Epigram 7.30

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Codex Palatinus 23 p. 212
Codex Palatinus 23 p. 213


τύμβος Ἀνακρείοντος: ὁ Τήιος ἐνθάδε κύκνος
εὕδει, χἠ παίδων ζωροτάτη μανίη.
ἀκμὴν οἱ λυρόεν τι μελίζεται ἀμφὶ Βαθύλλῳ
ἵμερα, καὶ κισσοῦ λευκὸς ὄδωδε λίθος.

οὐδ᾽ Ἀίδης σοι ἔρωτας ἀπέσβεσεν, ἐν δ᾽ Ἀχέροντος
ὢν ὅλος ὠδίνεις κύπριδι θερμοτέρῃ.

— Paton edition

D'Anacreonte la tomba. Qui dorme il cigno di Teo,
la sua schietta follia per i ragazzi.
Modula ancora non so che lira a Batillo, soave
dal marmo bianco l'edera profuma.
Ade non spense le brame per te, d'una febbre d'amore
soffri laggiù nei templi acherontei.

— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.




τύμβος Ἀνακρείοντος : Τήιος ἐνθάδε κύκνος
εὕδει , χἠ παίδων ζωροτάτη μανίη .
ἀκμὴν οἱ λυρόεν τι μελίζεται ἀμφὶ Βαθύλλῳ
ἵμερα , καὶ κισσοῦ λευκὸς ὄδωδε λίθος .

οὐδ Ἀίδης σοι ἔρωτας ἀπέσβεσεν , ἐν δ Ἀχέροντος
ὢν ὅλος ὠδίνεις κύπριδι θερμοτέρῃ .

This is Anacreon ' s tomb ; here sleeps the Teian
swan and the untempered madness of his passion
for lads . Still sings he some song of longing to
the lyre about Bathyllus , and the white marble is
perfumed with ivy . Not even death has quenched
your loves , and in the house of Acheron you suffer
all through you the pangs of the fever of Cypris .

External references


Last modifications

Epigram 7.30: Addition of [ita] D'Anacreonte la tomba. Qui dorme il … by “alb.avino

Epigram 7.30: First revision

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