What Perseus would say after slaying the Monster, when Andromeda refused him
σεῖο νόον πέτρωσεν ἀμείλιχα δέσμια πέτρης, καὶ λίθον ἐκτελέσειε τεὸν δέμας ὄμμα Μεδούσης. — Paton edition
σεῖο νόον πέτρωσεν ἀμείλιχα δέσμια πέτρης, καὶ λίθον ἐκτελέσειε τεὸν δέμας ὄμμα Μεδούσης.
The cruel fetters of the rock have turned thy heartto stone, and now let the eye of Medusa turn thybody, too, to stone. — Paton edition
The cruel fetters of the rock have turned thy heartto stone, and now let the eye of Medusa turn thybody, too, to stone.
anónimo spa anonimo ita anonyme fra anónimo por anonymus lat anonymous eng
Medusa spa Medusa por Méduse fra Medusa ita Medusa eng Medusa lat
[2021-11-21 22:03 UTC] Epigram 9.479: First revision