GET /api/alignments/400/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "url": "",
    "passage": "",
    "text_1": {
        "url": "",
        "language": "grc",
        "text": "\n                     οὐ μὰ τόν, οὐδὲ Λύκωνα παρήσομεν, ὅττι ποδαλγὴς\n κάτθανε: θαυμάζω τοῦτο μάλιστα δ᾽ ἐγώ,\n τὴν οὕτως ἀίδαο μακρὴν ὁδὸν εἰ πρὶν ὁ ποσσὶν\nἀλλοτρίοις βαδίσας ἔδραμε νυκτὶ μιῇ.\n"
    "text_2": {
        "url": "",
        "language": "eng",
        "text": "No by -neither shall we neglect to tell how Lyco\ndied of the gout. The thing that surprises me most \nis that  he who formerly walked with other people's\nfeet managed in one night  to run all the way to\nHades."
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