Epigram 7.10

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Codex Palatinus 23 p. 209


Καλλιόπης Ὀρφῆα καὶ Οἰάγροιο θανόντα
ἔκλαυσαν ξανθαὶ μυρία Βιστονίδες:
στικτοὺς δ᾽ ᾑμάξαντο βραχίονας, ἀμφιμελαίνῃ
δευόμεναι σποδιῇ Θρηίκιον πλόκαμον:

καὶ δ᾽ αὐταὶ στοναχεῦντι σὺν εὐφόρμιγγι Λυκείῳ
ἔρρηξαν Μοῦσαι δάκρυα Πιερίδες,
μυρόμεναι τὸν ἀοιδὸν ἐπωδύραντο δὲ πέτραι
καὶ δρύες, ἃς ἐρατῇ τὸ πρὶν ἔθελγε λύρῃ.

— Paton edition

Bistoniae flevere nurus, cum mortuus Orpheus,
Orpheus Oeagro Calliopeque satus,
Puncta cruentantes sibi brachia, pulvere nigro
Foedantes Thressas per caput omne comas.
Ingemuit citharae fidiumque oblitus Apollo,
Pieridum lachrymis permaduere genae,
Vatis ob interitum; sonuerunt planctibus orni,
Et solita illius carmine saxa trahi.

— Anthologia Graeca cum versione Latina Hugonis Grotii


  1. (Οἰάγροιο) Secondo una tradizione era re di Tracia e sposò Calliope.
  2. (Βιστονίδες) Sc. Trace: Bistonia era una città della regione.
  3. (στικτοὺς ... βραχίονας) Secondo Erodoto, V, 6, 2 presso i Traci il tatuaggio era segno di nobiltà; ma per Plutarco, "De sera numinis vindicta", 12, 557d, le donne sarebbero state costrette dai mariti a tatuarsi, per vendicarsi della morte che inflissero ad Orfeo.
  4. (Λυκείῳ) Epiteto di Apollo, cfr. Eschilo, "Sette contro Tebe", 145; Sofocle, "Elettra", 645.
  5. (ἔρρηξαν ... δάκρυα) Per la iunctura, cfr. 434, 3 (Dioscoride). (Conca-Marzi-Zanetto 2005)


Καλλιόπης Ὀρφῆα καὶ Οἰάγροιο θανόντα
ἔκλαυσαν ξανθαὶ μυρία Βιστονίδες :
στικτοὺς δ ᾑμάξαντο βραχίονας , ἀμφιμελαίνῃ
δευόμεναι σποδιῇ Θρηίκιον πλόκαμον :

καὶ δ αὐταὶ στοναχεῦντι σὺν εὐφόρμιγγι Λυκείῳ
ἔρρηξαν Μοῦσαι δάκρυα Πιερίδες ,
μυρόμεναι τὸν ἀοιδὸν ἐπωδύραντο δὲ πέτραι
καὶ δρύες , ἃς ἐρατῇ τὸ πρὶν ἔθελγε λύρῃ .

The fair - haired daughters of Bistonia shed a thousand
tears for Orpheus dead , the son of Calliope and
Oeagrus ; they stained their tattooed arms with blood ,
and dyed their Thracian locks with black ashes .
The very Muses of Pieria , with Apollo , the master
of the lute , burst into tears mourning for the singer ,
and the rocks moaned , and the trees , that long ago he
charmed with his lovely lyre .


Last modifications

Epigram 7.10: Addition of [lat] Bistoniae flevere nurus, cum mortuus Orpheus, … by “d.arciuolokosholkin

Epigram 7.10: Addition of Comment (PK 842) by “d.arciuolokosholkin

Epigram 7.10: Addition of ExtRef: Plutarchus, De sera numinis vindicta, 12, 557d by “d.arciuolokosholkin

Epigram 7.10: Addition of [ita] Il figlio di Calliope e di … by “d.arciuolokosholkin

Epigram 7.10: Addition of ExtRef: Phanocles, fr. 1, 23-28 Powell by “d.arciuolokosholkin

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