Epigram 6.96

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Codex Palatinus 23 p. 159


Γλαύκων καὶ Κορύδων, οἱ ἐν οὔρεσι βουκολέοντες,
Ἀρκάδες ἀμφότεροι, τὸν κεραὸν δαμάλην
Πανὶ φιλωρείτᾳ Κυλληνίῳ αὐερύσαντες
ἔρρεξαν, καὶ οἱ δωδεκάδωρα κέρα

ἅλῳ μακροτένοντι ποτὶ πλατάνιστον ἔπαξαν
εὐρεῖαν, νομίῳ καλὸν ἄγαλμα θεῷ.

— Paton edition

Glaucon and Corydon, who keep their cattle on the hills, Arcadians both, drawing back its neck slaughtered for Cyllenian Pan, the mountain-lover, a horned steer, and fixed by a long nail to the goodly plane-tree its horns, twelve palms long, a fair ornament for the pastoral god.

— Paton edition



Douze palmes équivalent environ à trois pieds, soit un peu moins de 90cm. Il s'agit sans doute de la longueur de chaque corne. -P. Waltz


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Last modifications

Epigram 6.96: Addition of Comment (PK 773) by “maximeguénette

Epigram 6.96: Association of Validé par Maxime (155) by “maximeguénette

Epigram 6.96: Association of mont Cyllène by “maximeguénette

Epigram 6.96: Association of Arcadi (1395) by “maximeguénette

Epigram 6.96: Association of Pan (492) by “maximeguénette

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