Epigram 7.718

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Codex Palatinus 23 p. 321


ὦ ξεῖν᾽, εἰ τύ γε πλεῖς ποτὶ καλλίχορον Μυτιλάναν,
τᾶν Σαπφὼ χαρίτων ἄνθος ἐναυσαμέναν,
εἰπεῖν, ὡς Μούσαισι φίλαν τήνᾳ τε Λοκρὶς γᾶ
τίκτεν ἴσαν ὅτι θ᾽ οἱ τοὔνομα Νοσσίς: ἴθι.

— Paton edition

Ospite, se a Mitilene tu navighi bella di danze,
per cogliervi di Saffo i vaghi fiori,
di' che alle Muse e a lei fui diletta, e in terra locrese
nacqui. Il nome lo sai: Nosside. Va'.

— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.



ξεῖν , εἰ τύ γε πλεῖς ποτὶ καλλίχορον Μυτιλάναν ,
τᾶν Σαπφὼ χαρίτων ἄνθος ἐναυσαμέναν ,
εἰπεῖν , ὡς Μούσαισι φίλαν τήνᾳ τε Λοκρὶς γᾶ
τίκτεν ἴσαν ὅτι θ οἱ τοὔνομα Νοσσίς : ἴθι .

Stranger , if you sail to Mitylene , the city of
lovely dances , which kindled ( ? ) Sappho , the flower of
the Graces , say that the Locrian land bore one dear
to the Muses and equal to her and that her name was
Nossis . Go .

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Last modifications

Epigram 7.718: Association of Locride by “angelamignogna

Epigram 7.718: Addition of [ita] Ospite, se a Mitilene tu navighi … by “angelamignogna

Epigram 7.718: First revision

See all modifications →