήπῳ\n νεβρίδα καὶ χρυσέην τήνδ᾽ ἔθετο προχόην."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Ses bandeaux, son vêtement de dessous teint en pourpre, ses robes Laconiennes, les \"calames\" d'or de ses colifichets, Niconoê a gagné tout à la fois; car cette fille était un rejeton divin des Amours et des Grâces. Priape lui a décerné le prix de la beauté; c'est pourquoi elle lui a consacré cette peau de faon et cette aiguière d'or."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "The snood and purple vest, and the Laconian robes, and the gold piping for the tunic, all fell to (?) Niconoe, for the girl was an ambrosial blossom of the Loves and Graces. Therefore to Priapus, who was judge in the beauty-contest, she dedicates the fawn-skin and this golden jug."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0198",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Hedylus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Edilo",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Hédilo",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Hédylos",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Hedylus Samius",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Hédilos",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Ἡδύλος",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
            "keywords": [
            "scholia": [
                    "book": 6,
                    "fragment": 292,
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                    "number": 1,
                    "url": ""
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            "id": 1394,
            "book": {
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                "number": 6
            "fragment": 293,
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            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ὁ σκήπων καὶ ταῦτα τὰ βλαυτία, πότνια Κύπρι,\n ἄγκειται κυνικοῦ σκῦλ᾽ ἀπὸ Σωχάρεος,\nὄλπη τε ῥυπόεσσα, πολυτρήτοιό τε πήρας\n λείψανον, ἀρχαίης πληθόμενον σοφίης:\n\n                  σοὶ δὲ Ῥόδων ὁ καλός, τὸν πάνσοφον ἡνίκα πρέσβυν\n ἤγρευσεν, στεπτοῖς θήκατ᾽ ἐπὶ προθύροις,"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Ce bâton et ces sandales te sont dédiés, auguste Cypris, comme un butin conquis sur le cynique Socharès, ainsi qu'une gourde couverte d'un dépôt crasseux et les débris d'une besace toute trouée, remplie d'une sagesse antique; c'est le beau Rhodon, quand il a pris dans ses filets le très sage vieillard et l'a rendu docile, qui t'a consacré ces dépouilles sous tes portiques."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "The staff and these slippers hang here, Cypris, the spoils won from Sochares the cynic; his grimy oil-flask, too, and the remains of his wallet all in holes, stuffed full of ancient wisdom. They were dedicated here, on thy begarlanded porch, by comely Rhodon, when he caught the all-wise greybeard."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1458",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Leonidas of Tarentum",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Leónidas de Tarento",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Léonidas de Tarente",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Leonida di Taranto",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Leonidas Tarentinus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Λεωνίδας Ταρεντῖνος",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
            "keywords": [
            "scholia": [
                    "book": 6,
                    "fragment": 293,
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                    "number": 1,
                    "url": ""
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            "book": {
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            "fragment": 294,
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Σκήπωνα προποδαγὸν, ἱμάντα τε, καὶ παρακοίταν\n νάρθηκα, κροτάφων πλάκτορα νηπιάχων,\nκέρκον τ᾽ εὐμόλπαν φιλοκαμπέα, καὶ μονόπελμον\n συγχίδα, καὶ στεγάναν κρατὸς ἐρημοκόμου,\n\n                   Κάλλων Ἑρμείᾳ θέτ᾽ ἀνάκτορι, σύμβολ᾽ ἀγωγᾶς\n παιδείου, πολιῷ γυῖα δεθεὶς καμάτῳ."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Le bâton qui guidait et soutenait ses pas, des étrivières, une férule-- son arme de chevet-- dont il cinglait les oreilles des bambins, un \"épervier\" bien arrondi, une sandale à une seulle semelle, enfin le bonnet dont il couvrait son crâne qu'ont déserté les cheveux: tels sont les attributs de sa profession que Callon le maître d'école a consacrés au puissant Hermès, maintenant que ses membres sont paralysés par le travail où il a blanchi."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Callon, his limbs fettered by senile fatigue, dedicates to Hermes the Lord these tokens of his career as a schoolmaster: the staff that guided his feet, his tawse, and the fennel-rod that lay ever ready to his hand to tap little boys with on the head, his lithe whistling bull’s pizzle, his one-soled slipper, and the skull-cap of his hairless pate."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1582",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Fania",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Fanias",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Φανίας",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "scholia": [
                    "book": 6,
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Σμῖλαν Ἀσκώνδας δονακογλύφον, ὅν τ᾽ ἐπὶ μισθῷ\n σπόγγον ἔχεν καλάμων ψαίστορα τῶν Κνιδίων,\n\n                   καὶ σελίδων κανόνισμα φιλόρθιον, ἔργμα τε λείας\nσαμοθέτον, καὶ τὰν εὐμέλανον βροχίδα,\n\n                  κάρκινά τε σπειροῦχα, λεάντειράν τε κίσηριν,\n καὶ τὰν ἁδυφαῆ πλινθίδα καλλαΐναν,\n μάζας ἁνίκ᾽ ἔκυρσε τελωνιάδος φιλολίχνου,\n Πιερίσιν πενίας ἄρμεν᾽ ἀνεκρέμασεν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "C'est d'Akestondas que viennent ce canif à tailler les plumes, l'éponge avec laquelle, moyennant salaire, il effaçait les traits de ses roseaux de Cnide, cet outil à régler bien droit les pages, ce cachet qui servait à lisser les feuilles et à sceller les écrits*, ce récipient plein d'encre noire, ces compas avec leurs étuis, cette pierre ponce à polir et cette plaque de turquoise qui adoucit la lumière*. Maintenant qu'au fin gâteau de la ferme publique il a su prendre sa part*, il a consacré aux Muses de Piérie les instruments de sa pauvreté."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Ascondas, when he came in for an exciseman’s \r\nlickerish sop, hung up here to the Muses the implements of his penury: his penknife, the sponge he used to hire to wipe his Cnidian pens, the ruler for marking off the margins, his paper-weight that marks the place(?), his ink-horn, his compasses that draw circles, his pumice for smoothing, and his blue spectacles (?) that give sweet light."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1582",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Fania",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Fanias",
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                            "name": "Φανίας",
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            "book": {
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            "fragment": 296,
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Ἀστεμφῆ ποδάγρην, καὶ δούνακας ἀνδικτῆρας,\nκαὶ λίνα, καὶ γυρὸν τοῦτο λαγωοβόλον,\n ἰοδόκην, καὶ τοῦτον ἐπ᾽ ὄρτυγι τετρανθέντα\nαὐλὸν, καὶ πλωτῶν εὐπλεκὲς ἀμφίβολον,\n\n                   Ἑρμείῃ Σώσιππος, ἐπεὶ παρενήξατο τὸ πλεῦν\nἥβης, ἐκ γήρως δ᾽ ἀδρανίῃ δέδεται."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Un piège d'une résistance à toute épreuve, des roseaux circulaires, des filets et ce \"lévrier\" bien arrondi, un carquois, ce sifflet percé d'un trou pour appeler les cailles, enfin un tramail fortement tressé pour prendre les oiseaux d'eau: voilà ce que Sosippos consacre à Hermès, maintenant qu'il a de beaucoup dépassé le terme de la jeunesse et que son corps, affaibli par l'âge, est paralysé."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Sosippus gives to Hermes, now that he has out-swum the greater part of his strength and the feebleness of old age fetters him, his securely fixed trap, his cane springes, his nets, this curved bare-club, his quiver, this quail-call, and the well-woven net for throwing over wild fowl."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1458",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Leonidas of Tarentum",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Leónidas de Tarento",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Léonidas de Tarente",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Leonida di Taranto",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Leonidas Tarentinus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Λεωνίδας Ταρεντῖνος",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "scholia": [
                    "book": 6,
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            "book": {
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                "number": 6
            "fragment": 297,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "ἄλκιμος ἀγρίφαν κενοδοντίδα, καὶ φιλοδούπου\n φάρσος ἄμας, στελεοῦ χῆρον ἐλαϊνέου,\n ἀρθροπέδαν †   στεῖμόν τε, καὶ ὠλεσίβωλον ἀρούρης\nσφῦραν, καὶ δαπέδων μουνορυχὰν ὄρυγα,\n\n                   καὶ κτένας ἑλκητῆρας, ἀνὰ προπύλαιον Ἀθάνας\nθήκατο, καὶ ῥαπτὰς γειοφόρους σκαφίδας,\nθησαυρῶν ὅτ᾽ ἔκυρσεν, ἐπεὶ τάχ᾽ ἂν ἁ πολυκαμπὴς\n ἰξὺς κεἰς Ἀίδαν ᾤχετο κυφαλέα."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Alkimos a consacré ce râteau édenté, ce fragment d'une bêche aux coups retentissants, veuve de son manche en bois d'olivier, une entrave avec son \"fixeur\", une masse à briser les mottes dans les champs, un pic qui fouille la terre avec sa pointe unique et des herses qui le déchirent: telles sont les offrandes qu'il a suspendues sous le portique du temple d'Athêna, ainsi que des hottes à transporter la terre, toutes raccommodées; il a trouvé un trésor; sans cela, ses reins se seraient si bien courbés qu'il serait arrivé chez Hadès tout voûté."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Alcimus hung up in Athene’s porch, when he found a treasure (for otherwise his often-bent back would perhaps have gone down curved to Hades), his toothless rake, a piece of his noisy hoe wanting its olive-wood handle, his . . ., his mallet that destroys the clods, his one-pronged pickaxe, his rake, and his sewn baskets for carrying earth."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1582",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Fania",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Fanias",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Φανίας",
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                    "book": 6,
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            "book": {
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "πήρην, κάδέψητον ἀπεσκληρυμμένον αἰγὸς\n στέρφος, καὶ βάκτρον τοῦτὸ γ᾽ ὁδοιπορικόν,\nκὤλπαν ἀστλέγγιστον, ἀχάλκωτόν τε κυνοῦχον,\n καὶ πῖλον κεφαλᾶς οὐχ ὁσίας σκέπανον\n\n                   ταῦτα καταφθιμένοιο  μυρικίνεον περὶ θάμνον\n σκῦλ᾽ ἀπὸ Σωχάρεος Λιμὸς ἀνεκρέμασεν,"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Une besace, une peau de chèvre non tannée, toute durcie, puis ce bâton de voyage, une gourde que ne polit jamais le strigile, une bourse sans la moindre monnaie et ce bonnet qui couvrait un crâne tout dénudé: telles sont les dépouilles de Socharès, qu'à sa mort la Faim a suspendues à un buisson de tamaris*."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "A wallet, a hard untanned goat-skin, this walking-stick, an oil-flask never scraped clean, a dog-skin purse without a copper in it, and the hat, the covering of his impious head, these are the spoils of Sochares that Famine hung on a tamarisk bush when he died."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1458",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Leonidas of Tarentum",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Leónidas de Tarento",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Léonidas de Tarente",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Leonida di Taranto",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Leonidas Tarentinus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Λεωνίδας Ταρεντῖνος",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "keywords": [
            "scholia": [
                    "book": 6,
                    "fragment": 298,
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                    "number": 1,
                    "url": ""
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            "id": 1603,
            "book": {
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                "number": 6
            "fragment": 299,
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            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "φάρσος σοὶ γεραροῦ τόδε βότρυος, εἰνόδι᾽ Ἑρμᾶ,\n καὶ τρύφος ἰπνεύτα πιαλέου φθόιος\n πάρκειται, σῦκόν τε μελαντραγές, ἅ τε φιλουλὶς\nδρύππα, καὶ τυρῶν δρύψια κυκλιάδων,\n\n                  ἀκτά τε Κρηταιὶς, ἐυτριβέος τε ῥόειπα\nθωμὸς, καὶ Βάκχου πῶμ᾽ ἐπιδορπίδιον\n τοῖσιν ἅδοι καὶ Κύπρις, ἐμὰ θεός: ὔμμι δὲ ῥέξειν\n φημὶ παρὰ κροκάλαις ἀργιπόδαν χίμαρον."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "À toi, Hermès qui veilles sur les routes, j'offre ce grapillon d'un raisin magnifique, ce morceau d'une onctueuse galette cuite au four, une figue noire à point pour être mangée, cette olive agréable au palais, ces croûtes de fromages ronds, de la farine de Crète; un tas de...... bien moulu, enfin une coupe où l'on boit du vin au dessert. Puissent ces offrandes plaire aussi à Cypris, ma déesse; et je m'engage à vous sacrifier, sur le bord de la mer, un chevreau aux pieds blancs."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "To thee, wayside Hermes, I offer this portion of a noble cluster of grapes, this piece of a rich cake from the oven, this black fig, this soft olive that does not hurt the gums, some scrapings of round cheeses, some Cretan meal, a heap of crumbling ...., and an after-dinner glass of wine. Let Cypris, my goddess, enjoy them too, and I promise to sacrifice to you both on the beach a white-footed kid."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1582",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Fania",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Fanias",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Φανίας",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
            "keywords": [
            "scholia": [
                    "book": 6,
                    "fragment": 299,
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                    "number": 1,
                    "url": ""
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            "id": 1413,
            "book": {
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                "number": 6
            "fragment": 300,
            "sub_fragment": "",
            "url": "",
            "manuscripts": [
            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Λαθρίη, ἐκ πλανίου ταύτην χάριν ἔκ τε πενέστεω\nκἠξ ὀλιγησιπύου δέξο Λεωνίδεω,\nψαιστά τε πιήεντα καὶ εὐθήσαυρον ἐλαίην,\nκαὶ τοῦτο χλωρὸν σῦκον ἀποκράδιον,\n\n                  κεὐοίνου σταφυλῆς ἔχ᾽ ἀποσπάδα πεντάρραγον,\nπότνια, καὶ σπονδὴν τήνδ᾽ ὑποπυθμίδιον.\nἢν δὲ μέ γ᾽, ὡς ἐκ νούσου ἀνειρύσω, ὧδε καὶ ἐχθρῆς\nἐκ πενίης ῥύσῃ, δέξο χιμαιροθύτην."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Laphria, accepte cette offrande du vagabond, du pauvre, du famélique Léonidas: des gâteaux onctueux, une olive précieusement conservée, cette figue verte qu'il vient de cueillir; reçois encore, auguste déesse, ce grappillon de raisin — cinq grains détachés d'une grappe bien gonflée — et cette libation du peu qui restait au fond de sa cruche. Tu m'as guéri de la maladie : sauve-moi aussi de l'odieuse misère, et tu accueilleras en moi un homme capable de te sacrifier une chèvre."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Lathrian goddess, accept these offerings from Leonidas the wanderer, the pauper, the flour-less; rich barley-cakes, olives easy to store, and this green fig from the tree. Take, too, lady, these five grapes picked from a rich cluster, and this libation of the dregs of the cup. But if, as thou hast saved me from sickeness so thou savest me from hateful penury, await a sacrifice of a kid."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1458",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Leonidas of Tarentum",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Leónidas de Tarento",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Léonidas de Tarente",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Leonida di Taranto",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Leonidas Tarentinus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Λεωνίδας Ταρεντῖνος",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "scholia": [
                    "book": 6,
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            "book": {
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τὴν ἁλίην Εὔδημος, ἀφ᾽ ἧς ἅλα λιτὸν ἐπέσθων\n χειμῶνας μεγάλους ἐξέφυγεν δανέων,\n θῆκε θεοῖς Σαμόθρᾳξι, λέγων ὅτι τήνδε, κατ᾽ εὐχήν,\nὦ μεγάλοι, σωθεὶς ἐξ ἁλός, ὧδ᾽ ἔθετο."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Cette salière était à Eudêmos, c'est avec elle qu'en vivant d'un peu de sel il a échappé aux terribles orages de ses dettes; et il l'a consacrée aux dieux de Samothrace, avec cette dédicace: \"Sauvé par le sel, dieux marins, j'ai, comme j'en avais fais le voeu, déposé ici cette offrande.\""
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Eudemus dedicated to the Samothracian gods \r\nhis salt-cellar, by eating much plain salt out of which he escaped dreadful storms of debts. \"O great gods,” he said, \"according to my vow I dedicate this here, saved from the brine.”"
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0533",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Callimaque de Cyrène",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Calímaco",
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                            "name": "Callimaco",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Calímaco",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Callimachus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Callimachus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Καλλίμαχος",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Φεύγεθ᾽ ὑπὲκ καλύβης, σκότιοι μύες: οὔτι πενιχρὴ\n μῦς σιπύη βόσκειν οἶδε Λεωνίδεω.\n\n                  αὐτάρκης ὁ πρέσβυς ἔχων ἅλα καὶ δύο κρῖμνα:\nἐκ πατέρων ταύτην ᾐνέσαμεν βιοτήν.\n\n                  τῷ τί μεταλλεύεις τοῦτον μυχόν, ὦ φιλόλιχνε,\nοὐδ᾽ ἀποδειπνιδίου γευόμενος σκυβάλου;\nσπεύδων εἰς ἄλλους οἴκους ἴθι ῾ τἀμὰ δὲ λιτἄ,\nὧν ἄπο πλειοτέρην οἴσεαι ἁρμαλιήν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Fuyez hors de ma chaumière, souris amies de l'ombre; la pauvre huche de Léonidas ne saurait nourrir des souris. Tout ce qu'il peut, ce vieillard, c'est d'avoir un peu de sel et deux pains d'orge: c'est la vie que m'ont léguée mes aïeux, et j'ai su m'en contenter. Alors, pourquoi creuser une mine dans ce coin, gourmande? Tu ne goûtes même pas aux restes de mon dîner. Vite, va-t'en vers d'autres demeures: moi, je n'ai pas grand chose; mais là-bas tu récolteras des provisions plus abondantes."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Out of my hut, ye mice that love the dark! \r\nLeonidas' poor meal-tub has not wherewith to feed mice. The old man is contented if he has salt and two barley-cakes. This is the life I have learnt to acquiesce in from my fathers. So why dost thou dig for treasure in that corner, thou glutton, where thou shalt not taste even of the leavings of my dinner ? Haste and be off to other houses (here is but scanty fare), where thou shalt win greater store,"
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1458",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Leonidas of Tarentum",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Leónidas de Tarento",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Léonidas de Tarente",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Leonida di Taranto",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Leonidas Tarentinus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Λεωνίδας Ταρεντῖνος",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "μύες, εἰ μὲν ἐπ᾽ ἄρτον ἐληλύθατ᾽, ἐς μυχὸν ἄλλον\n στείχετ᾽ ῾ ἐπεὶ λιτὴν οἰκέομεν καλύβην᾽,\nοὗ καὶ πίονα τυρὸν ἀποδρέψεσθε καὶ αὔην\n ἰσχάδα, καὶ δεῖπνον συχνὸν ἀπὸ σκυβάλων.\n\n                  εἰ δ᾽ ἐν ἐμαῖς βίβλοισι πάλιν καταθήξετ᾽ ὀδόντα,\n κλαύσεσθ᾽, οὐκ ἀγαθὸν κῶμον ἐπερχόμενοι."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Souris, si vous êtes venues chercher du pain, allez ailleurs faire votre trou; car je n'habite qu'une pauvre chaumière; chez d'autres, vous trouverez à glaner du fromage bien gras, des figues sèches, et les miettes qui tombent de leur table vous offriront des repas somptueux. Mais si vous aiguisez encore vos dents sur mes livres, vous vous repentirez d'être venues chercher une fête sans agrément."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Mice, if you have come for bread, go to some other corner (my hut is ill-supplied), where ye shall nibble fat cheese and dried figs, and get a plentiful dinner from the scraps. But if ye sharpen your teeth again on my books ye shall suffer for it and find that ye come to no pleasant banquet."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0134",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Aristone",
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                            "name": "Ariston",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Ariston",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Ariston",
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                            "name": "Ἀρίστων",
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Ἀκτῖτ᾽ ὦ καλαμευτά, ποτὶ ξερὸν ἔλθ᾽ ἀπὸ πέτρας,\nκαί με λάβ᾽ εὐάρχαν πρώιον ἐμπολέα.\n αἴτε σὺ γ᾽ ἐν κύρτῳ μελανουρίδας, αἴτε τιν᾽ ἀγρεῖς\n μορμύρον, ἢ κίχλην, ἢ σπάρον, ἢ σμαρίδα,\n\n                  αἴσιον  αὐδάσεις με τὸν οὐ κρέας, ἀλλὰ θάλασσαν\n τιμῶντα, ψαφαροῦ κλάσματος εἰς ἀπάταν.\n χαλκίδας ἢν δὲ φέρῃς φιλακανθίδας, ἤ τινα θρίσσαν,\nεὐάγρει: λιθίναν οὐ γὰρ ἔχω φάρυγα."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Pêcheur qui tends ta ligne sur le rivage, descends de ton rocher, regagne la terre ferme et prends-moi comme premier client de ce matin, cela te portera bonheur. Si tu as dans ton panier des queues-noires, si tu as pris quelque mormyre, une grive de mer, une dorade, une smaride, tu pourras dire que je te porte bonheur, moi qui à la viande préfère la marée, pour charmer la sécheresse d'un morceau de pain. Mais si tu n'as que des sardines ou des harengs pleins d'arêtes, bonne pêche! Je n'ai pas un gosier de pierre."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Fisher of the beach, come from the rock on to the dry land and begin the day well with this early buyer. If you have caught in your weel black-tails or some mormyre, or wrasse, or spams, or small fry, you will call me lucky, who prefer not flesh but the fruit of the sea to make me forget I am munching a dry crust. But if you bring me bony chalcides or some thrissa, good-bye and better luck! I have not got a throat made of stone."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1582",
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                            "name": "Phanias",
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                            "name": "Phanias",
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                            "name": "Phanias",
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Λαβροσύνᾳ τάδε δῶρα φιλευχύλῳ τε Λαφυγμῷ\n θήκατο †    δεισόζου Δωριέος κεφαλά:\n\n                   τὼς Λαρισσαίως βουγάστορας ἑψητῆρας,\nκαὶ χύτρως, καὶ τὰν εὐρυχαδῆ κύλικα,\n\n                  καὶ τὰν εὐχάλκωτον ἐύγναμπτόν τε κρεάγραν,\n καὶ κνῆστιν, καὶ τὰν ἐτνοδόνον τορύναν.\nΛαβροσύνα;, σὺ δὲ ταῦτα κακοῦ κακὰ δωρητῆρος\n δεξαμένα, νεύσαις μή ποκα σωφροσύναν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "À la Goinfrerie et à la Gourmandise amie de la bonne chère, Dorieus, qui vénère ces déesses, a consacré ces chaudrons de Larissa au ventre rebondi, ces marmites, cette coupe de fort calibre, cette fourchette en bronze massif aux crochets artistiquement recourbés, un couteau à fromage et cette cuiller à remuer la purée. Accepte, ô Goinfrerie, ces méchants présents d'un méchant donateur et accorde-lui de ne jamais connaître la tempérance."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "To Gluttony and Voracity, the deities who love \r\nwell flavoured sauces, did Dorieus who stinks of... dedicate these enormous Larissean boiling cauldrons, the pots and the wide-gaping cup, the well-wrought curved flesh-hook, the cheese-scraper, and the soup-stirrer. Gluttony, receive these evil gifts of an evil giver, and never grant him temperance."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1458",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Leonidas of Tarentum",
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                            "name": "Leónidas de Tarento",
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                            "name": "Léonidas de Tarente",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Leonida di Taranto",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Leonidas Tarentinus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Λεωνίδας Ταρεντῖνος",
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            "texts": [
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Χύτρον τοι, ταύτην τε κρεαγρίδα, καὶ βαθυκαμπῆ\nκλεῖδα συῶν, καὶ τὰν ἐτνοδόνον τορύναν,\nκαὶ πτερίναν ῥιπῖδα, ταναίχαλκόν τε λέβητα,\n σὺν πελέκει, καὶ τὰν λαιμοτόμον σφαγίδα,\n\n                  ζωμοῦ τ᾽ ἀμφ᾽ ὀβελοῖσιν ἀρυστρίδα, τόν τε μαγῆα\n σπόγγον ὑπὸ στιβαρᾷ κεκλιμένον κοπίδι,\n καὶ τοῦτον δικάρανον ἁλοτρίβα, σὺν δὲ θυείαν\n εὔπετρον, καὶ τὰν κρειοδόκον σκαφίδα,\n οὑψοπόνος Σπίνθηρ Ἑρμῇ τάδε σύμβολα τέχνας\n\n                   θήκατο, δουλοσύνας ἄχθος ἀπωσάμενος."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Une marmite, cette fourchette, ce crochet à porcs amplement recourbé*, cette cuiller à remuer la purée, un soufflet en plumes, un chaudron tout en bronze, une hache, ce coutelas à trancher les gorges, une louche pour puiser le jus des viandes à la broche, cette éponge à essayer les tables, posée sous un lourd couperet, ce pilon à deux têtes pour broyer le sel et avec lui un mortier en bonne pierre, enfin un plat creux pour servir la viande: tels sont les attributs de sa profession que le cuisiner Spinther a consacrés à Hermès, maintenant qu'il a secoué le fardeau de l'esclavage."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Spinther, the cook, when he shook off the burden of slavery, gave these tokens of his calling to Hermes : his pipkin, this flesh-hook, his highly-curved pork-spit (?), the stirrer for soup, his feather fan, and his bronze cauldron, together with his axe and slaughtering-knife, his soup-ladle beside the spits, his sponge for wiping, resting beneath the strong chopper, this two-headed pestle, and with it the stone mortar and the trough for holding meat."
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                            "name": "Ariston",
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                            "name": "Ariston",
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                            "name": "Ariston",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Ἀρίστων",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Εὐγάθης Λαπιθανὸς ἐσοπτρίδα, καὶ φιλέθειρον\n σινδόνα, καὶ πετάσου φάρσος ὑποξύριον,\n καὶ ψήκτραν δονακῖτιν ἀπέπτυσε, καὶ λιποκόπτους\nφασγανίδας, καὶ τοὺς συλόνυχας στόνυχας:\n ἔπτυσε δὲ ψαλίδας, ξυρὰ καὶ θρόνον, εἰς δ᾽ Ἐπικούρου,\nκουρεῖον προλιπών, ἅλατο κηπολόγος,\n ἔνθα λύρας ἤκουεν ὅπως ὄνος: ὤλετο δ᾽ ἄν που\n λιμώσσων, εἰ μὴ στέρξε παλινδρομίαν:"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Eugathès de Lapithê a rejeté avec mépris le miroir, la serviette accueilante aux boucles coupéees, le morceau de feutre à repasser les rasoirs, l'étrille de roseau, les lames sans manche, les canifs à rogner les ongles; il a tout rejeté, ciseaux, rasoirs, fauteuil et, abandonnant sa boutique de barbier, il a sauté d'un bond dans le Jardin où pérorent les disciples d'Épicure. Là, il écoutait comme un âne qui entend jouer de la lyre; mais il serait mort de faim, s'il ne s'était résigné à revenir sur ses pas."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Eugethes of Lapithe cast away with scorn his mirror, his sheet that loves hair, a fragment of his shaving-bowl, his reed scraper, his scissors that have deserted their work, and his pointed nail-file. He cast away, too, his scissors, razors, and barber’s chair, and leaving his shop ran prancing off to Epicurus to be a garden-student. There he listened as a donkey listens to the lyre, and he would have died of hunger if he had not thought better of it and run home."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1582",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Fania",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Phanias",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Fanias",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Φανίας",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "scholia": [
                    "book": 6,
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            "id": 1337,
            "book": {
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                "number": 6
            "fragment": 308,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "νικήσας τοὺς παῖδας, ἐπεὶ καλὰ γράμματ᾽ ἔγραψεν,\nΚόνναρος ὀγδώκοντ᾽ ἀστραγάλους ἔλαβεν,\nκἀμέ, χάριν Μούσαις, τὸν κωμικὸν ὧδε Χάρητα\n πρεσβύτην θορύβῳ θήκατο παιδαρίων."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Vainqueur des autres écoliers, pour avoir bien formé ses lettres, Connaros a eu en prix quatre-vingts osselets; et il m'a consacré ici en offrande aux Muses, moi le masque comique de Charès, moi, un vieillard, au milieu du vacarme des gamins."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Connarus, on winning the boys’ contest, since he wrote such a pretty hand, received eighty knucklebones, and in gratitude to the Muses he hung me up here, the comic mask of old Chares, amid the applause of the boys."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0137",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Asclépiade de Samos",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Asclepíades de Samos",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Asclepiades of Samos",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Asclepiade di Samo",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Asclepiades Samius",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Asclepíades de Samos",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Ἀσκληπιάδης Σάμιος",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "scholia": [
                    "book": 6,
                    "fragment": 308,
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            "id": 1762,
            "book": {
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                "number": 6
            "fragment": 309,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "εὔφημόν τοι σφαῖραν, ἐυκρόταλόν τε Φιλοκλῆς\n Ἑρμείῃ ταύτην πυξινέην πλατάγην,\n ἀστραγάλας θ᾽ αἷς πόλλ᾽ ἐπεμήνατο, καὶ τὸν ἑλικτὸν\n ῥόμβον, κουροσύνης παίγνι᾽ ἀνεκρέμασεν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Philoclès a consacré à Hermès son ballon renommé, ces bruyantes castagnettes de buis, les dés qu'il a aimés à la folie et la toupie qu'il faisait tournoyer: tous les jouets dde son enfance."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "To Hermes Philocles here hangs up these toys of \r\nhis boyhood: his noiseless ball, this lively boxwood rattle, his knuckle-bones he had such a mania for, and his spinning-top,"
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1458",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Leonidas of Tarentum",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Leónidas de Tarento",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Léonidas de Tarente",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Leonida di Taranto",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Leonidas Tarentinus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Λεωνίδας Ταρεντῖνος",
                            "language": "grc"
            "cities": [],
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Εὐμαθίην ᾐτεῖτο διδοὺς ἐμὲ Σῖμος ὁ Μίκκου\n ταῖς Μούσαις: αἱ δέ, Γλαῦκος ὅκως, ἔδοσαν\n ἀντ᾽ ὀλίγου μέγα δῶρον ἐγὼ δ᾽ ἀνὰ τῇδε κεχηνὼς\n κεῖμαι τοῦ Σαμίου διπλόον, ὁ τραγικὸς\n\n                   παιδαρίων Διόνυσος ἐπήκοος: οἱ δὲ λέγουσιν,\n\n                   ἱερὸς ὁ πλόκαμος, τοὐμὸν ὄνειαρ ἐμοί."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "C'est le don de bien apprendre qu'en me consacrant aux Muses leur demandait Simos, le fils de Miccos*; et elles, comme Glaucos, lui ont payé d'un cadeau précieux sa petite offrande. Quant à moi, masque tragique de Dionysos, je reste ici, la bouche ouverte, deux fois plus grande que celui de Samos; et j'écoute les petits enfants qui récitent: \"Ma chevelure est sacrée\", me répétant ce que j'entends jusque dans mes songe."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Simos, son of Miccus, when be gave me to the \r\nMuses, prayed for learning, and they gave it him like Glaucus, a great gift in return for a little. I hang dedicated here (in the school), the tragic mask of Dionysus, yawning twice as much as the Samian’s letter as I listen to the boys, and they go on saying \"My hair is holy,” telling me my own dream."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
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                            "name": "Callimaque de Cyrène",
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                            "name": "Calímaco",
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                            "name": "Callimachus",
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                            "name": "Callimachus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Καλλίμαχος",
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τῆς Ἀγοράνακτός με λέγε, ξένε, κωμικὸν ὄντως\n ἀγκεῖσθαι νίκης μάρτυρα τοῦ Ῥοδίου\n Πάμφιλον, οὐ μὲν ἔρωτι δεδαγμένον, ἥμισυ δ᾽ ὀπτῇ\n ἰσχάδι καὶ λύχνοις Ἴσιδος εἰδόμενον."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Tu peux dire, passant, que je suis réellement le \"témoin comique\" de la victoire dd'Agoranax le Rhodien: je suis Pamphilos, non pas certes mordu par l'amour, mais semblable à une figue à moitié désséchée ou aux lampes d'Isis."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Tell, stranger, that I, the mask of Pamphilus, am dedicated here as a truly comic witness of the victory of Agoranax the Rhodian in the theatre. I am not like Pamphilus, bitten by love, but one side of me is wrinkled like a roast fig and the colour of Isis’ lamps."
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                            "name": "Callimaco",
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                            "name": "Calímaco",
                            "language": "por"
                            "name": "Callimachus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Callimachus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Καλλίμαχος",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "book": 6,
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "\n                      ἡνία δή τοι παῖδες ἐνί, τράγε, φοινικόεντα\n θέντες καὶ λασίῳ φιμὰ περὶ στόματι,\n ἵππια παιδεύουσι θεοῦ περὶ ναὸν ἄεθλα,\nὄφρ᾽ αὐτοὺς ἐφορῇ νήπια τερπομένους.\n"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "The children, billy-goat, have put purple reins on\nyou and a muzzle on your bearded face, and they \ntrain you to race  like a horse round the god's temple\nthat he may look on their childish joy."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Des enfants t'ont mis, bouc, des rênes, teintes en pourpre,\nils ont passé un mors dans ta bouche velue et ils jouent à la\ncourse de chevaux devant le temple du dieu, pour t'apprendre\nà les porter doucement quand ils s'amusent."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Des enfants près d'un temple ont mêlé à leur jeu\r\nUn bouc barbu ; ils le harnachent ; ils le montent,\r\nRiant, tirant la bride d'or de leurs mains promptes,\r\nEt leurs ébats (qui sait ?) font sourire le dieu."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0121",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Anite de Tegea",
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                            "name": "Anytè",
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                            "name": "Ánite de Tegea",
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                            "name": "Anyte of Tegea",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Anite di Tegea",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Anyte",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Ἀνύτη Τεγεᾶτις",
                            "language": "grc"
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                    "book": 6,
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                    "title": "Francisco Goya, The Great He-Goat Or Witches Sabbath (1821-1823)",
                    "url": ""
                    "title": "Sophocle, Œdipe Roi, traduction par Leconte de Lisle, Alphonse Lemerre, 1877",
                    "url": ""
                    "title": "René Girard, Le bouc émissaire (1982)",
                    "url": ""
                    "title": "Pier Paolo Pasolini, Œdipe Roi (1967) - le moment de la colère",
                    "url": ""
                    "title": "Francisco Goya, Le Sabbat des sorcières (1798)",
                    "url": " "
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            "id": 1388,
            "book": {
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "κούρα Πάλλαντος πολυώνυμε, πότνια Νίκα,\n πρόφρων Καρθαίων ἱμερόεντα χορὸν\n αἰὲν ἐποπτεύοις, πολέας δ᾽ ἐν ἀθύρμασι Μουσᾶν\n Κηίῳ ἀμφιτίθει Βακχυλίδῃ στεφάνους."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Fille de Pallas* qu'on invoque sous bien des noms, auguste Victoire, daigne toujours jeter un regard favorable sur l'aimable choeur des fils de Crannos et dans les jeux des Muses fais que Bacchylide de Céos ceigne de nombreuses couronnes."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Famous daughter of Pallas, holy Victory, look ever with good will on the beauteous chorus of the Carthaeans, and crown Ceian Bacchylides with many wreaths at the sports of the Muses."
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                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0199",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Bacchylide",
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                            "name": "Bacchilide",
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                            "name": "Baquílides",
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                            "name": "Bacchylides",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Bacchylides",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Βακχυλίδης",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Πηνελόπη, τόδε σοὶ φᾶρος καὶ χλαῖναν Ὀδυσσεὺς\n ἤνεγκεν, δολιχὴν ἐξανύσας ἀτραπόν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Pénélope, ce manteau et cette pélerine t'ont été rapportés par Ulysse, arrivé au terme de ses longs voyages."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Odysseus, his long road finished, brought thee this cloak and robe, Penelope."
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1536",
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                            "name": "Νικόδημος Ἡρακλεώτης",
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τὸν   τραγόπουν ἐμὲ Πᾶνα, φίλον Βρομίοιο καὶ υἱὸν\n Ἀρκάδος, ἀντ᾽ ἀλκᾶς ἔγραφεν Ὠφελίων."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Je suis Pan aux pieds de bouc, ami de Bacchus et fils d'Hermès l'Arcadien; et celui qui m'a peint pour me remercier de lui être venu en aide, c'est Ophélion."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "In thanks for my help Ophelion painted me the goat-footed Pan, the friend of Bacchus and son of Arcadian Hermes."
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                            "name": "Nicodemus Heracleensis",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Nicodémos d'Héraclée",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Νικόδημος Ἡρακλεώτης",
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Ἀερόπης δάκρυον διερῆς, καὶ λείψανα δείπνων\n δύσνομα, καὶ ποινὴν ἔγραφεν Ὠφελίων."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Les larmes qui baignent le visage d'Aéropê, les reliefs du festin monstrueux et le châtiment qui s'ensuivit ont été peints par Ophélion."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Ophelion painted the tears of dripping Aerope, \r\nthe remains of the impious feast and the requital."
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                            "name": "Νικόδημος Ἡρακλεώτης",
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                    "text": "Πραξιτέλης ἔπλασε Δαναὴν καὶ φάρεα Νυμφῶν\n λύγδινα, καὶ πέτρης Πᾶν᾽ ἐμὲ Πεντελικῆς."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "C'est Praxitè`le qui a sculpté Danaé, ces nymphes avec leurs vêtements ciselés et moi, Pan, en marbre du Pentélique."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Praxiteles carved of Parian marble Danae and \r\nthe draped Nymphs, but me, Pan, he carved of \r\nPentelic marble."
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                            "name": "Nicodémos d'Héraclée",
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                            "name": "Νικόδημος Ἡρακλεώτης",
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Κύπριδι κουροτρόφῳ δάμαλιν ῥέξαντες ἔφηβοι\n χαίροντες νύμφας ἐκ θαλάμων ἄγομεν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Après avoir immolé une génisse à Cypris protectrice de l'enfance, nous, les jeunes gens, nous formons à la mariée un joyeux cortège."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "We young men, after sacrificing a calf to Aphrodite, the Nurser of youth, conduct the brides with joy from their chambers."
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                            "name": "Νικόδημος Ἡρακλεώτης",
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "αἰθομέναις ὑπὸ δᾳσὶν ἐν εὐρυχόρῳ πατρὸς οἴκῳ\nπαρθένον ἐκ χειρῶν ἠγαγόμην ;Κύπριδος."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "À la lueur des torches embrasées, dans la spacieuse demeure de son père, j'ai reçu la jeune fille des mains de Cypris."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "By the light of burning torches in her father’s \r\nspacious house I received the maiden from the \r\nhands of Cypris."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1536",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Nicodemus of Heraclea",
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                            "name": "Nicodemus Heracleensis",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Nicodémos d'Héraclée",
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                            "name": "Νικόδημος Ἡρακλεώτης",
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                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Ἀσκανίη μέγα χαῖρε καλή, καὶ χρύσεα Βάκχου\nὄργια, καὶ μύσται πρόκριτοι Εὐίεω."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Adieu, adieu, belle Ascanie; adieu, orgies dorées de Bacchus; adieu, initiés si chers au dieu du vin."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Hail, lovely Ascania, and the golden orgies of \r\nBacchus, and the chief of his initiated."
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1536",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Nicodemus of Heraclea",
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                            "name": "Nicodemo de Heraclea",
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                            "name": "Nicodemo di Eraclea",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Nicodemus Heracleensis",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Nicodémos d'Héraclée",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Νικόδημος Ἡρακλεώτης",
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "θύει σοι τόδε γράμμα γενεθλιακαῖσιν ἐν ὥραις,\n Καῖσαρ, Νειλαίη Μοῦσα Λεωνίδεω.\n Καλλιόπης γὰρ ἄκαπνον ἀεὶ θύος. εἰς δὲ νέωτα,\nἢν ἐθέλῃς, θύσει τοῦδε περισσότερα."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Pour le jour de ta naissance, César*, des bords du Nil la Muse de Léonidas t'envoie ces vers en hommage; car l'encens de Calliope est toujours sans fumée. L'an prochain, si tu le désires, elle t'adressera une offrande moins modeste."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "On thy birthday, Caesar, the Egyptian Muse of \r\nLeonidas offers thee these lines. The offering of \r\nCalliope is ever smokeless; but next year, if thou \r\nwilt, she will offer thee a larger sacrifice."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1457",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Iulius Leonidas",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Giulio Leonida",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Julius Leonidas",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Julius Léonidas",
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                    "text": "τήνδε Λεωνίδεω θαλερὴν πάλι δέρκεο Μοῦσαν,\n δίστιχον εὐθίκτου παίγνιον εὐεπίης.\n ἔσται δ᾽ ἐν Κρονίοις Μάρκῳ περικαλλὲς ἄθυρμα\n τοῦτο, καὶ ἐν δείπνοις, καὶ παρὰ μουσοπόλοις"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Reçois ce nouveau don que t'offre la Muse toujours féconde de Léonidas: des distiques, jeu d'esprit où se complaisent son talent et sa dextérité. Ils te fourniront, Marcus, un charmant divertissement dans les Saturnales, dans les banquets et chez les serviteurs des Muses."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Behold again the work of Leonidas’ flourishing Muse, this playful distich, neat and well expressed. This will be a lovely plaything for Marcus at the Saturnalia, and at banquets, and among lovers of the Muses."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1457",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Iulius Leonidas",
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                            "name": "Giulio Leonida",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Julius Leonidas",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Julius Léonidas",
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                    "text": "Ἀναστρέφον ἢ Ἀνακυκλικόν\nΟἰδιπόδης κάσις ἦν τεκέων, καὶ μητέρι πόσσις\n γίνετο, καὶ παλάμης ἦν τυφλὸς ἐκ σφετέρης."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "OEdipe était le frère de ses enfants, le mari de sa mère, et il se creva les yeux de sa propre main."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Oedipus was the brother of his parents and his \r\nmother's husband, and blinded himself by his own hands."
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                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1536",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Nicodemus of Heraclea",
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                            "name": "Nicodemo de Heraclea",
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                            "name": "Nicodemo di Eraclea",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Nicodemus Heracleensis",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Nicodémos d'Héraclée",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Νικόδημος Ἡρακλεώτης",
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "πέμματα τίς  λιπόωντα, τίς  Ἄρεϊ τῷ πτολιπόρθῳ\n βότρυς, τίς  δὲ ῥόδων θῆκεν ἐμοὶ κάλυκας;\n νύμφαις ταῦτα φέροι τις ἀναιμάκτους δὲ θυηλὰς\nοὐ δέχομαι βωμοῖς ὁ θρασύμητις Ἄρης."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Qui donc a consacré à Arès, le dévastateur des cités, ces gâteaux onctueux, ces raisins, ces boutons de roses? Portez aux Nymphes ces offrandes; mais moi, l'audacieux Arès, je n'accepte sur mes autel que ddes sacrifices sanglants."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Who offered to me, Ares the sacker of cities, rich cakes, and grapes, and roses? Let them offer these to the Nymphs, but I, bold Ares, accept not bloodless sacrifices on my altars."
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-1457",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Iulius Leonidas",
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                            "name": "Giulio Leonida",
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                            "name": "Julius Leonidas",
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                            "name": "Julius Léonidas",
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                    "text": "ἄλλος ἀπὸ σταλίκων, ὁ δ᾽ ἀπ᾽ ἠέρος, ὃς δ᾽ ἀπὸ πόντου,\n Εὔπολι, σοὶ πέμπει δῶρα γενεθλίδια:\n ἀλλ᾽ ἐμέθεν δέξαι Μουσῶν στίχον, ὅστις ἐς αἰεὶ\n μίμνει, καὶ φιλίης σῆμα καὶ εὐμαθίης."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "L'un t'envoie comme cadeau pour ton anniversaire, Eupolis, le produit de sa chasse, un autre du gibier aérien, un troisième ce qu'il a pris à la pêche. Mais de moi, reçois ces vers, présent des Muses qui reste à jamais comme un témoignage d'amitié et de talent."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "One sends you, Eupolis, birthday gifts from the \r\nhunting-net, another from the air, a third from the \r\nsea. From me accept a line of my Muse which will survive for ever, a token of friendship and of learned skill."
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                    "text": "Λὐκτιον ἰοδόκην καὶ καμπύλον, Ἄρτεμι, τόξον\r\n Νῖκις ὁ Λυσιμάχου παῖς ἀνέθηκε Λίβυς:\r\n ἰοὺς γὰρ πλήθοντας ἀεὶ λαγόνεσσι φαρέτρης\r\nδορκάσι καὶ βαλίαις ἐξεκένωσ᾽ ἐλάφοις."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Ce carquois de Lyctos et cet arc flexible, Artémis, c'est le Libyen Nikis, fils de Lysimachos, qui te les a consacrés. Quant aux flèches qui remplissaient toujours son carquois, il les a épuisées sur les chevreuils et sur les biches au pelage moucheté."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Nicis the Libyan, son of Lysimachus, dedicates \r\nhis Cretan quiver and curved bow to thee, Artemis; for he had exhausted the arrows that filled the belly of the quiver by shooting at does and dappled hinds."
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                    "text": "εἷς πρὸς ἕνα ψήφοισιν ἰσάζεται, οὐ δύο δοιοῖς\nοὐ γὰρ ἔτι στέργω τὴν δολιχογραφίην."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "C'est un à un que ces vers voient s'égaliser leur valeur numérique, non deux à deux; car je n'aime plus écrire aussi longuement."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "One verse here gives the same figures as the other, not a distich the same as a distich, for I no longer care to be lengthy."
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                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "τὴν τριτάτην Χαρίτων ἀπ᾽ ἐμεῦ πάλι λάμβανε βύβλον,\nΚαῖσαρ ἰσηρίθμου σύμβολον εὐεπίης,\n Νεῖλος ὅπως καὶ τήνδε δι᾽ Ἑλλάδος ἰθύνουσαν\nτῇ χθονὶ σᾖ πέμψει δῶρον ἀοιδότατον."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Reçois encore, César, le troisième livre de mes Grâces, témoignage de mon talent à composer des vers d'égale valeur numérique; c'est toujours le Nil qui, cette fois à travers la Grèce et par la route de la terre, t'adresse ce cadeau, celui qui convient le mieux à un poète."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Accept from me, Caesar, the third volume of my thankful gift to thee, this token of my skill in making \"isopspha\" so that the Nile may despatch through Greece to thy land this most musical gift."
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                            "name": "Julius Leonidas",
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                            "name": "Julius Léonidas",
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                    "text": "ἄλλος μὲν κρύσταλλον, ὁ δ᾽ ἄργυρον, οἱ δὲ τοπάζους\n πέμψουσιν, πλούτου δῶρα γενεθλίδια:\nἀλλ᾽ ἴδ᾽ Ἀγρειππίνῃ δύο δίστιχα μοῦνον ἰσώσας,\nἀρκοῦμαι δώροις, ἃ φθόνος οὐ δαμάσει."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "L'un enverra comme cadeau un vase de cristal, un autre des bijoux d'argent, d'autres encore des topazes: c'est le tribut de la richesse. Mais moi, je me contente d'adresser à Agrippine deux distiques d'égale valeur numérique, hommage que la jalousie ne saurait atteindre."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "One will send crystal, another silver, a third \r\ntopazes, rich birthday gifts. But I, look, having \r\nmerely made two \"isopsephon\" for Agripina, am content with this my gift that envy shall not damage."
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                            "name": "Iulius Leonidas",
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                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Julius Leonidas",
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                            "name": "Julius Léonidas",
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                    "text": "θνητῶν μὲν τέχναις ἀπορούμενος, εἰς δὲ τὸ θεῖον\n ἐλπίδα πᾶσαν ἔχων, προλιπὼν εὔπαιδας Ἀθήνας,\n ἰάθην ἐλθών, Ἀσκληπιέ, πρὸς τὸ σὸν ἄλσος,\nἕλκος ἔχων κεφαλῆς ἐνιαύσιον, ἐν τρισὶ μησίν."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Ne comptant plus sur l'art des mortels, j'ai mis tout mon espoir dans la divinité: j'ai quitté Athènes aux nobles enfants; je suis venu, Asclêpios, dans ton bois sacré; et j'ai été guéri, en trois moi, d'une plaie que j'avais à la tête ddepuis un an."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Despairing of human art, and placing all my hope in the Divinity, I left Athens, mother of beautiful children, and was cured in three months, Asclepius, by coming to thy grove, of an ulcer on my head that had continued for a year."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0104",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Aeschines of Miletus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Eschine di Mileto",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Aeschines Milesius",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Eschine de Milet",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Αἰσχίνης Ῥήτωρ",
                            "language": "grc"
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            "scholia": [
                    "book": 6,
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            "book": {
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "παῖδα πατὴρ Ἄλκων ὀλοῷ σφιγχθέντα δράκοντι\n ἀθρήσας, δειλῇ τόξον ἔκαμψε χερί:\n θηρὸς δ᾽ οὐκ ἀφάμαρτε: διὰ στόματος γὰρ ὀιστὸς\n ἤιξεν, τυτθοῦ βαιὸν ὕπερθε βρέφους.\n\n                   παυσάμενος δὲ φόβοιο, παρὰ δρυῒ τῇδε φαρέτρην\nσῆμα καὶ εὐτυχίης θῆκε καὶ εὐστοχίης,"
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Voyant son fils mortellement étreint par un serpent, Alcon*, d'une main craintive, banda son arc; sa flèche ne manqua pas la bête, mais l'atteignit en pleine gueule , juste au-dessus du petit enfant. Ce fut sa dernière victime; car il a suspendu son carquois à ce chêne pour témoigner de sa chance autant que de sa science."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "Alcon, seeing his child in the coils of a murderous serpent, bent his bow with trembling hand; yet he did not miss the monster, but the arrow pierced its jaws just a little above where the infant was. Relieved of his fear, he dedicated on this tree his quiver, the token of good luck and good aim."
            "authors": [
                    "url": "",
                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0188",
                    "names": [
                            "name": "Getulico",
                            "language": "ita"
                            "name": "Gaetulicus",
                            "language": "eng"
                            "name": "Gaetulicus",
                            "language": "lat"
                            "name": "Getúlico",
                            "language": "spa"
                            "name": "Gétulicus",
                            "language": "fra"
                            "name": "Γαιτουλικός",
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            "texts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "grc",
                    "text": "Ζηνὶ τόδ᾽ Αἰνεάδης Κασίῳ Τραϊανὸς ἄγαλμα,\n κοίρανος ἀνθρώπων κοιράνῳ ἀθανάτων,\n ἄνθετο, δοιὰ δέπα πολυδαίδαλα, καὶ βοὸς οὔρου\n ἀσκητὸν χρυσῷ παμφανόωντι κέρας,\n\n                  ἔξαιτα προτέρης ἀπὸ ληΐδος, ἦμος ἀτειρὴς\n πέρσεν ὑπερθύμους ᾧ ὑπὸ δουρὶ Γέτας,\n\n                   ἀλλὰ σὺ οἱ καὶ τήνδε, Κελαινεφὲς, ἐγγυάλιξον\nκρῆναι ἐυκλειῶς δῆριν Ἀχαιμενίην,\nὄφρα τοι εἰσορόωντι διάνδιχα θυμὸν ἰαίνῃ\n\n                   δοιά, τὰ μὲν Γετέων σκῦλα, τὰ δ᾽ Ἀρσακιδέων."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "À Zeus Casios, Trajan, descendant d'Énée, a consacré cette offrande, hommage du maître des hommes au maître des immortels. Ce sont deux coupes artistement ciselées et une corne d'auroch inscrustée d'or tout resplendissant, prémices du butin qu'il a fait récemment, lorsque, sous ses coups répétés et sous le poids de ses armes, il a écrasé les Gètes pleins d'orgueil. En retour, dieu des sombres nuées, accorde-lui de terminer glorieusement la campagne qu'il entreprend contre les Achéménides, pour que ton coeur puisse se réjouir à la vue d'un double trophée, fait des dépouilles des Gètes et de celles des Arsacides."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "eng",
                    "text": "To Casian Zeus did Trajan, the descendant of \r\nAeneas, dedicate these ornaments, the king of men to the king of gods: two curiously fashioned cups and the horn of a urus mounted in shining gold, selected from his first booty when, tirelessly fighting, he had overthrown with his spear the insolent Getae. But, Lord of the black clouds, entrust to him, too, the glorious accomplishment of this Persian war, that thy heart’s joy may be doubled as thou lookest on the spoils of both foes, the Getae and the Arsacidae."
                    "url": "",
                    "language": "fra",
                    "text": "Zeus du mont Cassius ! Trajan, enfant d'Énée,\r\nMaître du monde, t'offre, à toi maître des cieux,\r\nUne corne d'urus savamment adornée\r\nEt deux hanaps sertis de métaux précieux.\r\nIl conquit ce butin, beau fruit de son audace,\r\nQuand de sa lance il jetait bas l'insolent Dace.\r\nFais, seigneur de l'éclair, que les destins décident\r\nEn sa faveur, là-bas, au pays de Xerxès,\r\nEt qu'il mette à tes pieds, preuve de ses succès,\r\nLes trésors arrachés aux princes Arsacides."
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                    "tlg_id": "tlg-0195",
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                            "name": "Adriano",
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                            "name": "Adrianus",
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